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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第20课(1)

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  • The Pentagon today called on the highly publicized withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan a sham.
  • 今天,美国国防部呼吁苏联军队撤出阿富汗,苏联撤军一事已经人尽皆知。
  • Moscow announced earlier this month that it would complete the withdrawal of 6,000 men from Afghanistan by the end of October.
  • 本月初,莫斯科方面宣布其将在10月底之前从阿富汗撤出6000人。
  • NPR's Allen Burlow has the story.
  • 下面请听国家公共电台艾伦·巴洛发回的报道。
  • The head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Leonard Perutz said the Pentagon has developed clear and convincing evidence that the Soviet troop withdrawals are a deception.
  • 国防情报局局长、中将伦纳德·佩鲁茨表示,美国国防部已经有确凿证据表明,苏联所谓的撤军只是一场骗局。
  • Perutz said the Soviets deliberately inserted additional tank and rifle regiments into Afghanistan for no reason other than to withdraw them.
  • 佩鲁茨表示,苏联故意安插了额外的坦克和步枪团进入阿富汗,美其名曰撤军。
  • What the Soviets have done is to remove some unneeded units and to substitute others,
  • 而其实苏联所做的只是将不需要的兵团撤出来,用其他的加以代替。
  • so that the numbers of military useful troops in Afghanistan is basically unchanged.
  • 这样一来,苏联在阿富汗的有效军队数量基本没变。
  • Perutz said half of the Soviet units withdrawn were for air defense.
  • 佩鲁茨表示,半数苏联军队都肩负了防空的任务。
  • Since the Afghani Mujahidin rebels have no air force, Perutz said, the Soviet withdrawals have no military significance.
  • 佩鲁茨表示,鉴于阿富汗的穆斯林叛军没有空军力量,所以苏联的撤军也不会产生什么军事影响。
  • Perutz said the withdrawals were designed to enhance General Secretary Gorbachev's image at home and abroad.
  • 佩鲁茨表示,撤军之举是为了提升总书记戈尔巴乔夫在海内外的形象。
  • He said about 116,000 Soviet troops remain in Afghanistan. I'm Allen Burlow in Washington.
  • 他还表示,近11.6万支苏联军队依然留在阿富汗。这里是艾伦·巴洛从华盛顿发回的报道。
  • South African's black miners have observed a one-day strike
  • 南非的黑人矿工进行了一天的罢工,
  • to mourn the death of one hundred and seventy-seven of their co-workers killed in a fire at the Kinross gold mine last month.
  • 为177名工友的逝去哀悼。这177人死于上个月的金罗斯金矿的一场火灾中。
  • Workers in other industries also participated in the symbolic action.
  • 其他领域的工人也参加到这一标志性的罢工行动中来。
  • Nigel Rench reports from Johannesburg.
  • 下面请听奈杰尔从约翰尼斯堡发回的报道。
  • More than a quarter of a million black miners were on strike to protest their colleagues' deaths,
  • 25万多名黑人矿工为工友的逝去而罢工抗议。
  • about half the country's total of 600,000 gold and coal miners, costing the mining industry an estimated 4,000,000 dollars.
  • 这个人口数量占60万金矿工人和煤矿工人总数的近一半,导致采矿业损失400万美元。
  • The stay-away was total at the Kinross gold mine where last month's disaster occurred.
  • 上个月的灾害发生时,外出工作的工人都在金罗斯金矿。
  • Black miners stayed inside their barrack-like hostels. Reporters were barred from the mine.
  • 黑人矿工都待在他们像营房一样的宿舍里。记者禁止进入矿内。
  • In central Johnnesburg, a protest meeting was held by the Black National Union of Mineworkers which called the strike action.
  • 在约翰尼斯堡中部,号召进行罢工的全国黑人矿工联盟举行了一场抗议会。
  • A union spokesman said miners had gathered not to mourn, but to commit themselves to liberation from aparted and economic exploitation.
  • 该联盟某位发言人表示,矿工们聚集在一起不是为了哀悼,而是要追寻解放,拒绝单打独斗和经济剥削。
  • White church leader, Bayers Nordea, told the crowd,
  • 白人教会领袖拜尔斯·诺迪向人群说道,
  • The accident at Kinross need never have occurred, and the one hundred and seventy-seven men need not have died.
  • 金罗斯的事故本不必发生,那177位工友本来可以好好活着。
  • For National Public Radio, this is Nigel Rench in Johannesburg.
  • 这里是奈杰尔从约翰尼斯堡发回的国家公共电台报道。
  • The King of Saudi Arabia has removed Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani as Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister.
  • 沙特国王免除了谢赫艾哈迈德·扎基·亚马尼作为石油部长的职位。
  • Yamani had held the job for twenty-four years.
  • 此前,亚马尼已担任该职位24年。
  • Although it's been rumored for a few years that Yamain was out of favor with the King, his firing shocked the oil market.
  • 虽然过去几年间一直有传言说亚马尼已不受国王待见,但他遭到撤职一事还是轰动了石油市场。
  • Yamani's replacement, Hicham Niza, is Saudi Arabia's Planning Minister. NPR's Barbara Mantell has details.
  • 接替他的希沙姆·尼扎是沙特的计划部部长。下面请听芭芭拉·曼特尔发回的详细报道。
  • Oil traders here in New York on the mercantile exchange said they had no idea that Yamani was about to the fired,
  • 纽约商业交易所的石油交易方表示,他们不知道亚马尼要被撤职的消息,
  • but they took it as a sign that world oil prices would start to rise.
  • 但他们认为这件事是一个信号,表明世界油价将开始上扬。
  • Yamani had been leading OPEC in a price war over the past ten months.
  • 过去10个月以来,亚马尼一直领导着石油输出国家组织的一场价格战。
  • Saudi Arabia, the largest producer in the cartel, had raised its production and created an oil glut.
  • 作为卡特尔的最大石油制造国,沙特已经提高了其石油产量,并产生了石油过剩的局面。
  • That lowered the price of oil by 50%.
  • 油价因此下跌50%。
  • Analysts say Saudi Arabia's King Fahd's supposedly had enough of the price war and of Yamani.
  • 有分析师认为,沙特国王法赫德可能已经受够了价格战,也受够了亚马尼。
  • King Fahd has said that he would like to see the price of oil rise to about 18 dollars a barrel.
  • 法赫德国王曾表示自己希望看到油价上升到18美元/桶。
  • And at noon today, New York time, when Saudi Arabia's new Oil Minister called for an emergency OPEC meeting,
  • 而就在纽约时间的今天中午,这边,沙特新石油部长呼吁进行紧急石油输出国组织会议;
  • traders at the mercantile exchange frantically bid up oil prices.
  • 另一边,商业交易所的交易方还在疯狂地哄抬油价。
  • They were betting that King Fahd and his new Minister were going to try to set a new policy of higher prices in motion.
  • 他们赌法赫德国王及其新部长会试图制定高油价的新政策。
  • I'm Barbara Mantell in New York.
  • 这里是芭芭拉·曼特尔从纽约发回的报道。


