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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第25课(3)

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  • Goblins, ghosts, princes and princesses.
  • 精灵、鬼怪、王子、公主。
  • This is the way many people and dressing this Halloween.
  • 万圣节那天,很多人都会装扮成这些形象。
  • But in some places, Halloween revellers are decked out more aggressively, arming themselves with what pass for the guns of modern warfare.
  • 但在某些地方,庆祝万圣节的人会以更大胆的方式装扮自己,以现代战争中的特点来装扮自己。
  • More from NPR's Frank Browning.
  • 下面请听国家公共电台弗兰克·勃朗宁发回的报道。
  • Just outside Baltimore on Harford Road, there's a gun shop that's doing a booming business this Halloween.
  • 就在巴尔的摩之外的哈弗德街上,有一家枪支售卖店,这家店就在万圣节期间生意火爆。
  • They've got uzzies, M-16, Hompson submashine guns, all made from plastic.
  • 他们有uzzies、M-16、无壳弹冲锋枪,这些都是用塑料做的。
  • Replicas, which police say, are so accurately crafted that on a dark night they easily pass for the real thing.
  • 警方称,这些纺织品制作精良,所以晚上的时候可以以假乱真。
  • Patrick Lauchlin, who works at the shop and also sells real guns says they've been hot items for tonight's festivities.
  • 这家店也卖真枪,店员帕特里克表示,这些假枪都是今晚的热卖产品。
  • "This year, assault rifles, in the Rambo mode, like, especially the M-16 Colt, you know,
  • 今年,类似于蓝博里的冲锋枪,比如M-16,当然了,
  • and of course the Thompson's a classic for the Bonnie and Clyde, in, you know, twenties era,
  • 还有《雌雄大盗》里汤普森的经典款,就是那种20年代的主打款都是热卖款。
  • and I just rented three of the western rigs with the western type of single action army Colt revolver for a car dealer
  • 而且我刚刚给一个汽车商租了3把西式的柯尔特式单动左轮手枪,
  • who's dressing his people up for a sales promotion."
  • 这个汽车商准备给员工做促销活动做准备。
  • One especially favored replica is of a Walther P-3 that Pat Lauchlin wears in his holster.
  • 其中一个备受喜爱的版本是瓦尔特P-3,这是保特佩戴的款式。
  • Lauchlin says he's had relatively few children asking for them for trick-or-treating,
  • 保特说,有一些孩子确实想做万圣节的标配游戏,
  • though there was one, but he doesn't think it's a good idea for ten-year-olds to carry replica weapons that look as real as these.
  • 但他觉得让十几岁的孩子玩儿不是真枪却胜似真枪的假枪,不是什么好事儿。
  • "They are totally realistic looking.
  • 这些假枪看起来太逼真了。
  • They basically function and disassemble like a real gun world.
  • 它们给人的感觉跟现实世界里的真枪一模一样。
  • But they're made primarily out of pop metal and some plastic, and cannot be made to fire in any way."
  • 但假枪主要是用流行金属和塑料做的,是开不了枪的。
  • But even though these guns are fake, they're not cheap.
  • 但即便是假枪,价格也不低。
  • P-38 Walthers with gun powder caps start at $ 79, and the Thompsons run some 250.
  • P-38的瓦尔特枪连着火药一起买的话,起步价可能就要79美元,而汤普森的将近250美元左右。
  • Beyond Baltimore, though, the gun replicas have also been hot sellers in many fancy adult toy stores, notably for the Sharper Image chain.
  • 除了巴尔的摩之外,假枪还成了成人玩具店的新宠,其中比较著名的有尖端印象。
  • Lisa Bouche is spokesperson for Sharper Image at its San Francisco headquarters.
  • 丽萨·布赫是尖端印象在旧金山总部的发言人。
  • "We, of course, see a surge in a lot of sales around this time of year with the holidays coming up,
  • 当然了,我们注意到今年这个时候,随着各种节日的来临,
  • and I would imagine a lot of people probably.
  • 假枪大卖,我觉得很多人都很有可能。
  • Even though they are in the high end in price, our customer generally does have quite a bit of money to spend.
  • 即便是高端产品,价格昂贵,顾客还是不差钱。
  • So I could definitely foresee them buying it for that purpose."
