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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I'm even prouder to share a fundamental truth that you might not have learned, even as graduate of Harvard, unless you studied the ancient Greek role with professor Nagy.
  • 同时 我要更自豪地分享一件事尽管你们是哈佛毕业生 可能也不知道这个除非你攻读的是纳吉教授的古希腊角色
  • Professor Nagy, as we were coming in this morning said: "Please, Ms. Winfrey, walk decisively." I shall walk decisively.
  • 我们今天早上来的时候 纳吉教授对我说:"温弗瑞女士 请自信地走起来吧!"我的确要自信地走起来
  • This is what I want to share. It doesn't matter how far you might rise. At some point, you are bound to stumble.
  • 这就是我要分享的事情了无论你有多么成功难免会遇到失意之时
  • Because if you're constantly doing what we do, raising the bar, if you are constantly pushing yourself higher, higher, the Law of averages, not to mention the myth of Icarus.
  • 因为如果你们像我们这样 不断提升目标如果你们不断为自己设定更高的目标根据常规 我指的不是伊卡洛斯神话哦
  • Predicts that you will at some point fall. And when you do, I want you to know this, remember this: There is no such thing as failure.
  • 你们会在某时失意届时 我希望各位可以记住一点 请记住:世上没有失败
  • Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction. Now, when you down in a hole, it looks like failure. So, this past year, I had to spoon-feed those words to myself.
  • 失败只不过是命运试图将我们推向另一个方向罢了当你身处困境时 这只是看似一种失败而已在过去的一年中 我时刻提醒自己牢记这一点
  • And when you're down in the hole, when that moment comes, it's really okay to feel bad for a little while. Give yourself time to mourn what you think you may have lost.
  • 当你深陷困境时 在那个时刻到来之时暂时的难过是正常的给自己一点时间去哀叹失去的一切
  • But then here's the key: Learn from every mistake. Because every experience encounter, and particularly your mistakes.
  • 然后就是关键所在从每次的失误中汲取经验教训因为 所有的经验 尤其是你的失误


I'm even prouder to share a fundamental truth that you might not have learned, even as graduate of Harvard, unless you studied the ancient Greek role with professor Nagy.

同时 我要更自豪地分享一件事尽管你们是哈佛毕业生 可能也不知道这个除非你攻读的是纳吉教授的古希腊角色

Professor Nagy, as we were coming in this morning said: "Please, Ms. Winfrey, walk decisively." I shall walk decisively.

我们今天早上来的时候 纳吉教授对我说:"温弗瑞女士 请自信地走起来吧!"我的确要自信地走起来

This is what I want to share. It doesn't matter how far you might rise. At some point, you are bound to stumble.


Because if you're constantly doing what we do, raising the bar, if you are constantly pushing yourself higher, higher, the Law of averages, not to mention the myth of Icarus.

因为如果你们像我们这样 不断提升目标如果你们不断为自己设定更高的目标根据常规 我指的不是伊卡洛斯神话哦

Predicts that you will at some point fall. And when you do, I want you to know this, remember this: There is no such thing as failure.

你们会在某时失意届时 我希望各位可以记住一点 请记住:世上没有失败

Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction. Now, when you down in a hole, it looks like failure. So, this past year, I had to spoon-feed those words to myself.

失败只不过是命运试图将我们推向另一个方向罢了当你身处困境时 这只是看似一种失败而已在过去的一年中 我时刻提醒自己牢记这一点

And when you're down in the hole, when that moment comes, it's really okay to feel bad for a little while. Give yourself time to mourn what you think you may have lost.

当你深陷困境时 在那个时刻到来之时暂时的难过是正常的给自己一点时间去哀叹失去的一切

But then here's the key: Learn from every mistake. Because every experience encounter, and particularly your mistakes.

然后就是关键所在从每次的失误中汲取经验教训因为 所有的经验 尤其是你的失误

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fundamental [.fʌndə'mentl]


adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的
n. 基本原

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

stumble ['stʌmbl]


n. 绊倒,失策
vi. 绊倒,失策,踌躇,无



adv. 果断地;决然地

myth [miθ]


n. 神话

mourn [mɔ:n]


v. 哀悼,忧伤,服丧





