But past performance is no guarantee of future results Number 1 The poet Robert Burns once said something about
但过往表现并不能确保未来结果 第一点 诗人罗伯特.彭斯曾经提到
The Best-laid plans of mice and men ganging aft agley, whatever "agley" means A more contemporary philosopher, Forrest Gump said something similar about life and boxes of chocolates
And not knowing what you are going to get They were both right Life is amazingly unpredictable
你无法知道下一块将会是哪种 他们都是正确的 生命确实难以预料
Any 22-year-old who thinks they knows where they will be in 10 years much less in 30 is simply lacking imagination
一个22岁的人 如果说自己知道10年 甚至30年后 自己会在哪里 我只能说他缺乏想象力
Look what happened to me A dozen years ago I was minding my own business teaching Economics 101 in Alexander Hall
看看我身上都发生过什么 十几年前 我还在亚历山大会堂 专注于教好经济学入门课程
And thinking of good excuses for avoiding faculty meetings Then I got a phone call In case you are skeptical of Forrest Gump's insight
琢磨着如何找到好的借口 避免参加教职工会议 然后就有人打电话给我了 如果你不相信阿甘的见解
Here's a concrete suggestion for each of the graduating seniors Take a few minutes the first chance you get and talk to an alum participating in their 25th, or 30th, or 40th reunion
Here'saconcretesuggestionforeachofthegraduatingseniorsTakeafewminutesthefirstchanceyougetandtalktoanalumparticipatingintheir 25th, or 30th, or 40threunion