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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第20课(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This week in the United States, the Senate voted to reject the 200,000,000 dollars in additional aid to the Philippines.
  • 本周,美国参议院投票否决再对菲律宾援助2亿美元的提案。
  • That money was approved by the House after President Corazon Aquino delivered an emotional address to a joint session of Congress during her visit a few weeks ago.
  • 这笔援助金是经过众议院批准的,因为在此之前总统柯拉蓉·艾奎诺在几周前出访美国期间,在国会的一次集体会议上做了声情并茂的演讲。
  • In that speech, Aquino thanked those law-makers who, she said, had balanced US strategic interests and human concerns and turned US policy against Ferdinand Marcos.
  • 在这次演讲中,艾奎诺感谢议员们在美国利益与人道主义关切之间做了平衡,制定政策反对了费迪南德·马科斯。
  • However, the conflict between strategic US defense interests and the everyday human needs of Filipinos remains at the heart of US-Philippine relations.
  • 虽然如此,美国战略国防利益与菲律宾人道主义需求之间的冲突依然是美国与菲律宾关系的核心问题。
  • It was a major issue in the senate debate over increased economic aid
  • 在有关加大经济援助的参议院讨论中,这个问题成为了主要讨论点,
  • when concerns were raised about the Philippines' commitment to retaining two major US military bases.
  • 因为有人提出担心菲律宾不会保留美国的两个主要军事基地。
  • Nowhere is this conflict more tangible but in Philippine base towns themselves.
  • 这个冲突在美国军事基地所在的城镇表现的最为明显了。
  • NPR's Allen Burlow has a report:
  • 请听国家公共电台的艾伦·巴罗为您发回的报道。
  • The frightening roar and fearful symmetry of an F-4 Phantom Fighter plane racing down the runway of Subic Bay Naval Station, are quickly lost in wonder
  • 令人恐惧的F-4幽灵战斗机并排齐飞,在高速滑下苏比克湾海军基地的跑道后,很快就消失不见,让人好奇。
  • as the 23-ton Phantom arches gracefully into the blue morning sky and disappears among the clouds of the South China Sea.
  • 与此同时,23吨的幽灵战斗机优雅地飞向清晨的蓝天,消失在中国南海上空的白云之间。
  • The exact nature of today's mission is unknown.
  • 今天任务的具体性质尚不可知。
  • Perhaps it is a routine exercise, or training hours for a young pilot on one of the more than 200 daily flights from Subic Bay.
  • 或许这是一次例行演习,也可能是军事训练,是从苏比克湾起飞的200多次日常飞行中的一次。
  • It is impossible to say what thoughts occupy this pilots' mind,
  • 这些飞行员在想什么,我们无从得知,
  • whether they pertain to the endless briefings on the strategic importance of Subic Bay, to the threat of communism, to the issues of nuclear war,
  • 他们可能在想这次如何汇报苏比克湾的战略重要性、共产主义的威胁、核战问题,
  • or to the theoretical battles of superpower strategists who have him racing through the heavens away from the city of Olongapo.
  • 也可能在想超级大国军事家们之间的理论战,正是这样的理论战让他要从奥隆阿波市穿越千山万水飞到这里。
  • Olongapo, located about 50 miles northwest of Manila, is the city just outside the Subic Bay Naval Station.
  • 奥隆阿波在马尼拉西北部大约50英里的地方,就在苏比克湾海军基地外面。
  • Olongapo is where the Filipinos live and where the Americans come to play.
  • 这里是菲律宾人生活的地方,但美国人也会过来玩玩。
  • In a way, Olongapo is a microcosm of the tensions in US-Philippine relations.
  • 从某种程度上说,奥隆阿波是美菲关系剑拔弩张的一个缩影。
  • Before the Subic Bay installation was built, Olongapo was little more than a fishing village.
  • 在苏比克湾海军基地完工之前,奥隆阿波基本上就是个渔村。
  • Today, the local economy benefits from tens of millions of dollars spent there annually.
  • 如今,苏比克湾海军基地每年上千万美元的收入也提振了当地的经济。
  • At the same time, the extraordinary and pervasive influence of Subic Bay on the economy and culture of Olongapo
  • 与此同时,该基地对奥隆阿波乃至菲律宾文化和经济产生了巨大、
  • and the Philippiness as a whole has led many Filipinos to question whether the base should be allowed to stay.
  • 深入的影响,这让很多菲律宾人开始思考该基地是否应该继续存在的问题。
  • On any given day there are 10,000 Americans at Subic Bay.
  • 每天都有1万名美国人在该基地活动。
  • They deal with the big issues like nuclear war and communism.
  • 他们处理的都是些大问题,比如核战和共产主义。
  • But Philippine President Corazon Aquino must deal with more mundane matters,
  • 但菲律宾总统柯拉蓉·艾奎诺要处理更现实的问题,
  • like the economic crisis her country faces in places like Olongapo and places like Pergasa.
  • 比如菲律宾一些地方(如奥隆阿波和珀加萨)面临的经济危机。
  • Pergasa is the barrel where the city of Olongapo dumps its garbage.
  • 珀加萨就像个垃圾桶,奥隆阿波会把垃圾运到这里。
  • It is also home for the city's most destitute.
  • 这里也是这座城市穷人最多的地方。
  • While Pergasa is separated from the Subic Bay Naval Station by only a few yards,
  • 虽然珀加萨离苏比克湾海军基地只有几码远,
  • a moat of raw sewage, and a fence of barbed wire, the concerns of its residents could not be more distant.
  • 但污水沟、铁丝网和居民的担忧让这两个地方犹如万里之隔。
  • Verhilio Fransi has lived here almost 10 years.
  • 弗兰西住在这里已经近10年了。
