Latest headlines for you from BBC News.
Teresa May's been meeting her ministers trying to win their support for the draft agreement on Brexit finalized in London and Brussels.
特蕾莎·梅正在与内阁大臣会面 试图赢得他们对在伦敦和布鲁塞尔完成的脱欧协议草案的支持
The full cabinet meets on Wednesday but some senior politicians have already said the deal appears deeply unsatisfactory.
所有内阁成员于周三会面 但某些高级政治家早已表明该协议远不尽如人意
It's far from certain the government can pull together enough votes to get it through Parliament.
Hundreds are still missing amid the worst wildfires in the history of California.
50 are confirmed dead.
The biggest blazes may not be contained before the end of the month.
The lawyer representing the Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman at his trial in New York has claimed his client is a scapegoat.
He claims the real leaders of the cartel are still living openly in Mexico and have bribed the current and previous Mexican presidents.
他表示该贩毒集团真正的领导人依然在墨西哥逍遥法外 并且贿赂了墨西哥现任及前任总统
They have both rejected the allegations.