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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第14课(2)

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  • Last week the Washington Post reported that top-level officials had approved a plan to generate real and illusionary events
  • 《华盛顿邮报》上周报道称,高层官员已经批准了一项计划,通过制造真假事件,
  • to make Libya's Colonel Muammar Quddafi think the United States might once again attack.
  • 诱使利比亚穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲上校认为美国可能再次发动袭击。
  • Bernard Kalb's resignation is the first in protest of that policy.
  • 伯纳德·卡尔布通过辞职率先对该政策提出抗议。
  • A similar resignation occurred at the White House in 1983 when a deputy quit to protest misleading statements given to the press
  • 1983年,白宫发生过类似辞职事件,就在美国入侵格林纳达不久前,
  • shortly before the American invasion of Grenada.
  • 政府向媒体传播误导性言论,导致抗议事件爆发,一名副官辞职。
  • NPR's Bill Busenberg has more on today's announcement.
  • 关于今天的声明,NPR比尔·布森伯格将为您带来更加详细的报道。
  • Bernard Kalb had been a veteran diplomatic correspondent for CBS and NBC
  • 伯纳德·卡尔布曾是CBS和NBC的资深外交记者,
  • before being picked two years ago by Secretary of State George Shultz to be the Department's chief spokesman,
  • 两年前被国务卿乔治·舒尔茨提拔为该部门的首席发言人,
  • officially an Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.
  • 正式担任公共事务助理部长。
  • His brother, Marvin Kalb, is still with NBC.
  • 其兄弟马文·卡尔布现仍在NBC任职。
  • Today, Bernard Kalb surprised his former colleagues in the news media by quitting over the issue of the administration's disinformation program.
  • 今天,伯纳德·卡尔布因政府发布虚假信息一事,辞去职务,此举令其以前的媒体同事们大为震惊。
  • Kalb would not confirm that there was such a program, but he said he faced a choice of remaining silent or registering his dissent.
  • 卡尔布不会对计划的存在予以证实,但他说他面临着保持沉默还是提出异议的抉择。
  • And even though the issue appeared to be fading from the news, Kalb grappled with it privately and decided he had to act.
  • 即便这个问题会渐渐淡出新闻视野,但卡尔布仍会在私下进行跟踪,决定必须采取行动。
  • "The controversy may vanish, but when you are sitting alone, it does not go away. And so I've taken the step of stepping down."
  • “争论可能会平息,但是当你独自一人坐下,它却仍在耳畔,所以我已经辞职。”
  • The State Department has reportedly been involved in the disinformation issue,
  • 据报道,国务院对虚假信息一事也有参与,
  • but Kalb said his guidelines have always been not to lie or mislead the press, and he has not done so.
  • 但卡尔布说,他的指导方针一直都不是谎言或误导媒体,他没有这样做。
  • Kalb went out of his way today to praise Secretary Shultz,
  • 今日,卡尔布对国务卿舒尔茨大加赞赏,
  • a man, he said, of such overwhelming integrity that he allows other people to have their own integrity.
  • 他说,这是一位具有如此压倒性力量的正直男人,以至于他人也不由得因他正直了起来。
  • "In taking this action, I want to emphasize that I am not dissenting from secretary Shultz,
  • “在采取这一行动时,我想强调,我并没有对国务卿舒尔茨提出异议,
  • a man of credibility, rather I am dissenting from the reported disinformation program."
  • 他是一个有信誉的人,相反,让我提出异议的是报道中的虚假信息事件。”
  • Kalb's comments suggested Shultz perhaps did not go along with the disinformation program,
  • 卡尔布的评论表明舒尔茨可能并没有卷入虚假信息事件,
  • but in public, the Secretary of State has defended the administration's policies against Libya,
  • 但在公开场合,国务卿仍在为政府对利比亚的政策进行辩护,
  • saying in New York last week: "I don't have any problems with the little psychological warfare against Quddafi."
  • 上周他在纽约说:“我对与卡扎菲的小型心理战没有任何问题。”
  • He also quoted Winston Churchill as saying, "In time of war truth is so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies."
  • 他还援引温斯顿·丘吉尔的话说:“在战争时期,真相如此珍贵,它必须有一个谎言作为保镖。”
  • Shultz was asked about the disinformation effort last Sunday on ABC.
  • 有人向舒尔茨问及,上周日ABC的虚假信息事件。
  • "I don't lie. I've never taken part in any meeting in which it was proposed that we go out and lie to the news media for some effect.
  • “我不撒谎,我从来没有参加过任何建议我们出去撒谎,并向媒体撒谎,以取得一些效果的会议。
  • And if somebody did that, he was doing it against policy.
  • 如果有人这样做了,那么他违背了政策。
  • Now having said that, one of the results of our action against Libya, from all the intelligence we've received,
  • 现在我们已经说过,根据我们收到的情报,我们对利比亚采取行动的其中一个结果是,
  • was quite a period of disorientation on the part of Quddafi.
  • 这段时期是卡扎菲方面一段迷失的日子。
  • So, to the extent we can keep Quddafi off balance by one means or another, including the possibility that we might make another attack, I think that's good."
  • 所以,就我们通过某种方式,包括散布我们可能再次发起攻击的消息,让卡扎菲失去平衡的程度而言,我认为这很好。“
  • In a sometimes emotional session with reporters today,
  • 在今天与记者的见面会上,激动情绪时有发生,
  • Bernard Kalb said that neither he personally nor the nation as a whole can stand any policy of disinformation.
  • 伯纳德·卡尔布说,他个人与整个国家都不能承受任何虚假信息的政策。
  • "I'm concerned about the impact of any such program on the Credibility of the United States.
  • “我担心任何此类计划会对美国公信力造成影响。
  • Faith, faith in the word of America, in the pulse beat of our democracy.
  • 诚信,蕴含在美国的信仰中,跳动在民主的脉搏里。
  • Anything that hurts America's credibility hurts America.
  • 任何伤害美国信誉的东西都会伤害美国。
  • And then on a much, much lower level, there's the question of my own credibility,
  • 然后在较低的层面上,还有个人信誉问题,
  • both as a spokesman and a journalist, a spokesman for a couple of years, a journalist for more years than I want to remember.
  • 无论是作为发言人还是记者,我作了这么多年的发言人,作记者的时间更长,长得我都想不清了。
  • In fact, I sometimes privately thought of myself as a journalist masquerading as a spokesman.
  • 事实上,我有时私下认为自己是伪装成发言人的记者。
  • In any case, I do not want my own credibility to be caught up, to be subsumed in this controversy."
  • 无论如何,我不希望自己被人怀疑信誉,卷入争议。”
  • The timing of Kalb's action today is likely to add to the controversy over government deception.
  • 人们对政府诈骗行为的争议或将因为卡尔布的行动时机而倍增。
  • And it comes at an awkward moment for the Reagan Administration,
  • 而与此同时,里根政府如今也非常尴尬,
  • just days before an important pre-summit meeting with the Soviets in Iceland
  • 几天后美苏将在冰岛举行峰会前的预备会议,
  • and in the wake of official denials about a downed guerrilla resupply plane in Nicaragua.
  • 尼加拉瓜游击补给飞机被击落,美国刚刚宣布与此事无关。
  • One American was captured and others were killed in that action, but officials have said the flight was in no way connected with the US government.
  • 行动中,一名美国人被抓,令有人遇难身亡,但官员称此次飞行与美国政府毫无瓜葛。
  • Kalb said his resignation today had nothing to do with any other incident.
  • 卡尔布说,他今天的辞职与其他事件无关。
  • I'm Bill Busenberg in Washington.
  • 我是比尔布·森伯格,华盛顿报道。


