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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第16课(1)

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  • President Reagan announced today that he and Soviet leader Gorbachev will meet in Iceland October 11th and 12th to prepare for a summit between the two leaders in the United States later this year.
  • 里根总统今日宣布,他和苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫将于10月11日,12日两日在冰岛会面,为今年晚些时候在美国举行的领导人峰会做准备。
  • The announcement came after the release yesterday from Moscow of American reporter Nicholas Daniloff
  • 这项声明在昨日美国记者尼古拉斯·丹尼洛夫获莫斯科方面释放,
  • and a court appearance in New York this morning by accused Soviet spy Gennadi Zakharov,
  • 以及苏联间谍根纳迪·扎哈洛夫今早在纽约出庭受审后发出。
  • who pleaded no contest to espionage charges and was told to leave the United States within twenty-four hours.
  • 根纳迪·扎哈洛夫并未对间谍指控进行抗辩,他被告知须在二十四小时内离开美国。
  • Zakharov is now on his way back to the Soviet Union and Daniloff has arrived back in the United States.
  • 扎哈洛夫现在正在返苏途中,丹尼洛夫已经回到美国。
  • The movement of Daniloff and Zakharov and plans for the meeting in Iceland were also announced today in Moscow.
  • 丹尼洛夫和扎哈洛夫的情况以及冰岛会晤计划今天也在莫斯科宣布。
  • The BBC's Peter Ruff reports.
  • BBC记者彼得·鲁夫报道。
  • "The announcement makes it clear that this was at Mr.Gorbachev's invitation,
  • “此项声明清楚表明,戈尔巴乔夫在发出邀请,
  • and it's also pointed out that this is simply a preparatory meeting to a possible summit.
  • 同时也指出,这只是一次可能峰会的预备会议。
  • It's pointed out here that it will enable the Soviet Union to focus on arms issues, particularly the Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars program,
  • 这里指出,它将使苏联能够专注于军备问题,特别是SDI,或星球大战计划。
  • President Reagan's refusal to join a test moratorium, and a possible arms deal involving medium-range missiles in Europe.
  • 里根总统拒绝暂停试验,并加入可能的欧洲军火交易,其中包括中程导弹交易。
  • In a separate announcement, the official news agency Tass
  • 在一份单独的声明中,官方新闻机构塔斯社透露,
  • revealed that Gennadi Zakharov had, as they put it, been released from custody and was returning home.
  • 根纳迪·扎哈洛夫,正如他们所说,已从拘留所释放出来,正在回家途中。
  • It made no mention of the fact that he'd pleaded no contest in a court in New York.
  • 声明没有提及他在纽约法庭未对间谍指控进行抗辩的事实。
  • Then came the first official confirmation from the Soviet Union that the American reporter Nicholas Daniloff had been expelled.
  • 随后,苏联发出第一份官方声明,证实美国记者尼古拉斯·丹尼洛夫已被驱逐出境。
  • The news item did not refer to him as a spy but as someone who'd been engaged in inadmissible activity."
  • 这条新闻并未声称他是间谍,而是声称他从事了不可接受的活动。”
  • BBC correspondent Peter Ruff in Moscow.
  • BBC记者彼得·鲁夫,莫斯科报道。
  • There was no mention in the Soviet press today that prominent Soviet dissident Yuri Orlov and his wife will be allowed to leave for the United stares by October 7th.
  • 今天苏联新闻界并没有提到,苏联将允许著名不同政见者尤里·奥洛夫及其妻子在10月7日以前,离苏赴美。
  • Secretary of State Shultz made that announcement in Washington saying Orlov was the driving force behind the Helsinki Monitoring Group of Civil Rights Activists.
  • 国务卿舒尔茨在华盛顿发表声明称,奥洛夫是赫尔辛基民权活动家监督小组的幕后推手。
  • In 1978, Orlov was sentenced to seven years in a prison camp to be followed by five more years in internal exile.
  • 1978年,奥洛夫被判处7年监禁,随后又遭国内流放,时长超过5年。
  • Shultz said Orlov's release was in exchange for that of Zakharov and had nothing to do with Daniloff's freedom.
  • 舒尔茨说释放奥洛夫是为了交换扎哈洛夫,与丹尼洛夫的自由无关。


President Reagan announced today that he and Soviet leader Gorbachev will meet in Iceland October 11th and 12th to prepare for a summit between the two leaders in the United States later this year.

The announcement came after the release yesterday from Moscow of American reporter Nicholas Daniloff and a court appearance in New York this morning by accused Soviet spy Gennadi Zakharov,
who pleaded no contest to espionage charges and was told to leave the United States within twenty-four hours.
Zakharov is now on his way back to the Soviet Union and Daniloff has arrived back in the United States.
The movement of Daniloff and Zakharov and plans for the meeting in Iceland were also announced today in Moscow.
The BBC's Peter Ruff reports.
"The announcement makes it clear that this was at Mr.Gorbachev's invitation ,and it's also pointed out that this is simply a preparatory meeting to a possible summit.


It's pointed out here that it will enable the Soviet Union to focus on arms issues, particularly the Strategic Defense Initiative, or Star Wars program,

President Reagan's refusal to join a test moratorium, and a possible arms deal involving medium-range missiles in Europe.
In a separate announcement, the official news agency Tass revealed that Gennadi Zakharov had, as they put it, been released from custody and was returning home.
It made no mention of the fact that he'd pleaded no contest in a court in New York.
Then came the first official confirmation from the Soviet Union that the American reporter Nicholas Daniloff had been expelled.
The news item did not refer to him as a spy but as someone who'd been engaged in inadmissible activity."
BBC correspondent Peter Ruff in Moscow.
There was no mention in the Soviet press today that prominent Soviet dissident Yuri Orlov and his wife will be allowed to leave for the United stares by October 7th.
Secretary of State Shultz made that announcement in Washington saying Orlov was the driving force behind the Helsinki Monitoring Group of Civil Rights Activists.
In 1978, Orlov was sentenced to seven years in a prison camp to be followed by five more years in internal exile.
Shultz said Orlov's release was in exchange for that of Zakharov and had nothing to do with Daniloff's freedom.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
moratorium [.mɔrə'tɔ:riəm]


n. 延期偿付,延期偿付期间

correspondent [.kɔri'spɔndənt]


n. 通讯记者,通信者
adj. 与 ...

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

initiative [i'niʃətiv]


adj. 创始的,初步的,自发的
n. 第一步

espionage [.espiə'nɑ:ʒ]


n. 间谍活动

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

exile ['eksail]


n. 放逐,流放,被放逐者
vt. 放逐,流放





