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  • She herself is the message as a role model. And she studied with her kids, role models. They read fiction books. They read historical books.
  • 她本身就是榜样 她和孩子们学习榜样 他们读小说 历史书
  • They read books about heroes and talk about heroes. They all identify role models. They identify role models in their neighborhood.
  • 他们读关于英雄的书 谈论英雄的事 他们都认清了谁是榜样 他们从社区里挑出榜样
  • In their families, constantly doing that, which is exactly what you need to cultivate resilience. First and foremost, she herself is the role model.
  • 在家庭里挑出榜样 不断地这样做 这就是你培养心理弹性要做的事 首先 她就是榜样
  • She has high expectations. We are going to do a lot of believing in ourselves. We are going to do well, succeed.
  • 她有着很高的期望 我们要大量练习自信 我们要表现优秀 我们要成功
  • She expects a lot. She sees the potential. She appreciates that potential in each individual. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for your life.
  • 她有很多期待 她能看到潜力 她欣赏每个人的潜力 停止抱怨别人 承担自己生活的责任
  • Marva Collins is no push-over. If you see her in the classroom, she is tough. She is demanding. At the same time, she respects each individual.
  • Marva Collins并不是软弱的人 教室里的她要求很严格 同时 她尊重每个人
  • She is not one of the Pollyannish "feel-good", "let's make them all feel good" at all cost. Not at all.
  • 她不是不切实际的"感觉良好" 我们不惜一切代价让他们感觉良好 根本不是
  • She believes in them. She respects them. And she is tough and demanding important combination for leadership.
  • 她相信他们 她尊重他们 而且她要求很严格 这是领导的重要因素
  • It's why I mentioned earlier in the context of great leadership book. There are many very nice ex-ceos.
  • 这就是为什么我之前提到 它是一本好的领导书籍 有很多非常和善的前总裁
  • Whose primary aim was to be nice and to be liked, the keys to get the job done, to get the work done.
  • 他们的主要目标就是和善和受欢迎 完成工作的关键 完成事情的关键


She herself is the message as a role model. And she studied with her kids, role models. They read fiction books. They read historical books.

她本身就是榜样 她和孩子们学习榜样 他们读小说 历史书

They read books about heroes and talk about heroes. They all identify role models. They identify role models in their neighborhood.

他们读关于英雄的书 谈论英雄的事 他们都认清了谁是榜样 他们从社区里挑出榜样

In their families, constantly doing that, which is exactly what you need to cultivate resilience. First and foremost, she herself is the role model.

在家庭里挑出榜样 不断地这样做 这就是你培养心理弹性要做的事 首先 她就是榜样

She has high expectations. We are going to do a lot of believing in ourselves. We are going to do well, succeed.

她有着很高的期望 我们要大量练习自信 我们要表现优秀 我们要成功

She expects a lot. She sees the potential. She appreciates that potential in each individual. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for your life.

她有很多期待 她能看到潜力 她欣赏每个人的潜力 停止抱怨别人 承担自己生活的责任

Marva Collins is no push-over. If you see her in the classroom, she is tough. She is demanding. At the same time, she respects each individual.

Marva Collins并不是软弱的人 教室里的她要求很严格 同时 她尊重每个人

She is not one of the Pollyannish "feel-good", "let's make them all feel good" at all cost. Not at all.

她不是不切实际的"感觉良好" 我们不惜一切代价让他们感觉良好 根本不是

She believes in them. She respects them. And she is tough and demanding important combination for leadership.

她相信他们 她尊重他们 而且她要求很严格 这是领导的重要因素

It's why I mentioned earlier in the context of great leadership book. There are many very nice ex-ceos.

这就是为什么我之前提到 它是一本好的领导书籍 有很多非常和善的前总裁

Whose primary aim was to be nice and to be liked, the keys to get the job done, to get the work done.

他们的主要目标就是和善和受欢迎 完成工作的关键 完成事情的关键

重点单词   查看全部解释    
demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的

resilience [ri'ziliəns]


n. 适应力,弹性,收缩性

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

cultivate ['kʌltiveit]


vt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

context ['kɔntekst]


n. 上下文,环境,背景





