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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第21课(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Today, a panel of the nation's leading scientists and physicians issued a major review of the government's response to the AIDS epidemic.
  • 今天,美国科学界的知名专家和内科医生组成的专家组联合发布了对美国政府响应艾滋病传播的审议结果。
  • The panel was convened by the National Academy of Sciences.
  • 召集该专家组的是美国国家科学院。
  • The scientists called for massive increases in funding for AIDS research and education.
  • 该专家组呼吁加大艾滋病研究教育的资金支持力度。
  • They also urged President Reagan to lead the fight against disease. NPR's Richard Harris has the story:
  • 他们还敦促里根总统带头打击艾滋病传播。下面请听国家公共电台记者理查德·哈里斯发回的报道:
  • Six months ago, the Academy decided that AIDS was so serious a problem that they needed to review that nation's fight against the disease.
  • 半年前,国家科学院确定了艾滋病的严重性,所以他们认为需要评估国家打击艾滋病的力度。
  • They chose Nobel laureate, David Baltimore to head their panel and enlisted the cooperation of leading health researchers.
  • 他们选定诺奖获得者戴维·巴尔的摩来做专家组主席,并获得了诸多知名健康研究人员的合作。
  • The Academy has no control over the federal budget, but they have considerable prestige.
  • 国家科学院无权控制联邦预算,但他们有威望极高。
  • And they banked on that prestige today when they called for a billion dollars a year for AIDS research by 1990.
  • 而今天,他们希望凭借各自的威望来呼吁在1990年前对艾滋病研究投入十亿美元的资金。
  • That translates into a four-fold increase in funding over the next three years.
  • 也就是说,未来三年的资金是过去的四倍。
  • Today, Chairman David Baltimore said the country should spend another billion dollars a year for AIDS education.
  • 今天,主席戴维·巴尔的摩表示,国家每年应该在艾滋病宣传方面支出10亿美元。
  • We are saying that a program that is at all responsive to the needs of the situation will cost a billion dollars.
  • 我们认为,一个响应当前局势的项目应该有十亿美元。
  • And we are not specifying where that billion dollars should come from because it's made up of whole lot of little pieces,
  • 我们之所以没有指出这笔钱应该来自哪里,是因为这笔资金是由许多不同的部分组成的,
  • pieces that should be shared by local government and private industry.
  • 应该由当地政府和民营企业共同承担。
  • The panel said education efforts so far have been, as they put it, "woefully inadequate",
  • 该专家组表示,目前为止,教育方面的工作,用他们的话来说,就是“极度缺乏”。
  • inadequate because officials have spent 1/8 as much money as they should have, and inadequate, they said,
  • 之所以说缺乏是因为官员在这方面支出的经费不足十亿的1/8;
  • because health officials have been too squeamish to talk about sex or to promote the use of condoms.
  • 而且一些卫生局的官员太过拘谨,对性以及避孕套的使用只字不提。
  • Baltimore said these attitudes must change now, because the AIDS epidemic is at a critical point.
  • 巴尔的摩表示,他们现在必须转变态度了,因为艾滋病的泛滥已经到了关键性时刻。
  • The virus has now spread widely as far as we know outside of the high-risk groups.
  • 就我们了解的情况,病毒不仅局限于高危人群之中。
  • We are afraid, in fact there in perfectly good evidence, that such spread is possible,
  • 我们担心病毒会传播到高危人群之外,实际上已经有案例表明存在这种现象。
  • and are calling for people to take precautions in situations where they may not have thought they were at risk.
  • 所以我们呼吁大家在感觉染病危险的首采取预防措施。
  • Baltimore said that anyone who has sexual relations with more than one partner should take precautions against exposure to the AIDS virus.
  • 巴尔的摩表示,有至少2个性伴侣的人都应该做好艾滋病的防御措施。
  • The panel said condoms are one way to avoid infection.
  • 该专家组表示,避孕套就是预防感染的一种方法。
  • The report does not predict that AIDS will spread rapidly by heterosexual contact in the next five years,
  • 这份报告并未预测艾滋病会在未来5年内通过男女性关系进行快速传播,
  • but recurring theme in the report is that now is the time to prevent the epidemic from becoming even worse.
  • 报告中多次出现的主题是:现在是预防艾滋病传播愈演愈烈的时候了。
  • Already more than 25,000 Americans have been diagnosed with AIDS.
  • 目前已有2.5万多名美国人患有艾滋病。
  • Baltimore called on President Reagan to declare war on AIDS the way he declared war on illegal drugs.
  • 巴尔的摩呼吁里根总统以对抗非法毒品的势头向艾滋病宣战。
  • We are talking about President taking that form of leadership,
  • 我们现在谈论的是让里根总统起到带头作用。
  • and it's clear that when the President speaks out on an issue in such forceful terms, that the whole nation sees it in the different way.
  • 显然,如果总统能通过有力的言辞来提出这件事,那么整个国家都会换一个态度来看待这件事。
  • The National Academy report, like the Surgeon General's recommendations last week,
  • 这份美国国家科学院的报告跟上周卫生局局长的建议不谋而合,
  • gives the president a convenient way to take on AIDS as an issue.
  • 它们的出现可以让里根总统提高对艾滋病的重视。
  • Both reports stress that AIDS is not just a disease that can infect gay men drug abusers.
  • 这两份报告都强调的一点是:艾滋病并不会传染吸毒的男同性恋。
  • They say now AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that can affect anyone.
  • 两份报告都指出:如今,艾滋病是在两性间传播的疾病,可以感染任何人。
  • In Washington this is Richard Harris.
  • 感谢收听理查德·哈里斯为您从华盛顿发回的报道。