The Pentagon today called on the highly publicized withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan a sham.

Moscow announced earlier this month that it would complete the withdrawal of 6,000 men from Afghanistan by the end of October.
NPR's Allen Burlow has the story.
The head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Leonard Perutz said the Pentagon has developed clear and convincing evidence that the Soviet troop withdrawals are a deception.
Perutz said the Soviets deliberately inserted additional tank and rifle regiments into Afghanistan for no reason other than to withdraw them.
What the Soviets have done is to remove some unneeded units and to substitute others,
so that the numbers of military useful troops in Afghanistan is basically unchanged.
Perutz said half of the Soviet units withdrawn were for air defense.
Since the Afghani Mujahidin rebels have no air force, Perutz said, the Soviet withdrawals have no military significance.
Perutz said the withdrawals were designed to enhance General Secretary Gorbachev's image at home and abroad.
He said about 116,000 Soviet troops remain in Afghanistan. I'm Allen Burlow in Washington.
South African's black miners have observed a one-day strike
to mourn the death of one hundred and seventy-seven of their co-workers killed in a fire at the Kinross gold mine last month.
Workers in other industries also participated in the symbolic action.
Nigel Rench reports from Johannesburg.
More than a quarter of a million black miners were on strike to protest their colleagues' deaths,
about half the country's total of 600,000 gold and coal miners, costing the mining industry an estimated 4,000,000 dollars.
The stay-away was total at the Kinross gold mine where last month's disaster occurred.
Black miners stayed inside their barrack-like hostels. Reporters were barred from the mine.


In central Johnnesburg, a protest meeting was held by the Black National Union of Mineworkers which called the strike action.

A union spokesman said miners had gathered not to mourn, but to commit themselves to liberation from aparted and economic exploitation.
White church leader, Bayers Nordea, told the crowd,
The accident at Kinross need never have occurred, and the one hundred and seventy-seven men need not have died.
For National Public Radio, this is Nigel Rench in Johannesburg.
The King of Saudi Arabia has removed Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani as Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister.
Yamani had held the job for twenty-four years.
Although it's been rumored for a few years that Yamain was out of favor with the King, his firing shocked the oil market.
Yamani's replacement, Hicham Niza, is Saudi Arabia's Planning Minister. NPR's Barbara Mantell has details.
Oil traders here in New York on the mercantile exchange said they had no idea that Yamani was about to the fired,
but they took it as a sign that world oil prices would start to rise.
Yamani had been leading OPEC in a price war over the past ten months.
Saudi Arabia, the largest producer in the cartel, had raised its production and created an oil glut.
That lowered the price of oil by 50%.
Analysts say Saudi Arabia's King Fahd's supposedly had enough of the price war and of Yamani.
King Fahd has said that he would like to see the price of oil rise to about 18 dollars a barrel.
And at noon today, New York time, when Saudi Arabia's new Oil Minister called for an emergency OPEC meeting,
traders at the mercantile exchange frantically bid up oil prices.
They were betting that King Fahd and his new Minister were going to try to set a new policy of higher prices in motion.
I'm Barbara Mantell in New York.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

withdrawn [wið'drɔ:n]


adj. 偏僻的,离群的,孤独的,内向的 动词withd

mercantile ['mə:kən.tail]


adj. 贸易的,商业的

mourn [mɔ:n]


v. 哀悼,忧伤,服丧

disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难

replacement [ri'pleismənt]


n. 更换,接替者

exploitation [.eksplɔi'teiʃən]


n. 开发,开采,利用

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划