  • 所以我可以预见到顾客会出于这种目的去购买假枪。
  • Lest anyone misperceive, who it is that is looking for the guns.
  • 说白了,什么样的人会买这样的枪呢?
  • Bouche is quick to note that the average income of the store's shoppers is 91,000 dollars.
  • 布赫很快就注意到,这种假枪店的顾客,平均工资都在9.1万美元左右。
  • This is Frank Browning in Washington.
  • 感谢收听弗兰克·勃朗宁为您从华盛顿发回的报道。
  • In world War II, Many Air Force pilots would convince that mechanical and electronic problems were caused by gremlin
  • 二战期间,很多空军飞行员坚信,很多机械问题和电子问题都是由格莱姆林引起的。
  • According to Mike Waters, gremlins are small creatures rarely noticed by humans anymore.
  • 迈克·沃特斯表示,格莱姆林是人类无法察觉到的小生物。
  • But he says they are still among us.
  • 但他认为,这种生物就在我们周围。
  • Gremlins, like almost all creatures, like to have recognition.
  • 格莱姆林像大多数生物一样,希望得到认可。
  • There was a time when the mischievous works of gremlins were almost legend.
  • 曾几何时,格莱姆林的恶作剧成了传奇一样的故事。
  • But now people talk about bugs in the equipment. It's not bugs. It's the gremlin.
  • 但现在说到设备里的漏洞,会说这不是漏洞,而是格莱姆林。
  • There is one night, one night every year, when some gremlins are acknowledged, and that night is Halloween.
  • 每年总会有一天晚上,会有人感受到格莱姆林,这一天就是万圣节那天。
  • I know a gremlin who, on Halloween night, goes skipping down a street until it sees a lighted porch.
  • 我知道有一个格莱姆林,它在万圣节的晚上蹦蹦跳跳地走在街上,然后看到了发着光的门廊。
  • It will climb the stairs, reach up, pass the doorbell, and wait for the lady of the house to come who invariably will say something like,
  • 格莱姆林会爬上台阶,往上触碰门铃,等待房子的女主人来开门。不出意外,女主会说类似这样的话,
  • "You're a little gremlin, aren't you?" The gremlin will nod. And she will say, "Would you like some trffy?"
  • “你是格莱姆林,对吧?”格莱姆林就会点头。接着,女主人会说,“要来点什么吗?”
  • And the gremlin would say, "No." "You have a deep voice."
  • 格莱姆林会说,“不用了。”“你的声音好深沉啊。”
  • The gremlin would nod. "What's your name, child?" "Inkey." "Do you live in this neighborhood, child?"
  • 格莱姆林会点头表示赞同。“孩子,你叫什么?”“因凯伊”“孩子,你住在这附近吗?”
  • "No." "What's your last name, child?" "Gall." "Inkey Gall. Would you like some Tootsie Rolls, Inkey Gall?"
  • “不是。”“孩子你姓什么?”“加尔。”“因凯·伊加尔,你要来点儿可可软糖吗?”
  • "No." "What would you like?" "I'd like to mess up your TV." "Is your mother out there on the sidewalk?"
  • “不用了。”“那你想来点儿什么?”“我想弄坏你的电视机。” “你的母亲在人行道上吗?”
  • "No." "John, John, would you come in here, please?" "Barbara, the TV's gone funny. I have to fix it."
  • “没有。”“约翰,约翰,你能来一下吗?”“芭芭拉,电视有问题了,我要修一下。”
  • "Inkey Gall, I think your mother wants you. I think you should go home right away."
  • “因凯·伊加尔,我想你妈妈应该想让你去找她了。”我认为你应该马上回家。
  • The gremlin smiled, or grimaced, which is the way a gremlin smile.
  • 格莱姆林笑了,准确的说是做了个鬼脸,这就是格莱姆林鬼脸。
  • And as it moved across the porch, it turned and said, "I've messed up every drop of milk in your refrigerator."
  • 然后,格莱姆林穿过走廊,转过身说,“我把你们冰箱里的牛奶弄坏了。”
  • And the woman knew that all the milk in the refrigerator was sour.
  • 女主人这就知道冰箱里的牛奶已经酸了。
  • Inkey Gall turned, bounced down the steps and skipped down the street, looking for another house, where the porch lights were lit.
  • 因凯·伊加尔转回身去,跳着走下了台阶,在街上蹦跶着寻找下一户点着灯的人家。
  • Now, there's no such thing as insurance against gremlin.
  • 现在要是遇到格莱姆林,没准会发生什么。
  • So if you answer your door on Halloween, you should know not everyone that looks like a gremlin is a child,
  • 所以如果万圣节那天给别人开门的话,大家应该知道,像格莱姆林的都是孩子,
  • and not everyone is interested in treats.
  • 但并不是每个人都喜欢被戏弄。


