A medium for learning of the deepest sort." Silence is something that is missing from our culture. I know that many of you have probably read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,
是一种最深层次的学习媒介 而安静恰恰是我们文化所缺失的 很多人可能读过《万里任禅游》
Robert M. Pirsig. He had a second book out, less well-known, called Lila (Lila: an Inquiry into Morals).
作者Robert M Pirsig 还写过另一本书 没那么知名 叫《寻找莱拉》
And Lila is an anthropological study of Native Americans. What he does there is compare their culture to Americans' from European ancestry. And one of the distinguishing characteristics between these two cultures
这本书是对印第安人的人类学研究 将他们的文化与美国传承的欧洲文化进行对比 两种文化最突出的特点之一是
Is their approach were silence. What he found was when he went and sat around with Native Americans. They would sit around the fire and hang out for two,
印第安人崇尚安静 他发现和印第安人坐在一起 他们围坐在篝火边两三个小时
Three hours without saying a word. Just sit around. Look at one another.
一句话也没说 只是坐在那儿 看着对方
Smile. Have a good time. Introspect. Just be there for hours.
微笑 享受美好时光 内省 就这样几个小时
While he points out that in our culture we feel very uncomfortable with the absence of words, with the absence of sound or noise. We have to fill up all the gaps.
他指出 在我们文化中沉默 让人不适 我们试图打破沉默
This is an important cultural difference. And we pay a price for this lack of stillness. A price that we'll talk about a lot,
这是一项重要的文化差异 我们为缺乏安静付出了代价 我们会重点讨论这一代价
When I talk about relationships, when I talk about virtue and morality and when we talk about happiness and wellbeing in general.
涉及到恋爱 美德与道德 以及快乐与幸福感
Let me give a little bit background on positive psychology: how we came about and how this class came about. In many ways, positive psychology is the brainchild,
下面介绍一下积极心理学的背景 它是如何诞生的 这门课是如何诞生的 从很多方面来说 积极心理学是
The product and the grandchild of humanistic psychology. What we have in humanistic psychology is essentially a reaction to the existing psychologies of the time.
人本主义心理学的产物和衍生 人本主义心理学本质上是 对当时各种心理学派系的不同意见