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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • While being respectful. Sense of optimism.
  • 同时也要尊重他人 她有乐观精神 你可以做好
  • You can do well. You are going to do well, helping them set goals for themselves and for community.
  • 你会做得很好 帮助他们为自己和社区设立目标 最后
  • And finally, from focusing on deficiencies to focusing on strength. Howard Gardner from the ededucation school here talks about multiple intelligences, says that we need to stop asking.
  • 从专注缺点到专注优点 来自教育学校的Howard Gardner 谈到了多元智力 他说我们要停止问
  • Whether or not a student is smart. What we need to ask is what is the student smart at. And when we identify what that student is smart at.
  • 一个学生是否聪明 我们要问这个学生有什么优点 认清这个学生的优点
  • Strong at, virtuous at, good at, then we appreciate it. And when we appreciate it, it and the whole person appreciates.
  • 长处之后 我们便欣赏它 当我们欣赏它的时候 优点和那整个人都会增值
  • What would happen to a seed seed is potential flower, tree what would happen to a seed, if it is not watered, if no light is shed on it?
  • 假如有一粒种子. 种子是有潜力的 它会长成花草树木. 假如有一粒种子 如果它没有受到灌溉 没有阳光照耀会怎样?
  • It will wither and die. The exact same thing with human potential. If we don't water it, if we don't shed a light on it.
  • 它会枯萎死去 人类的潜力也是这样 如果我们不灌溉它 如果我们不照耀它
  • It will wither and die. The same with interpersonal relationship potential. If we don't we'll talk a lot about relationships:
  • 它会枯萎死去 人际关系也是这样 如果我们. 我们会经常谈到关系
  • How to cultivate healthy long-term relationships if you don't water it, if you don't shed light, if you don't appreciate the good, the good will depreciate.
  • 如何培养健康长期的关系 如果你不灌溉它 不照耀它 如果你不欣赏它的好处 好处就会贬值


While being respectful. Sense of optimism.

同时也要尊重他人 她有乐观精神 你可以做好

You can do well. You are going to do well, helping them set goals for themselves and for community.

你会做得很好 帮助他们为自己和社区设立目标 最后

And finally, from focusing on deficiencies to focusing on strength. Howard Gardner from the ededucation school here talks about multiple intelligences, says that we need to stop asking.

从专注缺点到专注优点 来自教育学校的Howard Gardner 谈到了多元智力 他说我们要停止问

Whether or not a student is smart. What we need to ask is what is the student smart at. And when we identify what that student is smart at.

一个学生是否聪明 我们要问这个学生有什么优点 认清这个学生的优点

Strong at, virtuous at, good at, then we appreciate it. And when we appreciate it, it and the whole person appreciates.

长处之后 我们便欣赏它 当我们欣赏它的时候 优点和那整个人都会增值

What would happen to a seed seed is potential flower, tree what would happen to a seed, if it is not watered, if no light is shed on it?

假如有一粒种子. 种子是有潜力的 它会长成花草树木. 假如有一粒种子 如果它没有受到灌溉 没有阳光照耀会怎样?

It will wither and die. The exact same thing with human potential. If we don't water it, if we don't shed a light on it.

它会枯萎死去 人类的潜力也是这样 如果我们不灌溉它 如果我们不照耀它

It will wither and die. The same with interpersonal relationship potential. If we don't we'll talk a lot about relationships:

它会枯萎死去 人际关系也是这样 如果我们. 我们会经常谈到关系

How to cultivate healthy long-term relationships if you don't water it, if you don't shed light, if you don't appreciate the good, the good will depreciate.

如何培养健康长期的关系 如果你不灌溉它 不照耀它 如果你不欣赏它的好处 好处就会贬值

重点单词   查看全部解释    
community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

optimism ['ɔptimizəm]


n. 乐观,乐观主义

depreciate [di'pri:ʃieit]


v. 贬值,降价,轻视

wither ['wiðə]


vt. 使凋谢,使衰退,(用眼神气势等)使畏缩 vi.

shed [ʃed]


n. 车棚,小屋,脱落物
vt. 使 ...

respectful [ri'spektfəl]


adj. 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身





