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- According to a comprehensive, two-year look at the effect of pollution on global health, it is responsible for about 9 million deaths annually.
- 一项针对污染对全球健康有何影响的两年全面调查发现,污染每年会导致900万人死亡。
- At 16% of deaths, that means it ranks much higher than the things we tend to fear more, like war or communicable diseases.
- 占所有死亡人数的16%,这意味着它比我们更容易害怕的战争或传染病更可怕。
- Sadder still, it's the most vulnerable populations — the poor, the very young, and the very old —
- 更可悲的是,穷人、小孩以及老人这些最脆弱的群体
- who are at highest risk of death caused by polluted air or water.
- 因污染空气和水源致死的可能性最大。
- The report uses numbers from the Global Burden of Disease study in 2015.
- 这份报告引用了2015年全球疾病负担研究里面的数据。
- It found that 4.2 million people died from a type of air pollution called particulate matter in the ambient air,
- 发现有420万人死于大气中悬浮微粒的空气污染,
- while 2.9 million died from indoor air pollution, from chemicals and burning cooking fuel and wood.
- 290万人死于化学物质、燃烧的生活燃料和木材等室内空气污染。
- Outdoor particulate matter and ground-level ozone come mostly from burning fossil fuels in power plants and vehicles.
- 室外的悬浮微粒和地面臭氧大多来自发电厂和车辆的化石燃料燃烧。
- Unsafe water accounted for 1.8 million deaths, and occupational exposure carcinogens or particulates caused 800,000 deaths.
- 危险水质导致180万人死亡,职业照射致癌物或粒子导致80万人死亡。
According to a comprehensive, two-year look at the effect of pollution on global health, it is responsible for about 9 million deaths annually. At 16% of deaths, that means it ranks much higher than the things we tend to fear more, like war or communicable diseases. Sadder still, it's the most vulnerable populations — the poor, the very young, and the very old — who are at highest risk of death caused by polluted air or water.

The report uses numbers from the Global Burden of Disease study in 2015. It found that 4.2 million people died from a type of air pollution called particulate matter in the ambient air, while 2.9 million died from indoor air pollution, from chemicals and burning cooking fuel and wood. Outdoor particulate matter and ground-level ozone come mostly from burning fossil fuels in power plants and vehicles. Unsafe water accounted for 1.8 million deaths, and occupational exposure carcinogens or particulates caused 800,000 deaths.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201710/529109.shtml