  • He, his wife, and 8 children, occupy a one-room scrapwood shark.
  • 弗兰西一家10口挤在一个房间里。
  • they live off the dump, collecting bottles and plastic cartons.
  • 他们就住在垃圾场边上,会收集瓶子和塑料盒。
  • In one day, we get almost forty-five, fifty pesos, in one day.
  • 一天,我们能赚大概45-50比索。
  • And who does the work, you or all your children? All of us.
  • 谁来干这个活儿呢?你们俩还是孩子?我们一起干。
  • All of you together. You make forty-five pesos. In one day.
  • 所有人一起能赚45比索是吧,只需要一天。
  • And do you also find food here or not? We got...we found food, but it's canned foods.
  • 你们会在这里找吃的吗?我们会找一些罐装的食物。
  • Can you eat that food? Sometimes, but when it tastes no good, we throw it.
  • 捡到之后会吃吗?有时候会,但如果馊了,我们就会扔掉。
  • Franis says some days his children go hungry.
  • 弗兰西说,有时候孩子们也没饭吃。
  • The earnings he mentioned for his family of ten come to about 2 dollars a day. In the local dialect, Pergasa means hope.
  • 弗兰西说的每天的营生大概是2美元。在当地方言中,珀加萨代表着希望。
  • Last year, Verhilio Fransi found a solid gold bracelet in the dump. He sold it for about 10 dollars.
  • 去年,弗兰西在垃圾堆里发现了金手链。他以10美元的价格卖掉了。
  • In Pergasa, you breathe the unmistakable acrid smoke of smouldering garbage coughed up by fires that never go out.
  • 在珀加萨可以闻到强烈刺鼻的烟气,这些烟气是由燃烧的垃圾发出的。
  • In Pergasa, there are thick clouds of flies, millions of flies humming their monotonous song of decay
  • 珀加萨还有数不尽的苍蝇,这些苍蝇发着千篇一律的哼鸣声,
  • as they swarm about the mountains of garbage rising ten, fifteen, thirty feet into the air.
  • 朝着有如摩天大楼一般的垃圾堆蜂拥而去。
  • Catolino Trancy, his wife and nine children live off the dump.
  • 特朗西一家10口也住在垃圾堆附近。
  • Near the entrance to their mud-floor shack, there is a pan with eight pigs and an oil drum filled above its rim with blood-stained bones.
  • 他们住在一个小棚子里,地上都是泥巴。门口附近的平底锅里有8头猪,油桶里沾着血的骨头耸成了一座小山。
  • I asked Mr Trancy why he collected these. There is a ...that skulls and bones.
  • 我问他为什么要收集这些。有个地方回收骨头。
  • And how much money do you get for skulls and bones? About seventy-five centavos a kilo.
  • 你能卖多少钱呢?大概一公斤75分吧。
  • There is a dumpster in front of Trancy's house that says "Donated to Olongapo city by the US navy".
  • 特朗西家门前有一个垃圾大铁桶,上面写着“美国海军捐赠给奥隆阿波”。
  • Another sign bears one of the slogans of a former mayor. It reads "It's forbidden to be lazy in this city".
  • 还有一个标识上写着前市长的一个口号,这个城市不接受懒惰。
  • Some two hundred families live here in Pergasa. Chickens and dogs and rats can be seen running about.
  • 大概有200户人家住在珀加萨。这里到处可见鸡、狗和老鼠。
  • A little girl walks through the flattened cans and the bottle caps, dragging a plastic bag on a string or a sort of kite.
  • 有个小姑娘会收集扁了的易拉罐和瓶盖,用绳子或者风筝线一类的东西牵引着塑料袋。
  • She falls into the broken glass and ashes and doesn't cry.
  • 她即便摔倒在碎玻璃片和灰烬上也不会哭。
  • In the Pergasa, the houses are of wood, tin and cardboard boxes that say things like "This side up" or " Fragile".
  • 珀加萨的房子都是木头、 锡、硬纸板做的,所以房子上会写着“此面朝上”或者“易碎勿碰”等字样。
  • There's a house with a faded green "Merry Christmas" sign, another that says "God bless you".
  • 有一个房子上有已经看不太清的绿色字迹“圣诞节快乐”,还有一个房子写着“上帝保佑你”。
  • There is irony here for journalists, but there is no electricity or basic services.
  • 这里有记者见惯了的反语,却没有电力和基本服务。
  • The US navy is in Olongapo because it is one of the best naturally protected harbors in the world.
  • 美国海军选择奥隆阿波是因为这里是世界上最受自然保护的港口。
  • It is there because the Pentagon thinks Subic Bay is essential to protecting US security interests in Asia, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
  • 选择这里是因为美国国防部认为苏比克湾对于保护美国在亚洲、太平洋和印度洋的安全利益十分重要。
  • But whether the US will be allowed to remain in Olongapo will eventually be decided by Filipinos.
  • 但美国是否能留在奥隆阿波最终还要取决于菲律宾人民。
  • In a national referendum promised by President Aquino, they will be asking what kind of friend the US had been,
  • 在艾奎诺承诺的全民公投中,他们将会审视美国与菲律宾的盟友关系,
  • if the bases serve Philippines' security interests as well as very real human needs of their country,
  • 审视该基地是否满足了菲律宾的安全利益及人的需求,
  • if the income from the bases offsets the damage done to the structure of Philippine society and to Philippine sovereignty.
  • 审视通过基地获得的利润是否能够抵消给菲律宾社会结构和主权带来的伤害。
  • As this debate heats up, the United States faces a difficult task in convincing people
  • 随着讨论的白热化,美国面临着一项艰巨的任务,那就是说服菲律宾人民,
  • that its concerns extend beyond global issues of security down to the very real everyday problems faced by ordinary Filipinos.
  • 让他们相信他们关心的问题已经不只是全球性的安全问题,升级到了菲律宾民众日常问题的层面上。
  • I'm Allen Burlow reporting.
  • 感谢收听艾伦·巴罗的播报。


