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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第15课(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • American journalist, Nicholas Daniloff, returned to the United Stated today, a free man.
  • 美国记者尼古拉斯·丹尼洛夫今天回到了美国,重获自由。
  • He walked off a plane at Dulles Airport outside Washington late this afternoon after a month's detention in the Soviet Union.
  • 今天下午,在遭苏联扣留长达一个月后,他乘机抵达首都华盛顿,从华盛顿外杜勒斯机场离开。
  • Daniloff had these words for members of his family and journalists at the airport:
  • 丹尼洛夫在机场对他的家人和记者说:
  • "There is always a silver lining in every cloud. In Russian, Nyet Kuda Bisdabra.
  • “拨云总能见日。在俄罗斯,乌云已经散去。
  • And I believe that the cloud that hung over Soviet-American affairs is dissipating.
  • 并且我相信那盘桓在美苏上方的乌云正在消散。
  • I understand that the President is going to meet with Mr Gorbachev shortly in Iceland, and this to me, is a wonderful thing.
  • 我知道,总统不久将前往冰岛与戈尔巴乔夫进行会晤,这个消息于我而言,简直是太棒了。
  • In my case, the investigation into the charges against me was concluded.
  • 关于对我的指控,相关调查已经得出结论。
  • There was no trial, and I left as and ordinary, free American citizen.
  • 我不需要接受审判,我完全是以一个自由的普通美国人身份离开的苏联。
  • In Zakharov's case, there was a trial, and he received a sentence.
  • 而扎哈罗夫需要接受审判,他接受了判决。
  • I'm sorry I don't remember the exact terms of the sentence, and he left.
  • 很遗憾对于判决的具体内容,我不记得了,但是他离开了。
  • I do not believe that these two things are in any way equivalent."
  • 这两件事完全无法相提并论。”
  • NPR's Richard Gonzalez is at Dulles Airport now.
  • NPR记者理查德·冈萨雷斯现在就在杜勒斯机场。
  • "Richard, what was the mood of Daniloff and his family when he arrived?"
  • “理查德,丹尼洛夫抵达机场时,他和他的家人心情如何?”
  • "Well, the Daniloffs enjoyed a rather emotional reunion here at Dulles Airport.
  • “丹尼洛夫抵达机场,尽享重逢的喜悦。”
  • Daniloff was cheerfully greeted by his daughter Miranda and his son, Caleb.
  • 他的儿女,凯莱布和米兰达,满心欢喜地迎接他们的父亲。
  • They celebrated his arrival with a bottle of champagne.
  • 他们还带了香槟,以示庆祝。
  • And they bought a dozen yellow roses for their father.
  • 他们还买了12朵黄玫瑰送给他们的父亲。
  • Caleb presented his father with a T-shirt that had been printed to say "Free Nick Daniloff" and now had been amended to say "Freed Nick Daniloff",
  • 凯莱布向父亲展示了之前印有“释放尼克·丹尼洛夫”字样的T恤,而现在已经改成“释放了的尼克·丹尼洛夫”,
  • which Daniloff displayed with obvious relish to the cameramen and photographers who were gathered there."
  • 而丹尼洛夫也向周围的摄影记者们展示了这件有着明显特殊意味的衣服。
  • "What seemed most on Daniloff's mind when he spoke with reporters today?"
  • “丹尼洛夫今天接受记者采访时,内心最关注什么?”
  • "Well, as you heard him say, Daniloff seemed very,very believed that his own personal honor and integrity as a journalist
  • “正如你们所听到的,丹尼洛夫看起来非常,非常坚信自己作为一名记者所具备的个人荣誉以及正直品质
  • had been preserved in the negotiations that had freed him.
  • 在谈判中得以保存,这场谈判最终促成了他的释放。
  • And he repeated once or twice that he felt that he had not been traded for Zakharov as a spy."
  • 他一再强调,自己不是间谍扎哈洛夫获释交易的筹码。”
  • "Is there any chance Daniloff who is completing a second tour as a journalist in Moscow will return to the Soviet Union?"
  • “那丹尼洛夫还会以记者身份重访苏联吗?”
  • "Well, Daniloff told us that he left the Soviet Union with his passport and just as importantly with his multiple-entry visa, 'which is still valid,' he said.
  • “丹尼洛夫告诉我们,他是持照离苏,并且具有多次往返签证,至今仍然有效。”他说。
  • And he ended his news conference by telling reporters that yesterday in Moscow, feeling that he might be leaving the Soviet Union soon,
  • 昨天,在莫斯科他召开记者招待会,临结束时,他告诉记者,自己感觉马上要离开苏联了,
  • he had placed new flowers on the grave of his great great grandfather who was buried in Moscow.
  • 因此向葬于莫斯科的曾曾祖父敬献了鲜花。
  • And he said, 'I'm hopeful that I'll be able to do that again, some time.'"
  • 然后他说:“我希望自己以后还能回来,再为他扫墓。”
  • "But who know what will happen?
  • “但谁知道以后会发生什么?
  • What else can you tell us about what the scene looked like there?"
  • 关于当时现场的其他内容,你还有何补充?”
  • "Well, I can tell you that there were throngs of reporters here too,
  • “我可以告诉你,现场记者云集,
  • some of whom wanted to greet Mr Daniloff with applause,
  • 有些记者热情鼓掌,以示问候,
  • and that it took a while for Daniloff to get their attention so that he could tell them what they wanted to hear.
  • 丹尼洛夫花了好久才让他们平静下来,以便告诉他们,他们想要了解的事情。
  • I think that the most obvious thing is that he had a lot of friends here, among the press corps, that were very happy to see him,
  • 我想最显而易见的事情莫过于他朋友众多,包括来自新闻界的,见到他全都喜出望外,
  • and I think that he really...he had a sparkle in his eye that said, 'Well, I'm finally home.'"
  • 而且我想他真的,他的眼中闪着泪花,仿佛在说:“我终于回家了。”
  • "So he seemed a lot more rested perhaps than in Frankfurt?"
  • “所以看起来他比在法兰克福的时候轻松多了?”
  • "Rested, relieved, and I'd have to say well scrubbed."
  • “放松,完全没有负担,简直可以说是焕然新生。”
  • "NPR's Richard Gonzalez talking with us from Dulles Airport."
  • “NPR记者理查德·冈萨雷斯,杜勒斯机场报道。”


