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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And General Powell stood up
  • 鲍威尔将军站在讲台前
  • And he said, ladies and gentlemen I brought you here today
  • 讲道 女士们先生们 今天请各位来到这里
  • To tell you something very important
  • 是为了告诉你们一件重要的事情
  • That Milton Friedman was wrong
  • 米尔顿·弗里德曼是错的
  • That the business of business is not business
  • 经营的事情并不只是经营本身
  • That your companies, your organizations
  • 你们这些公司 这些组织
  • Are some of the richest, the most powerful resources we have in our great countries
  • 是我们国家最富有 最强大的资源
  • And your leaders are some of the greatest leaders we have in our great country
  • 你们的领导者也是我们国家最伟大的领导者
  • And we need to put them to work to help everyone in this great country
  • 我们需要利用所有这些 造福这个伟大国家的所有人
  • And what we need to do, and he went on, what we need to do
  • 我们需要… 他继续讲道 我们需要
  • Is we need to tap into your employees and we need to tap into your products
  • 借助你们的员工 借助你们的产品
  • And we need to tap into your technology and we need
  • 借助你们的技术
  • To tap into your relationships and your resources
  • 借助你们的关系和资源
  • And everything that is going on in your organizations
  • 借助你们组织中的一切
  • And you need to get out there to help our boys and girls clubs in our YMCAs
  • 你们需要帮助基督教青年会中的穷苦孩子
  • And build safe places for kids after school
  • 为学生课后提供安全的活动场所
  • And do mentoring and tutoring and that you can integrate
  • 为他们提供教育和辅导
  • You can integrate your corporations with the communities that they exist in
  • 你们可以将公司同你们所处的社区整合在一起
  • And that you do not have to have walls around you that are separating you
  • 你们不需要在身边筑起围墙 将自己同
  • From those that you are living right next to
  • 周围居住的人隔离开来
  • And it was a motivating speech, it was inspiring
  • 演讲很有感染力
  • And then he ended it and he said
  • 最后他总结说
  • Just remember this
  • 记住
  • Get out there and do something for other people
  • 到外面去 为他人做点什么
  • and then I said wow, I have a second guru
  • 我心想 哇 又一位大师


And General Powell stood up


And he said, ladies and gentlemen I brought you here today

讲道 女士们先生们 今天请各位来到这里

To tell you something very important


That Milton Friedman was wrong


That the business of business is not business


That your companies, your organizations

你们这些公司 这些组织

Are some of the richest, the most powerful resources we have in our great countries

是我们国家最富有 最强大的资源

And your leaders are some of the greatest leaders we have in our great country


And we need to put them to work to help everyone in this great country

我们需要利用所有这些 造福这个伟大国家的所有人

And what we need to do, and he went on, what we need to do

我们需要… 他继续讲道 我们需要

Is we need to tap into your employees and we need to tap into your products

借助你们的员工 借助你们的产品

And we need to tap into your technology and we need


To tap into your relationships and your resources


And everything that is going on in your organizations


And you need to get out there to help our boys and girls clubs in our YMCAs


And build safe places for kids after school


And do mentoring and tutoring and that you can integrate


You can integrate your corporations with the communities that they exist in


And that you do not have to have walls around you that are separating you

你们不需要在身边筑起围墙 将自己同

From those that you are living right next to


And it was a motivating speech, it was inspiring


And then he ended it and he said


Just remember this


Get out there and do something for other people

到外面去 为他人做点什么

and then I said wow, I have a second guru

我心想 哇 又一位大师

重点单词   查看全部解释    
guru ['guru:]


n. 古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖), 领袖,专家

inspiring [in'spaiəriŋ]


adj. 令人振奋的,激励人的,鼓舞人心的

integrate ['intigreit]


v. 整合,使 ... 成整体
adj. 组合





