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世界名人简介(MP3+中英字幕) 第121期:科比·比恩·布莱恩特

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Kobe Bryant is an American All-Star basketball player who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.
  • 科比·布莱恩特是美国全明星球员,目前效力于洛杉矶湖人队。
  • Bryant became famous in 1996 as the first shooting guard in basketball history to be drafted out of high school.
  • 1996年,科比成为史上第一位直接从高中进入NBA的得分后卫,并从此受到人们瞩目。
  • He has helped the Lakers win three back-to-back championships and has twice been the NBA's leading scorer.
  • 他曾帮助湖人实现三连冠,并两次当选NBA最佳得分手。
  • He was the season's MVP in 2007-08.
  • 2007-2008赛季,他当选赛季最有价值球员。
  • Bryant was born in 1978 in Philadelphia.
  • 1978年,科比出生在费城。
  • He was named after the beef famous in Kobe, Japan.
  • 并为他取名日本牛排名字“Kobe”。
  • His father was a Philadelphia 76ers player.
  • 父亲曾是费城76人队球员。
  • When Bryant was six, his family moved to Italy.
  • 科比六岁那年,父母移居意大利。
  • He learned to play soccer and once considered becoming a professional soccer player.
  • 他曾学习足球,曾希望成为一名职业足球运动员。
  • Back in the USA, he excelled in high school basketball and joined the NBA, aged 17.
  • 回到美国后,科比在高中篮球队表现出色,17岁那年进入NBA。
  • Bryant joined the Lakers in 1996.
  • 1996年,科比进入湖人队。
  • His first three seasons were spent coming off the bench but he still managed to become a favourite with fans.
  • 前三赛季一直坐冷板凳,但他一直努力成为球迷心中好球员。
  • From 2000, Bryant was one of the top shooting guards in the league.
  • 从2000起,他一直是联赛最佳得分后卫之一。
  • He helped the Lakers win NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002 and entered basketball's elite.
  • 2000-2002年,他帮助湖人赢得三连冠,并成为篮球界顶尖球员。
  • He has become a cornerstone of the Lakers team.
  • 他已经成为了湖人队的基石。
  • The Lakers did not reach the NBA Finals again until 2008, when they finished runner-up.
  • 湖人此后一直没能再次进入NBA总决赛,直到2008年收获总决赛亚军。
  • Bryant continued his high scoring but had trouble on and off the court.
  • 科比继续最佳得分手角色,但场上场下麻烦不断。
  • His coach called him 'uncoachable' and he hit the headlines after being accused of rape.
  • 教练认为他“难以受教”,还因强奸罪指控登上报纸头条。
  • In 2007, Bryant became the youngest player to reach 20,000 points.
  • 2007年,科比成为获得2万分最年轻运动员。
  • He remains one of basketball's true greats.
  • 他仍然是篮球场上的王者。


Kobe Bryant is an American All-Star basketball player who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant became famous in 1996 as the first shooting guard in basketball history to be drafted out of high school. He has helped the Lakers win three back-to-back championships and has twice been the NBAs leading scorer. He was the season's MVP in 2007-08.

Bryant was born in 1978 in Philadelphia. He was named after the beef famous in Kobe, Japan. His father was a Philadelphia 76ers player. When Bryant was six, his family moved to Italy. He learned to play soccer and once considered becoming a professional soccer player. Back in the USA, he excelled in high school basketball and joined the NBA, aged 17.


Bryant joined the Lakers in 1996. His first three seasons were spent coming off the bench but he still managed to become a favourite with fans. From 2000, Bryant was one of the top shooting guards in the league. He helped the Lakers win NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002 and entered basketballs elite. He has become a cornerstone of the Lakers team.

The Lakers did not reach the NBA Finals again until 2008, when they finished runner-up. Bryant continued his high scoring but had trouble on and off the court. His coach called himuncoachableand he hit the headlines after being accused of rape. In 2007, Bryant became the youngest player to reach 20,000 points. He remains one of basketballs true greats.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bench [bentʃ]


n. 长凳,工作台,法官席
vt. 坐(

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

coach [kəutʃ]


n. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

elite [ei'li:t]


n. 精华,精锐,中坚份子

excel [ik'sel]


vt. 超过,优于
vi. 胜出





