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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You would feel the same way a month into your Harvard experience. External circumstances matter very little. Very little.
  • 在哈佛呆上一个月 你会有同样的感觉 外部环境影响甚微
  • In fact, also, place of residents makes very little difference. People think, Well, if I move.
  • 同样地 居住地的影响也很小 人们会想如果我搬到
  • Especially in the day-light if I move to California, i'll be happier, right? Wrong.
  • 尤其是在白天 要是搬去加州 我会更快乐? 错误
  • Californians are no happier than people in Massachusetts. Initially when we go to a warm place.
  • 加州人不比麻省人更快乐 刚去到一个温暖的地方
  • We feel the relief and there's this spiky level of wellbeing. But very quickly we go back to our base level.
  • 会感到放松 幸福水平高到值峰 但很快我们会恢复基础水平
  • Exactly where we were before. I'll take this even a step further.
  • 和以前的我们一模一样 我会进一步说明
  • Even though there is no research about this, I bet you this is correct:.
  • 虽然还没有这方面的研究 我敢和你们打赌 下面的说法是正确的
  • There is no difference in our levels of wellbeing if our place of residents is by the river.
  • 我们的幸福水平不会有所不同 不论我们是生活在河边
  • Or in the quad. This is really taking the theory far, but it's true.
  • 还是呆在quad (哈佛举行毕业典礼等重大集会的地方) 这个例子把理论推至极限 但是真的
  • I love this T-shirt what? If you can't run with the big dogs, stay in yard.
  • 我喜欢这件衬衫 什么? 不能和大狗一起跑就呆在院子里
  • Anyone from Korea here? Alright. You made it all the way on such a cold day.
  • 这里有韩国学生吗?好的 你在这么冷的日子赶来
  • Well done! I appreciated it. How spoiled we get here. Makes very little difference.
  • 很出色 我很感激 我们真是受宠若惊 不会有所不同


You would feel the same way a month into your Harvard experience. External circumstances matter very little. Very little.

在哈佛呆上一个月 你会有同样的感觉 外部环境影响甚微

In fact, also, place of residents makes very little difference. People think, Well, if I move.

同样地 居住地的影响也很小 人们会想如果我搬到

Especially in the day-light if I move to California, i'll be happier, right? Wrong.

尤其是在白天 要是搬去加州 我会更快乐? 错误

Californians are no happier than people in Massachusetts. Initially when we go to a warm place.

加州人不比麻省人更快乐 刚去到一个温暖的地方

We feel the relief and there's this spiky level of wellbeing. But very quickly we go back to our base level.

会感到放松 幸福水平高到值峰 但很快我们会恢复基础水平

Exactly where we were before. I'll take this even a step further.

和以前的我们一模一样 我会进一步说明

Even though there is no research about this, I bet you this is correct:.

虽然还没有这方面的研究 我敢和你们打赌 下面的说法是正确的

There is no difference in our levels of wellbeing if our place of residents is by the river.

我们的幸福水平不会有所不同 不论我们是生活在河边

Or in the quad. This is really taking the theory far, but it's true.

还是呆在quad (哈佛举行毕业典礼等重大集会的地方) 这个例子把理论推至极限 但是真的

I love this T-shirt what? If you can't run with the big dogs, stay in yard.

我喜欢这件衬衫 什么? 不能和大狗一起跑就呆在院子里

Anyone from Korea here? Alright. You made it all the way on such a cold day.

这里有韩国学生吗?好的 你在这么冷的日子赶来

Well done! I appreciated it. How spoiled we get here. Makes very little difference.

很出色 我很感激 我们真是受宠若惊 不会有所不同

重点单词   查看全部解释    
base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

initially [i'niʃəli]


adv. 最初,开头

appreciated [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价

external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比





