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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第26课(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Scientists at the National Cancer Institute said they have found a new method for treating cancers of the lung, liver and colon in test animals.
  • 美国国家癌症研究所的科学家表示,他们发现了一种新方法,可以治疗试验动物肺癌、肝癌和结肠癌。
  • The scientists report the method cured cancer of the liver and colon in mice. NPR's Lori Garrett has details.
  • 这些科学家称,这种方法可以治疗小鼠身上的肝癌和结肠癌。下面请听我台记者洛里·加勒特发回的详细报道。
  • Doctor Steven Rosenberg has done it again.
  • 史蒂文·罗森伯格医生再次进行了尝试。
  • Last year, Rosenberg stunned the medical community with word
  • 去年,罗森伯格震惊了整个医学界,
  • he had successfully treated some human cancer patients with a revolutionary type of therapy.
  • 因为他说自己已经成功治疗了一些患有癌症的病人,而使用的是一种颠覆性的疗法。
  • But some of the patients suffered serious side effects from the treatment. One died as a result.
  • 但一些病人也饱受治疗手段的副作用之苦,其中一位病人还因此而死亡。
  • So Rosenberg has been busy working on improvements.
  • 所以罗森伯格一直在忙着做改进工作。
  • Today, in Science magazine, Rosenberg reports studies in mice show he may have found the right treatment.
  • 今天,据《科学》杂志报道,罗森伯格称,对小鼠的研究表明自己可能已经发现了正确的疗法。
  • Rosenberg is working on ways to trick the body's immune system into successfully attacking tumor cells.
  • 罗森伯格正在研究如何让人体的免疫系统成功攻击肿瘤细胞。
  • The immune system is complicated. Any successful attack on cancer cells involves a vast army of special immune chemicals and cells.
  • 免疫系统很复杂。要想成功攻击癌症细胞,需要大批特殊的免疫物质和细胞参与其中。
  • A key chemical is Interleukin-2. It stimulates cells of the immune system to do their jobs and kill enemy targets such as cancer cells.
  • 其中一个关键性的物质是白细胞介素-2,它可以免疫系统的细胞各尽其职,杀死癌细胞等敌对目标。
  • Interleukin-2 is now readily available, cheaply manufactured because it can be made through genetic engineering techniques.
  • 白细胞介素-2现在很常见了,而且制作成本很低,因为它可以通过基因工程技术来制造。
  • Rosenberg and his colleagues initially tried to grow human white blood cells in the laboratory in dishes full of Interleukin-2.
  • 罗森伯格及其同事最开始尝试在满是白细胞介素-2的容器中植入人体白细胞。
  • The idea was to stimulate those white blood cells, make them good fighters,
  • 这样做的初衷是为了刺激这些白细胞,让他们成为顽强的战士,
  • and then inject them back into the cancer patients where they would tackle the enemy tumor cells.
  • 然后将他们注入回癌症患者身上,这样他们就能攻击敌方的肿瘤细胞了。
  • It worked, but the doses of Interleukin-2 that were required were toxic, even deadly.
  • 这种方法奏效了,但所需白细胞介素-2的剂量抬太高,会产生毒性,甚至引发死亡。
  • Now, Rosenberg is trying something new on mice.
  • 现在,罗森伯格正在对小鼠尝试新疗法。
  • Instead of withdrawing white blood cells and treating them in the laboratory, Rosenberg removes pieces of the actual tumors.
  • 他并没有提取出白细胞,并在实验室里对其进行治疗,相反,罗森伯格提取了部分肿瘤组织。
  • He then grows those tumor cells in the lab in dishes full of Interleukin-2.
  • 然后,罗森伯格将这些肿瘤细胞种植在满是白细胞介素-2的容器中。
  • In a few days, the tumor cells die, leaving only a handful of lymphocytes.
  • 几天内,肿瘤细胞就死了,只留下一些淋巴球。
  • These are cells that were attached to the tumors, but were previously unable to kill them.
  • 淋巴球是附着于肿瘤细胞的细胞,但之前却并没有能力杀死肿瘤细胞。
  • Now, activated by their incubation with Interleukin-2, these lymphocytes are ready to fight.
  • 现在,在白细胞介素-2的帮助下,他们通过潜伏赢取了作战的筹码。
  • Rosenberg injects these specially primed lymphocytes into the mice.
  • 罗森伯格将这种经过特殊处理的淋巴球注入到小鼠体内。
  • He also injects more Interleukin-2, but in small enough doses that no side effects are noticed. And he injects one more thing:
  • 他还注入了更多的白细胞介素-2,但新增的剂量很小,不会引起明显的负面效应,他还注入了另一个东西:
  • a chemical that suppresses the rest of the immune system so that nothing will interfere with the work of the primed killer cells.
  • 一种可以抑制免疫系统休息的物质,这样的话,经过特殊处理的杀手细胞就不会受到干预了。
  • The results are nothing short of astonishing.
  • 实验结果令人震惊。
  • Now remember this is mice, but for all mice with advanced cancers of the colon, this treatment eliminated 100% of the tumors.
  • 实验对象虽然是小鼠,但所有患有重度结肠癌的小鼠,其肿瘤的治愈率都是100%。
  • Half of the mice with lung cancer were cured. All of the mice with cancer of the liver were cured.
  • 一半患有肺癌的小鼠得到了治愈。所有患有肝癌的小鼠得到了治愈。
  • Now, Rosenberg's laboratory is growing similar killer cells for human beings,
  • 现在,罗森伯格实验室正在为人类种植类似的杀手细胞,
  • and the National Cancer Institute plans to begin human experimental treatment soon.
  • 美国国家癌症研究所计划不久后对人类进行治疗。
  • Although this study appears quite hopeful, it must be remembered that this work so far only involves mice.
  • 虽然这项研究看起来很有希望,但一定要记住,这项工作目前为止还仅对小鼠奏效。
  • Whether results will be as dramatic in human beings remains to be seen. I'm Gorrett reporting.
  • 对人类是否奏效还有待观察,感谢收听格雷特为您发回的报道。


