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世界名人简介(MP3+中英字幕) 第118期:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Leonardo DiCaprio is a movie heartthrob and award-winning Hollywood actor.
  • 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥是好莱坞万人迷,曾获得多个奖项。
  • He shot to fame for his role in 'Titanic' in 1997.
  • 1997年,凭借电影《泰坦尼克号》走红。
  • He has also starred in many other successful movies.
  • 还曾主演多部热门影片。
  • DiCaprio is known for his environmentalist activities.
  • 迪卡普里奥还是一名环保卫士。
  • He flies on commercial flights instead of private jets and has an eco-friendly house.
  • 他常常乘坐民航飞机,而不是私人飞机出行,所住房屋也是生态友好型。
  • He has inspired other celebrities to take up environmental causes.
  • 他的行动也感染了其他明星从事环保事业。
  • DiCaprio is an only child and was born in Los Angeles in 1974.
  • 1974年,迪卡普里奥出生在洛杉矶,他是家里的独生子。
  • He was named after Leonardo da Vinci because his pregnant mother was looking at a da Vinci painting in Italy when her baby first kicked.
  • 母亲怀孕期间,曾在意大利观看达芬奇画展,小莱昂第一次在母亲腹中踢了一脚,母亲决定以达芬奇名字命名。
  • Leo's actor stepbrother inspired DiCaprio to take up acting.
  • 莱昂纳多的继母是名演员,她曾鼓励莱昂从事演艺之路。
  • He began looking for an agent when he was twelve but was unsuccessful.
  • 12岁那年,他开始寻找经纪人,但未能成功。
  • DiCaprio started his career making TV commercials.
  • 莱昂的生涯是从电视广告开始。
  • His break came in 1990 when he appeared in several shows.
  • 1990年,他曾参演多部电视剧,演艺事业迎来突破。
  • DiCaprio's big breakthrough came in 1993 when he starred opposite Robert de Niro in 'The Boy's Life'.
  • 1993年,他与罗伯特·德尼罗联袂主演《男孩的生活》,演艺事业迎来重大转机。
  • That same year he starred alongside Johnny Depp in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'.
  • 同年与约翰尼·德普联袂主演《不一样的天空》。
  • He was 19 and his performance earned him an Academy Award nomination.
  • 凭借出色演技,19岁的莱昂获得奥斯卡提名。
  • DiCaprio's career took off and he became a Hollywood star.
  • 莱昂演艺生涯腾飞,并成为好莱坞明星。
  • His status was elevated to superstar after he acted in 'Titanic', which won 11 Oscars.
  • 凭借11项奥斯卡金像奖影片《泰坦尼克号》,莱昂升级为好莱坞巨星。
  • He was the most searched for personality on the Internet and his popularity was dubbed "Leo-mania".
  • 他还是网络搜索量最多的名人,全球引发“Leo-mania”追星潮。
  • He said later he would "never reach that state of popularity again".
  • 他称自己不希望再达到这一高度。
  • Today, DiCaprio prefers to think of himself as an indie actor.
  • 如今的莱昂愿意将自己看成独立电影人。


Leonardo DiCaprio is a movie heartthrob and award-winning Hollywood actor. He shot to fame for his role in ‘Titanic’ in 1997. He has also starred in many other successful movies. DiCaprio is known for his environmentalist activities. He flies on commercial flights instead of private jets and has an eco-friendly house. He has inspired other celebrities to take up environmental causes.

DiCaprio is an only child and was born in Los Angeles in 1974. He was named after Leonardo da Vinci because his pregnant mother was looking at a da Vinci painting in Italy when her baby first kicked. Leo's actor stepbrother inspired DiCaprio to take up acting. He began looking for an agent when he was twelve but was unsuccessful.


DiCaprio started his career making TV commercials. His break came in 1990 when he appeared in several shows. DiCaprio’s big breakthrough came in 1993 when he starred opposite Robert de Niro in ‘The Boy’s Life’. That same year he starred alongside Johnny Depp in ‘What's Eating Gilbert Grape’. He was 19 and his performance earned him an Academy Award nomination.

DiCaprio’s career took off and he became a Hollywood star. His status was elevated to superstar after he acted in ‘Titanic’, which won 11 Oscars. He was the most searched for personality on the Internet and his popularity was dubbed "Leo-mania”. He said later he would “never reach that state of popularity again”. Today, DiCaprio prefers to think of himself as an indie actor.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

environmentalist [in.vaiərən'mentlist]


n. 环保人士,环境论者

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

unsuccessful [,ʌnsək'sesful]


adj. 失败的;不成功的

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

overnight ['əuvə'nait]


n. 前晚
adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的<

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

breakthrough ['breik.θru:]


n. 突破

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会





