Today, Van Gordon Sauter, the President of CBS News resigned from his job.
今日,CBS总裁Van Gordon Sauter辞职。
This resignation, the latest move in a CBS shake-up, which yesterday brought the ouster of CBS Chief Executive Officer Thomas Wyman.
Van Gordon Sauter的辞职,是CBS改革的最新举措,此举在昨日导致了CBS首席执行官托马斯·怀曼的下台。
He was replaced by Laurence Tisch, the company's leading stockholder.
Also, yesterday, the 82-year-old founder of CBS, William Paley, came out of retirement to become the company's Chairman.
Writer Ken Aleter says the CBS Board probably put the changes into motion even before the Board meeting yesterday.
"There was a regularly scheduled Board dinner, and informal dinner the night before, which is normal for a Board monthly Board meeting.
And Wyman cancelled it, feeling that the Board was so polarized in the battle between Laurence Tisch and Paley on one side,
而Wyman把它取消了,感觉董事会在Laurence Tisch与Paley争锋一事上的态度两极分化。
and Thomas Wyman and some of the Board members who are supporters of his on the other.
而Thomas Wyman和一些支持托马斯的董事会成员站在另一边。
But the Board decided to meet anyway without Tisch or Paley or Wyman, and they apparently met till quite late, which would be Tuesday night.
Then at the meeting yesterday, Mr Wyman presented a budget as planned, and apparently, the Board unanimously was dissatisfied with that budget presentation.

And then it was learned that, in fact, there had been, at least I'm informed, that there were overtures made by Wyman and by others aligned with him to try and sell the company,
try and find a white night to stave off Laurence Tisch and Bill Paley."
"Last minute scrambling by Wyman?"
"Yes, and in the end, the Board asked Tisch and Paley to leave, and then they asked Wyman to leave.
So the 3 principle actors in this drama were out of the room when the Board discussed it, and I'm told, unanimously reached the judgment that it was time for a change."
"So it's not really fair to say that Laurence Tisch came rolling into that meeting and just took it over."
"Well, apparently the Board took it over.
What happened was, as of late last week, this Board was ready to support Tom Wyman.
Something happened in the last several days to turn this Board around.
And I think, in part, that something that happened was a growing sense of dissatisfaction with Wyman.
And I suspect also, a sense that the Board probably had that the continued blood-letting in the press,
would only continue if Wyman remained the helm, and they had to stop it."
"Yeah. Let me ask you for a very simplistic answer to a complicated question here.
CBS got into this sort of trouble because of problems endemic to the television industry now, or because of mismanagement of CBS?"
"Both. Clearly, same thing is happening in all the networks.
They're facing a future, at least the immediate future, no longer grow at the same rate they used to, which is 10, 12, 14 percent a year.
他们面临的未来,至少是近期,它们不会再以过去的速度增长,维持每年10%、12%、 14%的增长率。
Revenues are declining at all three networks.
Advertisers are finding other outlet for their money, more efficient outlets, cheaper outlets for their money.
There's new competition from the 4th network, from technology, from cable.
Second, there was a feeling that, Wyman, though he was a good manager on paper and had a good strong managerial background, was not a people manager.
Television is populated by a lot of famous people, who have rather large egos.
They're also rather large talents.
But in any case, those egos require some stroking.
Tom Wyman was not a stroker.
He was a go-by-the-book find of manager.
So he was a stranger, for instance, to the most important division of CBS, not the division that produces the most money,
but the one that produces the most prestige, and that's the news division."
"The CBS News people, as you mention, have been disenchanted of late, and they're probably encouraged by this move,
but specifically, what were they fussing about?
How have they been mismanaged? Can anyone say?"
"Well, I think there are probably a thousand different stories.
One story that's received a lot of prominence in the last week is Bill Moyer's story,
which is a feeling that the entertainment values at CBS have been enshrined at the expense of news values.
That, however, is probably also a little simplistic if you go back to Edward R.Morrow, the late sainted Edward R.Morrow, who's a wonderful journalist,
but who was also a journalist who sometimes enshrined entertainment values,
for instance, if you go back and look at person-to-person interviews that he did on a program called 'Person to Person",
it was a kind of a 'Gee, whiz, oh gosh, it's so nice to be invited into your home' kind of an atmosphere, and hardly hard news.
But I think Moyers' complaint suggests how polarized the situation at CBS is."
"Ken Aleter. He's the author of the book, Greed and Glory on Wall Street, talking with us in New York."