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Listen to this 2 英语初级听力(MP3+字幕) 第7课(3)

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  • Section 2
  • Task 1 United World Colleges
  • United World Colleges, can I help you?
  • Yes, I'd like some information about the colleges, please.
  • Hold the line, I'll put you through to the International Secretary.
  • Good morning. Robert Creighton speaking.
  • Good morning, my name is Julian Harris and I have a friend in Spain who's interested in applying for a place at one of the colleges.
  • And there are one or two questions which she'd like me to ask you.
  • Go ahead. Thanks.
  • The first one is, What language is used for normal lessons?
  • Well, the main language of instruction in all the colleges is English.
  • But at Pacific College in Canada, some subjects are taught in French, and at the College of the Adriatic, some maybe taught in Italian.
  • Right, her next question is about fees.
  • Is it expensive to go to one of the colleges?
  • Students' parents don't have to be rich, if that's what you mean.
  • There are scholarships for all colleges, but we do ask parents to help by paying what they can afford.
  • Ha, good, she'll be glad to hear that.
  • Now she wants to know something about getting into a college.
  • Does she have to get high marks in her examinations?
  • Ah, yes, well, she will have to do well, but academic ability is not the only thing that's important.
  • We also look at personal qualities.
  • What sort of things do you mean?
  • Maturity, the ability to get on well with people from different countries, that sort of thing.
  • Of course, I understand what you mean.
  • Her last question is about her other interests.
  • Can she do painting and modern dancing, for example?
  • Yes, probably. It depends on the staff at the college she enters.
  • Each college has its own special activities, such as theatre studies or environmental work, in which students can take part.
  • Ha, good, I think that's all.
  • Thank you very much for your help.
  • You're welcome.
  • I hope your friends sends in an application.
  • I'm sure she will, thanks again, good bye. Good bye.


Section 2
Task 1 United World Colleges
United World Colleges, can I help you
Yes, I'd like some information about the colleges, please.
Hold the line, I'll put you through to the International Secretary.
Good morning. Robert Creighton speaking.
Good morning, my name is Julian Harris and I have a friend in Spain who's interested in applying for a place at one of the colleges.
And there are one or two questions which she'd like me to ask you.
Go ahead. Thanks.
The first one is, What language is used for normal lessons?
Well, the main language of instruction in all the colleges is English.
But at Pacific College in Canada, some subjects are taught in French, and at the College of the Adriatic, some maybe taught in Italian.
Right, her next question is about fees.
Is it expensive to go to one of the colleges?
Students' parents don't have to be rich, if that's what you mean.
There are scholarships for all colleges, but we do ask parents to help by paying what they can afford.
Ha, good, she'll be glad to hear that.
Now she wants to know something about getting into a college.
Does she have to get high marks in her examinations?
Ah, yes, well, she will have to do well, but academic ability is not the only thing that's important.
We also look at personal qualities.
What sort of things do you mean?
Maturity, the ability to get on well with people from different countries, that sort of thing.
Of course, I understand what you mean.
Her last question is about her other interests.
Can she do painting and modern dancing, for example?
Yes, probably. It depends on the staff at the college she enters.
Each college has its own special activities, such as theatre studies or environmental work, in which students can take part.
Ha, good, I think that's all.
Thank you very much for your help.
You're welcome.
I hope your friends sends in an application.
I'm sure she will, thanks again, good bye. Good bye.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
maturity [mə'tjuəriti]


n. 成熟,(支票等的)到期

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

instruction [in'strʌkʃən]


n. 说明,须知,指令,教学

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序





