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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I don't care how well your business is doing You're not taking care of you
  • "我不关心你的生意做得怎样""你肯定没照顾好自己"
  • Your business might have a great bottom line, but you are your most important capital There are only so many withdrawals you can make from your health bank account
  • "你的生意可能资本雄厚 但你才是自己最重要的资本""你能从自己健康账户中支取的数目已经不多了"
  • But you just keep on withdrawing You could go bankrupt if you don't make some deposits soon"
  • "但你还在不断支取""如果你不存储一些的话 你马上就会破产"
  • And indeed, not long after that the man had to be admitted for an angioplasty
  • 正如我母亲所言 不久之后这个人就不得不接受血管成形术治疗
  • When we include well-being in our definition of success another thing that will change is our relationship with time
  • 当我们把健康引进到成功定义时我们同时间之间的关系也会随之改变
  • Right now, we are all so stressed out about time that every time we look at a watch, it's later than we think
  • 现在 我们似乎总觉得时间不太够用每次看表时我们都会发现 时间比我们想的要晚
  • Researchers have a term for it "Time Famine"
  • 研究者对此有一个术语叫"时间饥荒"
  • And Dr. Seuss wrote about it -- ahead of the researchers of course -- "How did it get so late so soon?" he wrote
  • 苏斯博士就写道过 当然是在这些研究者之前"为什么这么快就这么晚了" 他写道
  • "It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June My goodness how the time has flewn
  • "似乎还没经过下午就到了晚上 没经过6月就到了12月""天啊 为什么时间过得这么快 "
  • How did it get so late so soon?" Does that feel familiar to anyone?
  • "为什么这么快就这么晚了"这种感觉你们有人会觉得耳熟吧
  • Or, more likely, to everyone? The problem is that as long as success is defined by just money and power
  • 或者更贴切地说 大家都觉得耳熟吧问题在于 只要成功仅由金钱和权力所定义
  • Climbing and burnout we'll never have the time
  • 仅仅意味着攀爬高峰和燃尽生命我们将永远没有时间
  • To be able to enjoy that other aspect of the third metric: wonder I was blessed with a mother who was living in a constant state of wonder
  • 来享受第三种衡量方式的另一个方面:好奇我很幸运 能有一个好奇心永远很旺盛的母亲
  • Whether she was washing dishes or feeding seagulls at the beach or reprimanding overworking businessmen, she maintained her sense of wonder
  • 不管她是在洗碗 还是在海边喂海鸥还是在责难过度工作的商人 她总拥有一颗好奇心


"I don't care how well your business is doing You're not taking care of you


Your business might have a great bottom line, but you are your most important capital There are only so many withdrawals you can make from your health bank account

"你的生意可能资本雄厚 但你才是自己最重要的资本""你能从自己健康账户中支取的数目已经不多了"

But you just keep on withdrawing You could go bankrupt if you don't make some deposits soon"

"但你还在不断支取""如果你不存储一些的话 你马上就会破产"

And indeed, not long after that the man had to be admitted for an angioplasty

正如我母亲所言 不久之后这个人就不得不接受血管成形术治疗

When we include well-being in our definition of success another thing that will change is our relationship with time


Right now, we are all so stressed out about time that every time we look at a watch, it's later than we think

现在 我们似乎总觉得时间不太够用每次看表时我们都会发现 时间比我们想的要晚

Researchers have a term for it "Time Famine"


And Dr. Seuss wrote about it -- ahead of the researchers of course -- "How did it get so late so soon?" he wrote

苏斯博士就写道过 当然是在这些研究者之前"为什么这么快就这么晚了" 他写道

"It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June My goodness how the time has flewn

"似乎还没经过下午就到了晚上 没经过6月就到了12月""天啊 为什么时间过得这么快 "

How did it get so late so soon?" Does that feel familiar to anyone?


Or, more likely, to everyone? The problem is that as long as success is defined by just money and power

或者更贴切地说 大家都觉得耳熟吧问题在于 只要成功仅由金钱和权力所定义

Climbing and burnout we'll never have the time


To be able to enjoy that other aspect of the third metric: wonder I was blessed with a mother who was living in a constant state of wonder

来享受第三种衡量方式的另一个方面:好奇我很幸运 能有一个好奇心永远很旺盛的母亲

Whether she was washing dishes or feeding seagulls at the beach or reprimanding overworking businessmen, she maintained her sense of wonder

不管她是在洗碗 还是在海边喂海鸥还是在责难过度工作的商人 她总拥有一颗好奇心

重点单词   查看全部解释    
famine ['fæmin]


n. 饥荒,极度缺乏

definition [.defi'niʃən]


n. 定义,阐释,清晰度

defined [di'faind]


adj. 有定义的,确定的;清晰的,轮廓分明的 v. 使

bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt]


adj. 破产的,贫穷的,道德败坏的,枯竭的

constant ['kɔnstənt]


adj. 经常的,不变的
n. 常数,恒量





