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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You know, somebody who was near the front of the P-rade Ask them, back when they were graduating 25, 30, or 40 years ago where they expected to be today
  • 找游行队列打头的那些人聊聊 问他们 25年 30年 或40年前他们毕业时 预计自己今天会在哪里
  • If you can get them to open up they will tell you that today they are happy and satisfied in various measures or not
  • 如果你能设法让他们敞开心扉 他们会告诉你 他们在生活的各个领域上是否快乐 满意
  • And their personal stories will be filled with highs and lows and in-betweens But, I am willing to bet those life stories will in almost all cases be quite different
  • 他们的人生故事中充满了哪些起伏和变故 但有一点我敢打赌 所有这些人生故事 都会在大大小小各个方面
  • In large and small ways, from what they expected when they started out those many years ago This is a good thing, not a bad thing who wants to know the end of a story that's only in its early chapters?
  • 非常不同于他们数十年前最初设想的情形 这是好事 不是坏事 谁希望在故事的开篇时就知道结局呢
  • Don't be afraid to let the drama play out Number 2 Does the fact that our lives are so influenced
  • 不要害怕让故事层层展开 二 我们的人生受制于
  • By chance and seemingly small decisions and actions mean that there is no point to planning, to striving? Not at all
  • 偶然性和各种看似微小的决定和行动 这是否就意味着不需要规划和奋斗呢 绝对不是


You know, somebody who was near the front of the P-rade Ask them, back when they were graduating 25, 30, or 40 years ago where they expected to be today

找游行队列打头的那些人聊聊 问他们 25年 30年 或40年前他们毕业时 预计自己今天会在哪里

If you can get them to open up they will tell you that today they are happy and satisfied in various measures or not

如果你能设法让他们敞开心扉 他们会告诉你 他们在生活的各个领域上是否快乐 满意

And their personal stories will be filled with highs and lows and in-betweens But, I am willing to bet those life stories will in almost all cases be quite different

他们的人生故事中充满了哪些起伏和变故 但有一点我敢打赌 所有这些人生故事 都会在大大小小各个方面

In large and small ways, from what they expected when they started out those many years ago This is a good thing, not a bad thing who wants to know the end of a story that's only in its early chapters?

非常不同于他们数十年前最初设想的情形 这是好事 不是坏事 谁希望在故事的开篇时就知道结局呢

Don't be afraid to let the drama play out Number 2 Does the fact that our lives are so influenced

不要害怕让故事层层展开 二 我们的人生受制于

By chance and seemingly small decisions and actions mean that there is no point to planning, to striving? Not at all

偶然性和各种看似微小的决定和行动 这是否就意味着不需要规划和奋斗呢 绝对不是

重点单词   查看全部解释    
striving ['straiviŋ]


n. 努力;斗争 v. 力争;奋斗;努力(strive的

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的