Goblins, ghosts, princes and princesses.

This is the way many people and dressing this Halloween.
But in some places, Halloween revellers are decked out more aggressively, arming themselves with what pass for the guns of modern warfare.
More from NPR's Frank Browning.
Just outside Baltimore on Harford Road, there's a gun shop that's doing a booming business this Halloween.
They've got uzzies, M-16, Hompson submashine guns, all made from plastic.
Replicas, which police say, are so accurately crafted that on a dark night they easily pass for the real thing.
Patrick Lauchlin, who works at the shop and also sells real guns says they've been hot items for tonight's festivities.
"This year, assault rifles, in the Rambo mode, like, especially the M-16 Colt, you know,
and of course the Thompson's a classic for the Bonnie and Clyde, in, you know, twenties era,
and I just rented three of the western rigs with the western type of single action army Colt revolver for a car dealer
who's dressing his people up for a sales promotion."
One especially favored replica is of a Walther P-3 that Pat Lauchlin wears in his holster.
Lauchlin says he's had relatively few children asking for them for trick-or-treating,
though there was one, but he doesn't think it's a good idea for ten-year-olds to carry replica weapons that look as real as these.
"They are totally realistic looking.
They basically function and disassemble like a real gun world.
But they're made primarily out of pop metal and some plastic, and cannot be made to fire in any way."
But even though these guns are fake, they're not cheap.
P-38 Walthers with gun powder caps start at $ 79, and the Thompsons run some 250.
Beyond Baltimore, though, the gun replicas have also been hot sellers in many fancy adult toy stores, notably for the Sharper Image chain.
Lisa Bouche is spokesperson for Sharper Image at its San Francisco headquarters.
"We, of course, see a surge in a lot of sales around this time of year with the holidays coming up,
and I would imagine a lot of people probably.


Even though they are in the high end in price, our customer generally does have quite a bit of money to spend.

So I could definitely foresee them buying it for that purpose."
Lest anyone misperceive, who it is that is looking for the guns.
Bouche is quick to note that the average income of the store's shoppers is 91,000 dollars.
This is Frank Browning in Washington.
In world War II, Many Air Force pilots would convince that mechanical and electronic problems were caused by gremlin
According to Mike Waters, gremlins are small creatures rarely noticed by humans anymore.
But he says they are still among us.
Gremlins, like almost all creatures, like to have recognition.
There was a time when the mischievous works of gremlins were almost legend.
But now people talk about bugs in the equipment. It's not bugs. It's the gremlin.
There is one night, one night every year, when some gremlins are acknowledged, and that night is Halloween.
I know a gremlin who, on Halloween night, goes skipping down a street until it sees a lighted porch.
It will climb the stairs, reach up, pass the doorbell, and wait for the lady of the house to come who invariably will say something like,
"You're a little gremlin, aren't you?" The gremlin will nod. And she will say, "Would you like some trffy?"
And the gremlin would say, "No." "You have a deep voice."
The gremlin would nod. "What's your name, child?" "Inkey." "Do you live in this neighborhood, child?"
"No." "What's your last name, child?" "Gall." "Inkey Gall. Would you like some Tootsie Rolls, Inkey Gall?"
"No." "What would you like?" "I'd like to mess up your TV." "Is your mother out there on the sidewalk?"
“不用了。”“那你想来点儿什么?”“我想弄坏你的电视机。” “你的母亲在人行道上吗?”
"No." "John, John, would you come in here, please?" "Barbara, the TV's gone funny. I have to fix it."
"Inkey Gall, I think your mother wants you. I think you should go home right away."
The gremlin smiled, or grimaced, which is the way a gremlin smile.
And as it moved across the porch, it turned and said, "I've messed up every drop of milk in your refrigerator."
And the woman knew that all the milk in the refrigerator was sour.
Inkey Gall turned, bounced down the steps and skipped down the street, looking for another house, where the porch lights were lit.
Now, there's no such thing as insurance against gremlin.
So if you answer your door on Halloween, you should know not everyone that looks like a gremlin is a child,
and not everyone is interested in treats.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mischievous ['mistʃivəs]


adj. 调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的

powder ['paudə]


n. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药
vt. 洒粉于,使

mode [məud]


n. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

dealer ['di:lə]


n. 商人,经销商,发牌者,毒品贩子

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

gall [gɔ:l]


n. 胆囊,胆汁,苦味,厚颜无耻 v. 烦恼,屈辱,磨伤

replica ['replikə]


n. 复制品

surge [sə:dʒ]


n. 汹涌,澎湃
v. 汹涌,涌起,暴涨

realistic [riə'listik]


adj. 现实的,现实主义的





