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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But the second truth is that we're all going to spend most of our lives not in that place
  • 而第二条真理我们总是将生命中大部分时间用在这个地方之外
  • We keep veering away from that place again and again and again In fact, we may spend our lives off-course more often than we are on-course
  • 我们一次又一次背离了这个地方我们生命中大部分时间都偏离航向 而不是处在航向上
  • At the Huffington Post, we even launched an app called GPS for the Soul
  • 哈芬顿邮报甚至发布了一个应用程序叫作灵魂GPS
  • That gives you a paradoxical stress and then personalized guides that help you get correct
  • 它会给你一个矛盾的压力并给你以个性化向导 帮助你进行矫正
  • But that snake in the garden of Eden a hyper-connectivity with technology is so wily
  • 但伊甸园中的那条蛇即对科技的高度依赖 如此狡猾
  • That we have to be more wily and use the technology in order to disconnect from technology
  • 以至于我们需要更加狡猾使用科技来消除对科技的依赖
  • When we're in that centered place of wisdom, harmony and strength life is transformed, from struggle to grace
  • 当我们处在这个聚集智慧 和谐 以及力量的地方时生命会从挣扎转变为从容
  • And we are suddenly filled with trust no matter how many setbacks, challenges and disappointments we're facing
  • 不管面对多少挫折 挑战和失望 我们会突然间充满自信不管面对多少挫折 挑战和失望 我们会突然间充满自信
  • Because there is a purpose to life that is often hidden and that often makes sense when we look back at our lives
  • 因为有一个生命的意义 经常会深藏不露通常只在我们回首过去时才会显现
  • Not as we are experiencing it and basically when we move to that place of trust and grace
  • 而在我们经历时则无法看见可以说 到达那个自信和从容之地时
  • We can live our lives as the Rumi suggested -- "As if everything is rigged in our favor"
  • 我们就能按照诗人鲁米所说的那样生活"仿佛一切都是为我们量身定制的一般"


But the second truth is that we're all going to spend most of our lives not in that place


We keep veering away from that place again and again and again In fact, we may spend our lives off-course more often than we are on-course

我们一次又一次背离了这个地方我们生命中大部分时间都偏离航向 而不是处在航向上

At the Huffington Post, we even launched an app called GPS for the Soul


That gives you a paradoxical stress and then personalized guides that help you get correct

它会给你一个矛盾的压力并给你以个性化向导 帮助你进行矫正

But that snake in the garden of Eden a hyper-connectivity with technology is so wily

但伊甸园中的那条蛇即对科技的高度依赖 如此狡猾

That we have to be more wily and use the technology in order to disconnect from technology


When we're in that centered place of wisdom, harmony and strength life is transformed, from struggle to grace

当我们处在这个聚集智慧 和谐 以及力量的地方时生命会从挣扎转变为从容

And we are suddenly filled with trust no matter how many setbacks, challenges and disappointments we're facing

不管面对多少挫折 挑战和失望 我们会突然间充满自信不管面对多少挫折 挑战和失望 我们会突然间充满自信

Because there is a purpose to life that is often hidden and that often makes sense when we look back at our lives

因为有一个生命的意义 经常会深藏不露通常只在我们回首过去时才会显现

Not as we are experiencing it and basically when we move to that place of trust and grace

而在我们经历时则无法看见可以说 到达那个自信和从容之地时

We can live our lives as the Rumi suggested -- "As if everything is rigged in our favor"


重点单词   查看全部解释    
disconnect [.diskə'nekt]


vt. 使分离
vi. 断开,拆开

harmony ['hɑ:məni]


n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

paradoxical [pærə'dɔksikəl]


adj. 似是而非的,矛盾的,诡论的

grace [greis]


n. 优美,优雅,恩惠
vt. 使荣耀,使优美

wily ['waili]


adj. 狡猾的





