Bitcoin may be the currency of choice, but it’s blockchain, the technology that supports it, that has everyone talking.比特币是否会成为人们首选的货币或许还不一定,但比特币所基于的区块链技术,现在成为很多人关注的焦点。
Btc m b curc of cho
Bu its blkc the tech→ it
Evr tk abt
bitcoin: 比特币
blockchain: 区块链
“Every blockchain transaction is open on this big public ledger. So it’s kind of like if you share an Excel file with a group of your employees at the office. Every time that you update the file, it gets updated on every other computer.”
Evr blkc trast is op on dis pblc lge
So its kd of lk if u sha an ex fi w gp of ur emp
Evr ti dat u updt file it gts updt on evr oth pc
ledger: n. 总账,分户总账;[会计] 分类账;账簿;底账;(手脚架上的)横木
-Looking for the current ledger balance, you can rigorously specify which balance you want.
Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to enable anonymous, peer-to-peer payments, which is why the digital currency is often associated with illicit activity. But developers are realizing the same technology can be applied elsewhere.
btc us blkc tech to enab annm
pr to pr pmts
wh is y digt cur is oft asoc w ilict act
bu dev r realz the sam tech can b aply elsw
anonymous: adj. 匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的
peer-to –peer: 点对点技术
illicit: adj. 违法的;不正当的
“Now there’re stuff like Ethereum, which allows developers to do more than just transact money and actually create their own sort of distributed systems and applications.”
Th r stf lk Ethr wch al dvlp t d mor than jst trsct mn n actuly crt th own st of dstrbt sys n app
vi. 交易;谈判
vt. 办理;处理
ethereum: 以太网
Blockchains eliminate the need for intermediary parties, by relying on a decentralized network of computers, or nodes, to verify transactions.
Blkc elmn nd f intermdr par by rely on a dec ntwk pc/nd vrfy trasc
eliminate: vt. 消除;排除
-Snickers will replenish your energy and eliminate your hunger immediately.
adj. 中间的;媒介的;中途的
n. 中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物
-Through an intermediary, I contacted the Americans.
adj. 分散的;分散化,分散式;分散管理的;去中心化
vt. 使分散;使分权(decentralize的过去分词)
-This is the real power of the decentralized model.
node: n. 节点
Hudson Jameson helped develop a hardware and software platform for cars based on the Ethereum blockchain. “We put an Ethereum node on a Tesla, and so whenever it would go through a toll bridge, the Ethereum node or the car you can think of would interact with the toll bridge and autonomously pay the toll bridge. So if you think about what a toll bridge does today, you have to pay a credit card transaction fee. But with our system, it’s literally machine-to-machine.”
HJ hp dvp hw n sw pltfm f ca bs on eth blkc
we pt ether nd on Tsl
n so whev it w go thru tl brg
the ether nd or the car u c tk of wd intrct w tl brg n auto nms pay tb
so if u thk abt wat a tb does tdy u hv to pay a cre card trans fee
but w out sst its liter m-t-t
toll bridge: 收费桥
autonomously: adv. 自治地;独立自主地;独立存在的,自己生存、活动或发展的
-If you have to identify a region in the page to refresh autonomously, this is a valid option.
This machine-to-machine communication allows direct access to the digital currency stored in one’s digital wallet. Transactions are processed on the spot without going outside of the network.Companies like Toyota, United Health Group and Fidelity are exploring blockchain and in part lending it legitimacy.
Tis m-t-m commu alo dir accs to digi curcy sto in one digi walt
Trans r procd on spot w/out go otsd of ntwk
Co.lk tyt/UniHG n Filt r exp blkc n in pt lend it lgtmc
currency: n. 货币;通货
process: vt. 处理;加工
n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移
vi. 列队前进
adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的
fidelity: n. 保真度;忠诚;精确;尽责
-They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.
legitimacy: n. 合法;合理;正统
-They said this is what happens when a regime has no legitimacy in the eyes of the people.
“We’ve really seen the space explode and enter into a bunch of different directions, growing in diversity. There’s more people involved than ever.”
Only time will tell whether blockchain can set off a chain reaction.
We’v ry sn the spc expl n enter into a bch of dif dir ↑ in div
Ths m ppl ivv than ev//
tm’ll : whe blck st of c rea//