“I’D LIKE to wake up now please,” tweeted Sam Altman, who heads Y Combinator, Silicon Valley’s foremost startup school. The sentence neatly encapsulates the mood in the high-tech hub. To many in the technology industry, America under Donald Trump means dystopia. Perhaps no other sector regards his victory with less enthusiasm.
“快让我从梦中醒来吧。”硅谷最有价值的创业孵化器Y Combinator掌门人山姆•阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)发了这样一条推特。这句话精辟地概括了笼罩着这个高科技中心的情绪。对许多科技企业来说,特朗普领导下的美国就意味着一团糟。科技行业可能是对特朗普大选获胜反应最不热烈的行业了。
foremost adj.最杰出的,最重要的
- the foremost supervisor in the company
encapsulate v.概括 (summarize)
hub n.中心
dystopia n.糟糕社会
- utopia 理想社会,乌托邦
The main reason is that his stated views are antithetical to the beliefs that most entrepreneurs and tech types hold on a range of topics from trade to offshoring to policy on immigration. By one estimate the tech industry gave nearly $8m to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Silicon Valley also worries that it will lose its direct lines to the administration in Washington. According to the Campaign for Accountability, a transparency group, no fewer than 22 former White House officials have gone to work for Google since Barack Obama moved in. Under Mrs Clinton the door would have kept revolving.
这其中的主要原因是,特朗普在贸易、离岸外包、移民政策等一系列问题上所陈述的观点与大多数企业家和科技人才持有的看法都大相径庭。据估计,科技行业为希拉里的竞选活动捐赠了近800万美元。硅谷还担心将失去与华府的直接联系。问责运动(Campaign for Accountability,监督公共政治领域透明度的组织)的数据显示,自奥巴马入主白宫以来,已经有不少于22名前白宫官员加入谷歌。希拉里获胜的话,这个势头有可能还会继续。
antithetical adj.相反的 (opposite)
entrepreneur n.企业家
offshoring n.离岸外包