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Listen to this 3 英语高级听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第13课(3)

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  • The United states senate Intelligence Committee today released a report calling for sweeping changes in US security policies and counter-intellience,
  • 美国参议院情报委员会今日公布了一份报告,呼吁美国安全政策及反情报行动进行全面变革,
  • its first unclassified assessment of recent spy cases.
  • 这是首个关于最近发生间谍案的分类评估。
  • The Committee says the damage done has cost billions of dollars, threatening America's security as never before.
  • 委员会说,所造成的损失达数十亿美元,给美国带来了前所未有的安全威胁。
  • NPR's David Malthus has the story.
  • NPR的戴维·马尔萨斯为我们报道。
  • The report states that the damage done from espionage and lax security is worse than anyone in the government has yet acknowledged publicly.
  • 报告指出,间谍活动及安全松懈所造成的损害比政府中任何公开承认的情况更糟。
  • It concludes that US military plans and capabilities have been seriously compromised, intelligence operations gravely impaired.
  • 报告总结,美国军事计划和能力以及情报工作均严重受损。
  • US technological advantages have been overcome in some areas because of spying.
  • 因间谍活动,美国的先进技术已被赶超。
  • And diplomatic secrets were exposed to adversaries.
  • 外交机密暴露给了对手。
  • Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy is Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
  • 佛蒙特州民主党人帕特里·克莱希是参议院情报委员会副主席。
  • "The national security is many times threatened more by this than by the buildup of Soviet arms,
  • “国家安全因此受到的威胁比苏联武器或苏联人
  • or the buildup of Soviet personnal, or breakthrough in weapon developement."
  • 或苏联武器开发突破造成的威胁还要大。”
  • The Committee report says foreign intelligence services have penetrated some of the most vital parts of US defense, intelligence, and foreign policy structures.
  • 委员会报告说,外国情报机构已经渗透到了美国国防、情报及外交政策机构中核心部分。
  • The report cites a string of recent cases, including the Walker Whitworth spy ring,
  • 这份报告援引了最近的一系列案件,其中包括Walker Whitworth间谍环,
  • which gave the Soviets the ability to decode at least a million military communications.
  • 这些案件足可以让苏联破译至少一百万次军事通讯往来。
  • Despite some improvements by the Reagan Administration in security and tough talk over the last two years,
  • 尽管过去两年,里根政府加强了安全防范,辞令也更加强硬,
  • the report also concludes that the administration has failed to follow through with enough specific steps to tighten security,
  • 但报告也得出结论,里根政府加强安全的具体措施不足。
  • and that its counter-intelligence programs have lacked the needed resources to be effective.
  • 项目因缺乏资源而成效甚微。
  • Republican Dave Durenberger of Minnesota, Chairman of the Intelligence committee, sums up the current situation this way:
  • 情报委员会主席明尼苏达州共和党人Dave Durenberger以此概括了当前局势:
  • "Too many secrets, too much access to secrets, too many spies, too little accountability for securing our national secrets,
  • “太多的秘密,太多的盗密,太多的间谍,而保护我们国家机密的责任感少之又少,
  • and too little effort given to combatting the very real threat which spies represent to our national security."
  • 而针对间谍太多的付出恰又代表着我们国家的安全真正受到了威胁。”
  • Senator Durenberger said the Committee found some progress has been make in toughening up security clearances for personnel,
  • 参议员Durenberger说,委员会在加强人员安全保障方面取得了一些进展,
  • and some additional resources have been devoted to countering technical espionage,
  • 同时还调用了一些额外的资源,打击技术间谍活动,
  • but he said much more needs to be done and he described the current security system as one "paralyzed by bureaucratic inertia."
  • 但他说,还有更多的工作要做,他将当前的安全体系描述为“官僚主义惯性瘫痪”。
  • The Committee makes ninety-five specific recommendtions,
  • 委员会提出九十五项具体建议,
  • including greater emphasis on re-investigations of cleared personnel, a streamlined classification system,
  • 包括更加重视对人员的重新调查,一个简化的分类系统,
  • more money for counter-intelligence elements of the FBI, CIA and the military services,
  • 为联邦调查局、中央情报局及军事服务的反情报机构提供更多资金支持,
  • and tighter controls on foreign diplomats from hostile countries.
  • 以及对敌国外交官采取更加严格的控制。
  • The report cites FBI assessments on how extensively the Soviets use diplomatic cover to hide spying activity.
  • 这份报告援引了联邦调查局的一份评估报告,评估报告证明了苏联如何大范围利用外交掩护来掩盖间谍活动。
  • There are twenty-one hundred diplomats, UN officials, and trade representatives from the soviet Union and Warsaw Pact Countries living in the United States.
  • 有二十一名外交官、联合国官员和来自苏联及华沙条约国家的贸易代表居住在美国。
  • And according to the FBI, 30% of them are professional intelligence officers.
  • 根据联邦调查局所述,其中有30%是专业情报人员。
  • The Committee report also says the Soviet Union is effectively using United Nations organizations worldwide to conduct spying operations.
  • 委员会报告还说,苏联正在有效地利用世界范围内的联合国组织,进行间谍活动。
  • It says approximately eight hundred Soviets work for UN agencies, three hundred of them in New York,
  • 它说为联合国机构工作的苏联人大约有800人,其中300人在纽约,
  • and one fourth of those are working for the KGB or the Soviet military intelligence, the GRU.
  • 其中四分之一为克格勃或苏联军事情报机构GRU工作。
  • Next week, the Reagan Administration is to deliver to the Congress its classified report on counter-intelligence.
  • 下周,里根政府将向国会提交关于反情报的机密报告。
  • I'm David Malthus in Washington.
  • 我是戴维·马尔萨斯,华盛顿报道。


