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  • We are not happier. And that is global.
  • 我们不是更快乐 这是全球现象
  • Whether it's China, whether it's in the UK or Australia, or the United States.
  • 不论是中国 英国还是澳大利亚 或美国
  • Levels of happiness are essentially static; and anxiety levels and depression levels.
  • 幸福水平几乎是静止的 焦虑水平和抑郁水平
  • As we talked about in the first class have gone up significantly. So income levels make very little difference.
  • 正如第一堂课讲到的 有明显的加深 收入水平的影响很小
  • In general, external circumstances make very little difference. I mean, think about your own experience:.
  • 总得来说 外部环境的影响很小 回想你们的亲身经验
  • How did you feel go back, just transport yourself.
  • 你们感觉如何 回想自己
  • To experience of getting into Harvard, getting this big package in the mail which said You were accepted.
  • 考入哈佛时的体会 信箱里收到一个大包写着已录取
  • On April 1 or the end of December, when you got this pack.
  • 在4月1日或12月未 当你拿到大包时
  • How did you feel? Probably ecstatic. Probably one of your highlights.
  • 有何感受? 可能是喜出望外 可能是你人生的亮点
  • And that moment, if you are like me, you thought, This is it.
  • 在那一刻 如果你们像我一样 你们也会想成功了
  • I'm really going to be happy for a very long time. Cos I really struggled in high school.
  • 我会快乐很长一段时间 因为我在高中很努力
  • A lot of it was difficult; a lot of it was painful, but it was all worth it.
  • 很多时很困难 很多时很痛苦 但完全值得
  • I made it. And you went along with that feeling the next day.
  • 我考上了哈佛 第二天 你还会有这种感觉
  • Because in school they started to talk about how you got in. And you felt fantastic about it, right.
  • 因为学校的人开始谈论你如何考上 你感觉很棒 不是吗?
  • And you felt great probably for the rest of the senior year I mean, still ups and downs;.
  • 可能整个高三都会感觉很棒 当然难免起起落落


We are not happier. And that is global.

我们不是更快乐 这是全球现象

Whether it's China, whether it's in the UK or Australia, or the United States.

不论是中国 英国还是澳大利亚 或美国

Levels of happiness are essentially static; and anxiety levels and depression levels.

幸福水平几乎是静止的 焦虑水平和抑郁水平

As we talked about in the first class have gone up significantly. So income levels make very little difference.

正如第一堂课讲到的 有明显的加深 收入水平的影响很小

In general, external circumstances make very little difference. I mean, think about your own experience:.

总得来说 外部环境的影响很小 回想你们的亲身经验

How did you feel go back, just transport yourself.

你们感觉如何 回想自己

To experience of getting into Harvard, getting this big package in the mail which said You were accepted.

考入哈佛时的体会 信箱里收到一个大包写着已录取

On April 1 or the end of December, when you got this pack.

在4月1日或12月未 当你拿到大包时

How did you feel? Probably ecstatic. Probably one of your highlights.

有何感受? 可能是喜出望外 可能是你人生的亮点

And that moment, if you are like me, you thought, This is it.

在那一刻 如果你们像我一样 你们也会想成功了

I'm really going to be happy for a very long time. Cos I really struggled in high school.

我会快乐很长一段时间 因为我在高中很努力

A lot of it was difficult; a lot of it was painful, but it was all worth it.

很多时很困难 很多时很痛苦 但完全值得

I made it. And you went along with that feeling the next day.

我考上了哈佛 第二天 你还会有这种感觉

Because in school they started to talk about how you got in. And you felt fantastic about it, right.

因为学校的人开始谈论你如何考上 你感觉很棒 不是吗?

And you felt great probably for the rest of the senior year I mean, still ups and downs;.

可能整个高三都会感觉很棒 当然难免起起落落

重点单词   查看全部解释    
global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

essentially [i'senʃəli]


adv. 本质上,本来

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

static ['stætik]


adj. 静态的,静力的,静止的,静电的

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