Today, a panel of the nation's leading scientists and physicians issued a major review of the government's response to the AIDS epidemic.

The panel was convened by the National Academy of Sciences.
The scientists called for massive increases in funding for AIDS research and education.
They also urged President Reagan to lead the fight against disease. NPR's Richard Harris has the story:
Six months ago, the Academy decided that AIDS was so serious a problem that they needed to review that nation's fight against the disease.
They chose Nobel laureate, David Baltimore to head their panel and enlisted the cooperation of leading health researchers.
The Academy has no control over the federal budget, but they have considerable prestige.
And they banked on that prestige today when they called for a billion dollars a year for AIDS research by 1990.
That translates into a four-fold increase in funding over the next three years.
Today, Chairman David Baltimore said the country should spend another billion dollars a year for AIDS education.
We are saying that a program that is at all responsive to the needs of the situation will cost a billion dollars.
And we are not specifying where that billion dollars should come from because it's made up of whole lot of little pieces,
pieces that should be shared by local government and private industry.


The panel said education efforts so far have been, as they put it, "woefully inadequate",

inadequate because officials have spent 1/8 as much money as they should have, and inadequate, they said,
because health officials have been too squeamish to talk about sex or to promote the use of condoms.
Baltimore said these attitudes must change now, because the AIDS epidemic is at a critical point.
The virus has now spread widely as far as we know outside of the high-risk groups.
We are afraid, in fact there in perfectly good evidence, that such spread is possible,
and are calling for people to take precautions in situations where they may not have thought they were at risk.
Baltimore said that anyone who has sexual relations with more than one partner should take precautions against exposure to the AIDS virus.
The panel said condoms are one way to avoid infection.
The report does not predict that AIDS will spread rapidly by heterosexual contact in the next five years,
but recurring theme in the report is that now is the time to prevent the epidemic from becoming even worse.
Already more than 25,000 Americans have been diagnosed with AIDS.
Baltimore called on President Reagan to declare war on AIDS the way he declared war on illegal drugs.
We are talking about President taking that form of leadership,
and it's clear that when the President speaks out on an issue in such forceful terms, that the whole nation sees it in the different way.
The National Academy report, like the Surgeon General's recommendations last week,
gives the president a convenient way to take on AIDS as an issue.
Both reports stress that AIDS is not just a disease that can infect gay men drug abusers.
They say now AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that can affect anyone.
In Washington this is Richard Harris.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

prestige [pres'ti:ʒ]


n. 威望,声望

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

considerable [kən'sidərəbl]


adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的

exposure [iks'pəuʒə]


n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

cooperation [kəu.ɔpə'reiʃən]


n. 合作,协作

inadequate [in'ædikwit]


adj. 不充分的,不适当的

surgeon ['sə:dʒən]


n. 外科医生

infection [in'fekʃən]


n. 传染,影响,传染病