The United states senate Intelligence Committee today released a report calling for sweeping changes in US security policies and counter-intellience, its first unclassified assessment of recent spy cases.


The Committee says the damage done has cost billions of dollars, threatening America's security as never before.


NPR's David Malthus has the story.


The report states that the damage done from espionage and lax security is worse than anyone in the government has yet acknowledged publicly.


It concludes that US military plans and capabilities have been seriously compromised, intelligence operations gravely impaired.


US technological advantages have been overcome in some areas because of spying.


And diplomatic secrets were exposed to adversaries.


Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy is Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.


"The national security is many times threatened more by this than by the buildup of Soviet arms, or the buildup of Soviet personnal, or breakthrough in weapon developement."


The Committee report says foreign intelligence services have penetrated some of the most vital parts of US defense, intelligence, and foreign policy structures.


The report cites a string of recent cases, including the Walker Whitworth spy ring, which gave the Soviets the ability to decode at least a million military communications.

这份报告援引了最近的一系列案件,其中包括Walker Whitworth间谍环,这些案件足可以让苏联破译至少一百万次军事通讯往来。


Despite some improvements by the Reagan Administration in security and tough talk over the last two years, the report also concludes that the administration has failed to follow through with enough specific steps to tighten security,


and that its counter-intelligence programs have lacked the needed resources to be effective.


Republican Dave Durenberger of Minnesota, Chairman of the Intelligence committee, sums up the current situation this way:

情报委员会主席明尼苏达州共和党人Dave Durenberger以此概括了当前局势:

"Too many secrets, too much access to secrets, too many spies, too little accountability for securing our national secrets,


and too little effort given to combatting the very real threat which spies represent to our national security."


Senator Durenberger said the Committee found some progress has been make in toughening up security clearances for personnel,


and some additional resources have been devoted to countering technical espionage,


but he said much more needs to be done and he described the current security system as one "paralyzed by bureaucratic inertia."


The Committee makes ninety-five specific recommendtions,


including greater emphasis on re-investigations of cleared personnel, a streamlined classification system,


more money for counter-intelligence elements of the FBI, CIA and the military services, and tighter controls on foreign diplomats from hostile countries.


The report cites FBI assessments on how extensively the Soviets use diplomatic cover to hide spying activity.


There are twenty-one hundred diplomats, UN officials, and trade representatives from the soviet Union and Warsaw Pact Countries living in the United States.


And according to the FBI, 30% of them are professional intelligence officers.


The Committee report also says the Soviet Union is effectively using United Nations organizations worldwide to conduct spying operations.


It says approximately eight hundred Soviets work for UN agencies, three hundred of them in New York, and one fourth of those are working for the KGB or the Soviet military intelligence, the GRU.


Next week, the Reagan Administration is to deliver to the Congress its classified report on counter-intelligence.


I'm David Malthus in Washington.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
technical ['teknikəl]


adj. 技术的,工艺的

lax [læks]


adj. 松的,松懈的,不严的 [语]松弛元音的

approximately [ə'prɔksimitli]


adv. 近似地,大约

hostile ['hɔstail]


adj. 怀敌意的,敌对的

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

senator ['senətə]


n. 参议员

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

classification [.klæsifi'keiʃən]


n. 分类,分级

extensively [ik'stensivli]


adv. 广泛地,广阔地

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的