This week in the United States, the Senate voted to reject the 200,000,000 dollars in additional aid to the Philippines.

That money was approved by the House after President Corazon Aquino delivered an emotional address to a joint session of Congress during her visit a few weeks ago.
In that speech, Aquino thanked those law-makers who, she said, had balanced US strategic interests and human concerns and turned US policy against Ferdinand Marcos.
However, the conflict between strategic US defense interests and the everyday human needs of Filipinos remains at the heart of US-Philippine relations.
It was a major issue in the senate debate over increased economic aid
when concerns were raised about the Philippines' commitment to retaining two major US military bases.
Nowhere is this conflict more tangible but in Philippine base towns themselves.
NPR's Allen Burlow has a report:
The frightening roar and fearful symmetry of an F-4 Phantom Fighter plane racing down the runway of Subic Bay Naval Station, are quickly lost in wonder
as the 23-ton Phantom arches gracefully into the blue morning sky and disappears among the clouds of the South China Sea.
The exact nature of today's mission is unknown.
Perhaps it is a routine exercise, or training hours for a young pilot on one of the more than 200 daily flights from Subic Bay.
It is impossible to say what thoughts occupy this pilots' mind,
whether they pertain to the endless briefings on the strategic importance of Subic Bay, to the threat of communism, to the issues of nuclear war,
or to the theoretical battles of superpower strategists who have him racing through the heavens away from the city of Olongapo.
Olongapo, located about 50 miles northwest of Manila, is the city just outside the Subic Bay Naval Station.
Olongapo is where the Filipinos live and where the Americans come to play.
In a way, Olongapo is a microcosm of the tensions in US-Philippine relations.
Before the Subic Bay installation was built, Olongapo was little more than a fishing village.
Today, the local economy benefits from tens of millions of dollars spent there annually.
At the same time, the extraordinary and pervasive influence of Subic Bay on the economy and culture of Olongapo
and the Philippiness as a whole has led many Filipinos to question whether the base should be allowed to stay.
On any given day there are 10,000 Americans at Subic Bay.
They deal with the big issues like nuclear war and communism.
But Philippine President Corazon Aquino must deal with more mundane matters,
like the economic crisis her country faces in places like Olongapo and places like Pergasa.
Pergasa is the barrel where the city of Olongapo dumps its garbage.
It is also home for the city's most destitute.