Scientists at the National Cancer Institute said they have found a new method for treating cancers of the lung, liver and colon in test animals.

The scientists report the method cured cancer of the liver and colon in mice. NPR's Lori Garrett has details.
Doctor Steven Rosenberg has done it again.
Last year, Rosenberg stunned the medical community with word
he had successfully treated some human cancer patients with a revolutionary type of therapy.
But some of the patients suffered serious side effects from the treatment. One died as a result.
So Rosenberg has been busy working on improvements.
Today, in Science magazine, Rosenberg reports studies in mice show he may have found the right treatment.
Rosenberg is working on ways to trick the body's immune system into successfully attacking tumor cells.
The immune system is complicated. Any successful attack on cancer cells involves a vast army of special immune chemicals and cells.
A key chemical is Interleukin-2. It stimulates cells of the immune system to do their jobs and kill enemy targets such as cancer cells.
Interleukin-2 is now readily available, cheaply manufactured because it can be made through genetic engineering techniques.


Rosenberg and his colleagues initially tried to grow human white blood cells in the laboratory in dishes full of Interleukin-2.

The idea was to stimulate those white blood cells, make them good fighters,
and then inject them back into the cancer patients where they would tackle the enemy tumor cells.
It worked, but the doses of Interleukin-2 that were required were toxic, even deadly.
Now, Rosenberg is trying something new on mice.
Instead of withdrawing white blood cells and treating them in the laboratory, Rosenberg removes pieces of the actual tumors.
He then grows those tumor cells in the lab in dishes full of Interleukin-2.
In a few days, the tumor cells die, leaving only a handful of lymphocytes.
These are cells that were attached to the tumors, but were previously unable to kill them.
Now, activated by their incubation with Interleukin-2, these lymphocytes are ready to fight.
Rosenberg injects these specially primed lymphocytes into the mice.
He also injects more Interleukin-2, but in small enough doses that no side effects are noticed. And he injects one more thing:
a chemical that suppresses the rest of the immune system so that nothing will interfere with the work of the primed killer cells.
The results are nothing short of astonishing.
Now remember this is mice, but for all mice with advanced cancers of the colon, this treatment eliminated 100% of the tumors.
Half of the mice with lung cancer were cured. All of the mice with cancer of the liver were cured.
Now, Rosenberg's laboratory is growing similar killer cells for human beings,
and the National Cancer Institute plans to begin human experimental treatment soon.
Although this study appears quite hopeful, it must be remembered that this work so far only involves mice.
Whether results will be as dramatic in human beings remains to be seen. I'm Gorrett reporting.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

initially [i'niʃəli]


adv. 最初,开头

stimulate ['stimjuleit]


vt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞
vi. 起刺激作用

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

experimental [iks.peri'mentl]


adj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的

revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri]


adj. 革命的
n. 革命者

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

inject [in'dʒekt]


v. 注射

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质