American journalist, Nicholas Daniloff, returned to the United Stated today, a free man.

He walked off a plane at Dulles Airport outside Washington late this afternoon after a month's detention in the Soviet Union.
Daniloff had these words for members of his family and journalists at the airport:
"There is always a silver lining in every cloud. In Russian, Nyet Kuda Bisdabra.
And I believe that the cloud that hung over Soviet-American affairs is dissipating.
I understand that the President is going to meet with Mr Gorbachev shortly in Iceland, and this to me, is a wonderful thing.
In my case, the investigation into the charges against me was concluded.
There was no trial, and I left as and ordinary, free American citizen.
In Zakharov's case, there was a trial, and he received a sentence.
I'm sorry I don't remember the exact terms of the sentence, and he left.
I do not believe that these two things are in any way equivalent."
NPR's Richard Gonzalez is at Dulles Airport now.


"Richard, what was the mood of Daniloff and his family when he arrived?"

"Well, the Daniloffs enjoyed a rather emotional reunion here at Dulles Airport.
Daniloff was cheerfully greeted by his daughter Miranda and his son, Caleb.
They celebrated his arrival with a bottle of champagne.
And they bought a dozen yellow roses for their father.
Caleb presented his father with a T-shirt that had been printed to say "Free Nick Daniloff" and now had been amended to say "Freed Nick Daniloff",
which Daniloff displayed with obvious relish to the cameramen and photographers who were gathered there."
"What seemed most on Daniloff's mind when he spoke with reporters today?"
"Well, as you heard him say, Daniloff seemed very,
very believed that his own personal honor and integrity as a journalist had been preserved in the negotiations that had freed him.
And he repeated once or twice that he felt that he had not been traded for Zakharov as a spy."
"Is there any chance Daniloff who is completing a second tour as a journalist in Moscow will return to the Soviet Union?"
"Well, Daniloff told us that he left the Soviet Union with his passport and just as importantly with his multiple-entry visa, 'which is still valid,' he said.
And he ended his news conference by telling reporters that yesterday in Moscow, feeling that he might be leaving the Soviet Union soon,
he had placed new flowers on the grave of his great great grandfather who was buried in Moscow.
And he said, 'I'm hopeful that I'll be able to do that again, some time.'"
"But who know what will happen?
What else can you tell us about what the scene looked like there?"
"Well, I can tell you that there were throngs of reporters here too,
some of whom wanted to greet Mr Daniloff with applause,
and that it took a while for Daniloff to get their attention so that he could tell them what they wanted to hear.
I think that the most obvious thing is that he had a lot of friends here, among the press corps, that were very happy to see him,
and I think that he really...he had a sparkle in his eye that said, 'Well, I'm finally home.'"
"So he seemed a lot more rested perhaps than in Frankfurt?"
"Rested, relieved, and I'd have to say well scrubbed."
"NPR's Richard Gonzalez talking with us from Dulles Airport."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

preserved [pri'zə:vd]


adj. 保藏的;腌制的;[美俚]喝醉的

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

celebrated ['selibreitid]


adj. 著名的,声誉卓著的 动词celebrate的过

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会





