The Superpower leaders left Iceland this weekend without moving their nations noticeably closer to peace.
But at the same time another interaction between Americans and Soviet citizens was just getting started in the USSR.
It is a meeting of Northern people, an Arctic attempt at understanding.
From Anchorage, reporter Joanna Urick has more on the Alaska Performing Arts for Peace.
Before Leaving for the Soviet Union, sixty Alaskans from throughout the state gathered in a log cabin on a lake outside of Anchorage to rehearse.
"I see people from Moscow. I see people from Leningrad."
As John Pingyer, a Upic Eskimo reads his lines, he's thinking about an ancient Upic ceremony called "the Bladder Festival,"
in which people from different villages gather together.
At the end of the week-long rituals they take the bladders from seals their hunters have taken during the past year and inflate them so they'll float.
Then they return the seal bladders to the ocean. "There's a lot of symbolism behind the ceremony.
And one of the strongest symbolism that we're using in this Bladder Festival is....togetherness of people,
as one part of one big village or a community, and then we use it to portray the closeness of people, which is the peace."
The Bladder Festival forms the dramatic framework for a show involving more than sixty people from Alaska.
The Alaska Performing Arts for Peace will take their show through a succession of cities,
towns and villages in the Soviet Union, culminating in the reunification of Siberian Upic Eskimos,
people who have lived along the coast of the Bering Sea, until the Cold War moving freely back and forth between the continents.
At times, they can see one another hunting on the ice,

but actual contact has been forbidden since the coming of military installations following World War II.
The Alaska villages of Wonga on St. Lawrence Island is actually closer to Siberia than to the US mainland.
Seventy-year-old Aura Gologrogin, who accompanies the Wonga comedy players on the tour,
remembers the last time she visited friends and relatives on the Siberian coast.
She's looking forward to meeting them again.
"Yeh, it is like a big family reunion. I was thinking if I could meet some of the people that I know long time ago,
since I have been there when I was younger.
In 1940 I go over and stay there for nine days and they were so nice people. And I want to meet them again."
This tour is not just an Eskimo reunion. Along with some thirty Eskimos are chorus, cloggers, fiddlers and black gospel singers.
"Each culture has something unique to offer, and that's what we have here.
Each culture has something unique to offer, and that uniqueness will be pulled together as one.
And that one body is what we are sharing with the Soviet Union."
Shirley Staten is one of five gospel singers from Anchorage looking forward to another reunion with the small group of Russians,
descendants of Black Americans who emigrated to Moscow during the Depression.
"And we're going to sit around and sing gospel music, and I am just....I mean that's the highlight of the trip."
"We are going to sing in chorus. Then we can start together in Russian. It seems like that's the way it's going to work."
Organizer Digby Belger says it's taken two difficult years to make the tour of the Alaska Performing Artists for Peace a reality.
And in that time, there have been dramatic ups and downs in US-Soviet relations.
"In some way, this might be a nice time to go.
And you know, if.....I really feel that the more tension between us, the more that we really need to communicate.
And people to people exchange is a very good way to do that."
The Alaska Performing Artists for Peace's month-long tour
will take them from Moscow in the west to the Chukchi Peninsula in the east coast of Siberia.
They'll return to the United States November 2nd. In Anchorage, this is Joanna Urich.