Last week the Washington Post reported that top-level officials had approved a plan to generate real and illusionary events to make Libya's Colonel Muammar Quddafi think the United States might once again attack.


Bernard Kalb's resignation is the first in protest of that policy.


A similar resignation occurred at the White House in 1983 when a deputy quit to protest misleading statements given to the press shortly before the American invasion of Grenada.


NPR's Bill Busenberg has more on today's announcement.


Bernard Kalb had been a veteran diplomatic correspondent for CBS and NBC before being picked two years ago by Secretary of State George Shultz to be the Department's chief spokesman,


officially an Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.


His brother, Marvin Kalb, is still with NBC.


Today, Bernard Kalb surprised his former colleagues in the news media by quitting over the issue of the administration's disinformation program.



Kalb would not confirm that there was such a program, but he said he faced a choice of remaining silent or registering his dissent.


And even though the issue appeared to be fading from the news, Kalb grappled with it privately and decided he had to act.


"The controversy may vanish, but when you are sitting alone, it does not go away. And so I've taken the step of stepping down."


The State Department has reportedly been involved in the disinformation issue,


but Kalb said his guidelines have always been not to lie or mislead the press, and he has not done so.


Kalb went out of his way today to praise Secretary Shultz,


a man, he said, of such overwhelming integrity that he allows other people to have their own integrity.


"In taking this action, I want to emphasize that I am not dissenting from secretary Shultz,


a man of credibility, rather I am dissenting from the reported disinformation program."


Kalb's comments suggested Shultz perhaps did not go along with the disinformation program,


but in public, the Secretary of State has defended the administration's policies against Libya,


saying in New York last week: "I don't have any problems with the little psychological warfare against Quddafi."


He also quoted Winston Churchill as saying, "In time of war truth is so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies."


Shultz was asked about the disinformation effort last Sunday on ABC.


"I don't lie. I've never taken part in any meeting in which it was proposed that we go out and lie to the news media for some effect.


And if somebody did that, he was doing it against policy.


Now having said that, one of the results of our action against Libya, from all the intelligence we've received,


was quite a period of disorientation on the part of Quddafi.


So, to the extent we can keep Quddafi off balance by one means or another, including the possibility that we might make another attack, I think that's good."


In a sometimes emotional session with reporters today,


Bernard Kalb said that neither he personally nor the nation as a whole can stand any policy of disinformation.


"I'm concerned about the impact of any such program on the Credibility of the United States.


Faith, faith in the word of America, in the pulse beat of our democracy.


Anything that hurts America's credibility hurts America.


And then on a much, much lower level, there's the question of my own credibility,


both as a spokesman and a journalist, a spokesman for a couple of years, a journalist for more years than I want to remember.


In fact, I sometimes privately thought of myself as a journalist masquerading as a spokesman.


In any case, I do not want my own credibility to be caught up, to be subsumed in this controversy."


The timing of Kalb's action today is likely to add to the controversy over government deception.


And it comes at an awkward moment for the Reagan Administration,


just days before an important pre-summit meeting with the Soviets in Iceland and in the wake of official denials about a downed guerrilla resupply plane in Nicaragua.


One American was captured and others were killed in that action, but officials have said the flight was in no way connected with the US government.


Kalb said his resignation today had nothing to do with any other incident.


I'm Bill Busenberg in Washington.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
resignation [.rezig'neiʃən]


n. 辞职,辞呈,顺从

bodyguard ['bɔdi.gɑ:d]


n. 警卫员,保卫人员,保镖

disorientation [dis,ɔ:rien'teiʃən]


n. 迷失方向;迷惑

defended [di'fend]


vt. 辩护;防护 vi. 保卫;防守

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik]


adj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的

deputy ['depjuti]


adj. 代理的,副的
n. 代表,副手

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明





