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  • Some of us was in the Second Kansas Colored.
  • 我们中有人曾服役于堪萨斯第二有色兵团
  • We fought the rebs at Jenkins' Ferry last April,
  • 去年四月在詹金斯渡口抗击叛军
  • just after they've killed every Negro soldier they captured at Poison Springs.
  • 在那之前他们刚刚杀害 在毒泉被俘的所有黑人士兵
  • So at Jenkins' Ferry,we decided warnt taking no reb prisoners.
  • 所以这次在詹金斯渡口 我们决定不再生俘叛军
  • And we didn't leave a one of'em alive.
  • 而是格杀勿论 不留活口
  • The ones of us that didn't die that day,we joined up with the 116th U.S. Colored, sir.
  • 我们这些死里逃生的人 后来加入了美国116有色兵团
  • From Camp Nelson Kentucky.What's your name, soldier?
  • 位于肯塔基州纳尔逊营 你叫什么 士兵
  • Private Harold Green, sir.I'm Corporal Ira Clark, sir.Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry.
  • 哈罗德·格林列兵 长官 我是艾拉·克拉克下士 长官 马萨诸塞州第五骑兵团
  • We're waiting over there.We're leaving our horses behind,and shipping out with the 24th Infantry for the assault next week on Wilmington.
  • 我们的人都在那边待命 我们撇下了战马 准备和第24步兵团一起登船 准备下周攻打威尔明顿
  • How long've you been a soldier?Two year, sir.
  • 你们都当兵多久了 两年 长官
  • Second Kansas Colored Infantry,they fought bravely at Jenkins' Ferry.
  • 堪萨斯第二有色步兵团 他们在詹金斯渡口作战非常勇猛
  • That's right, sir.They killed a thousand rebel soldiers, sir.They were very brave.
  • 没错 长官 他们消灭了上千叛军 长官 他们英勇无前
  • And making three dollars less each month than white soldiers.
  • 但却比白人士兵每个月少挣3块钱
  • Us second Kansas boys,Another three dollars,subtracted from our pay for our uniforms.
  • 我们第二兵团的小伙子 除此之外 还要被克扣3块钱的制服费
  • That was true, yes sir, but.Equal pay now,but still no commissioned Negro officers.
  • 这倒是真事 不过 现在工资倒是一视同仁了 但仍然没有黑人被任命为士官
  • I am aware of that, Corporal Clark.Yes, sir, that's good you're aware, sir. It's only that
  • 我知道 克拉克下士 您知道再好不过了 长官 但是
  • Do you think the Wilmington attack,Now that white people have accustomed themselves
  • 你觉得威尔明顿之战 既然白人现在已经习惯于
  • to seeing Negro men with guns, fighting on their behalf,
  • 看到黑奴拿起枪为自己而战
  • and now that they can tolerate Negro soldiers getting equal pay,
  • 也默许了黑人士兵和自己拿到同样的军饷
  • maybe in a few years,they can abide the idea of Negro lieutenants and captains.
  • 也许过不了几年 他们就能接受黑人尉官


Some of us was in the Second Kansas Colored.


We fought the rebs at Jenkins' Ferry last April,


just after they've killed every Negro soldier they captured at Poison Springs.

在那之前他们刚刚杀害 在毒泉被俘的所有黑人士兵

So at Jenkins' Ferry,we decided warnt taking no reb prisoners.

所以这次在詹金斯渡口 我们决定不再生俘叛军

And we didn't leave a one of'em alive.

而是格杀勿论 不留活口

The ones of us that didn't die that day,we joined up with the 116th U.S. Colored, sir.

我们这些死里逃生的人 后来加入了美国116有色兵团

From Camp Nelson Kentucky.What's your name, soldier?

位于肯塔基州纳尔逊营 你叫什么 士兵

Private Harold Green, sir.I'm Corporal Ira Clark, sir.Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry.

哈罗德·格林列兵 长官 我是艾拉·克拉克下士 长官 马萨诸塞州第五骑兵团

We're waiting over there.We're leaving our horses behind,and shipping out with the 24th Infantry for the assault next week on Wilmington.

我们的人都在那边待命 我们撇下了战马 准备和第24步兵团一起登船 准备下周攻打威尔明顿

How long've you been a soldier?Two year, sir.

你们都当兵多久了 两年 长官

Second Kansas Colored Infantry,they fought bravely at Jenkins' Ferry.

堪萨斯第二有色步兵团 他们在詹金斯渡口作战非常勇猛

That's right, sir.They killed a thousand rebel soldiers, sir.They were very brave.

没错 长官 他们消灭了上千叛军 长官 他们英勇无前

And making three dollars less each month than white soldiers.


Us second Kansas boys,Another three dollars,subtracted from our pay for our uniforms.

我们第二兵团的小伙子 除此之外 还要被克扣3块钱的制服费

That was true, yes sir, but.Equal pay now,but still no commissioned Negro officers.

这倒是真事 不过 现在工资倒是一视同仁了 但仍然没有黑人被任命为士官

I am aware of that, Corporal Clark.Yes, sir, that's good you're aware, sir. It's only that

我知道 克拉克下士 您知道再好不过了 长官 但是

Do you think the Wilmington attack,Now that white people have accustomed themselves

你觉得威尔明顿之战 既然白人现在已经习惯于

to seeing Negro men with guns, fighting on their behalf,


and now that they can tolerate Negro soldiers getting equal pay,


maybe in a few years,they can abide the idea of Negro lieutenants and captains.

也许过不了几年 他们就能接受黑人尉官

重点单词   查看全部解释    
poison ['pɔizn]


n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害
vt. 毒害,

cavalry ['kævəlri]


n. 骑兵

chef [ʃef]


n. 厨师,主厨

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

tolerate ['tɔləreit]


vt. 容忍,忍受

pilot ['pailət]


n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员
vt. 领航,驾

infantry ['infəntri]


n. 步兵,步兵部队

capture ['kæptʃə]


vt. 捕获,俘获,夺取,占领,迷住,(用照片等)留存<

commission [kə'miʃən]


n. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪

rebel ['rebəl]


n. 叛徒,起义者,反叛者
adj. 造反的,


关键字: 名人 林肯 传记




