6 Low-sweat Exercises to Beat the Summer Heat
No more excuses on forgoing a quick workout because here is a simple — but not easy — workout that'll keep the sweat factor low and the efficiency high.
The moves are low on cardio and focus mainly on body weight, so sweating is a minimum.

Having been in fitness for over nine years, Prince Brathwaite, founder of boot camp Trooper Fitness created a workout routine that'll take about 30 minutes, meaning you should repeat the circuit three to five times.
有长达9年健身经验的普林斯是Trooper Fitness训练营的创始人,他发明了一组30分钟的健身动作,你只需要重复做这套动作3到5次即可。
The 6 exercises consist of: overhead squats, step-ups, basic tricep dips, dive bombers, lifting arm plank and lastly, twisting kick-through planks.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201606/447311.shtml