While Pergasa is separated from the Subic Bay Naval Station by only a few yards,

a moat of raw sewage, and a fence of barbed wire, the concerns of its residents could not be more distant.
Verhilio Fransi has lived here almost 10 years.
He, his wife, and 8 children, occupy a one-room scrapwood shark.
they live off the dump, collecting bottles and plastic cartons.
In one day, we get almost forty-five, fifty pesos, in one day.
And who does the work, you or all your children? All of us.
All of you together. You make forty-five pesos. In one day.
And do you also find food here or not? We got...we found food, but it's canned foods.
Can you eat that food? Sometimes, but when it tastes no good, we throw it.
Franis says some days his children go hungry.
The earnings he mentioned for his family of ten come to about 2 dollars a day. In the local dialect, Pergasa means hope.
Last year, Verhilio Fransi found a solid gold bracelet in the dump. He sold it for about 10 dollars.
In Pergasa, you breathe the unmistakable acrid smoke of smouldering garbage coughed up by fires that never go out.
In Pergasa, there are thick clouds of flies, millions of flies humming their monotonous song of decay
as they swarm about the mountains of garbage rising ten, fifteen, thirty feet into the air.
Catolino Trancy, his wife and nine children live off the dump.
Near the entrance to their mud-floor shack, there is a pan with eight pigs and an oil drum filled above its rim with blood-stained bones.
I asked Mr Trancy why he collected these. There is a ...that skulls and bones.
And how much money do you get for skulls and bones? About seventy-five centavos a kilo.
There is a dumpster in front of Trancy's house that says "Donated to Olongapo city by the US navy".
Another sign bears one of the slogans of a former mayor. It reads, It's forbidden to be lazy in this city.
Some two hundred families live here in Pergasa. Chickens and dogs and rats can be seen running about.
A little girl walks through the flattened cans and the bottle caps, dragging a plastic bag on a string or a sort of kite.
She falls into the broken glass and ashes and doesn't cry.
In the Pergasa, the houses are of wood, tin and cardboard boxes that say things like "This side up" or " Fragile".
珀加萨的房子都是木头、 锡、硬纸板做的,所以房子上会写着“此面朝上”或者“易碎勿碰”等字样。
There's a house with a faded green "Merry Christmas" sign, another that says "God bless you".
There is irony here for journalists, but there is no electricity or basic services.
The US navy is in Olongapo because it is one of the best naturally protected harbors in the world.
It is there because the Pentagon thinks Subic Bay is essential to protecting US security interests in Asia, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
But whether the US will be allowed to remain in Olongapo will eventually be decided by Filipinos.
In a national referendum promised by President Aquino, they will be asking what kind of friend the US had been,
if the bases serve Philippines' security interests as well as very real human needs of their country,
if the income from the bases offsets the damage done to the structure of Philippine society and to Philippine sovereignty.
As this debate heats up, the United States faces a difficult task in convincing people
that its concerns extend beyond global issues of security down to the very real everyday problems faced by ordinary Filipinos.
I'm Allen Burlow reporting.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
drum [drʌm]


n. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物
vi. 击鼓,连续敲击

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

tin [tin]


n. 罐头,锡,听头
adj. 锡制的

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

convincing [kən'vinsiŋ]


adj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.

monotonous [mə'nɔtənəs]


adj. 单调的

theoretical [θiə'retikəl]


adj. 理论上的

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt





