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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So there is a lot of inequality in this world
  • 所以说这个世界有太多的不平等
  • There is a lot of instability in this world
  • 这个世界有太多的不稳定
  • Manifested by the financial crisis that had quickly spread across the world, but also in how all these wonderful open borders could lead to what happened to a Boston Marathon
  • 这体现在了金融危机能够在世界范围内快速扩散 也体现在那些美妙的开放边境政策 最后会导致波士顿马拉松爆炸案的发生
  • Two boys come here, looking for a college education, seem to be doing well,
  • 那两个年轻人来到美国 寻求高等教育 好像过得还不错
  • and this or that or the other thing goes wrong and they decided that the only way their lives can have meaning is to take some other people's lives away
  • 不晓得被什么刺激了 他俩决定 只有夺取别人的生命 他们的生命才有意义
  • There were not empowered, as you are
  • 他们没有被赋予那种能力 不像你们
  • Just about a year before, you remember that another young man try to blow off a car bomb in Time Square in New York
  • 你们应该还记得大概一年前 有个小伙子试图在纽约时报广场引爆汽车炸弹
  • He and his wife got college degrees in America
  • 他和他的妻子都在美国获得了大学文凭
  • He had a job and a home and a home mortgage and then like a lot Americans, he lost it
  • 他有工作 还贷款买了房子 但跟很多美国人一样 他搞砸了
  • Most of us who are raised to face failure in the face and fix ourselves up, go back to work and make some good happen
  • 我们大部分人都被教育 要敢于直面失败 重整旗鼓 重新努力 重回正轨
  • And I hope you would do that
  • 我希望你们也会这么做
  • But somehow he thought this isolated him from the rest of the world the only way his life could matter is that he took away the lives of people he didn't even know
  • 但不知为何 他觉得失败让他与世界隔绝 唯一能实现他生命价值的方式 就是夺取陌生人的生命
  • So the first decision we have to make, before we can get all the policies and all the things that would change the world for the better, is to share the future.
  • 所以我们要做的第一个决定 在我们制定出所有可能将世界 变得更好的政策和其他事情之前 就是我们需要共享未来
  • To try to create a world of shared prosperity, where there's shared responsibility, where everybody can be a part of a community as long as they believe in certain values,
  • 要努力创造一个共享繁荣 共担责任的世界 在那里每个人都能成为社会的一份子 只要他们共持一定的价值观
  • including equal treatment and the absence of violence and the opportunity to begin again.
  • 包括一视同仁和杜绝暴力 还有重新开始的机会


So there is a lot of inequality in this world

There is a lot of instability in this world
Manifested by the financial crisis that had quickly spread across the world, but also in how all these wonderful open borders could lead to what happened to a Boston Marathon
这体现在了金融危机能够在世界范围内快速扩散 也体现在那些美妙的开放边境政策 最后会导致波士顿马拉松爆炸案的发生
Two boys come here, looking for a college education, seem to be doing well,
那两个年轻人来到美国 寻求高等教育 好像过得还不错
and this or that or the other thing goes wrong and they decided that the only way their lives can have meaning is to take some other people's lives away
不晓得被什么刺激了 他俩决定 只有夺取别人的生命 他们的生命才有意义
There were not empowered, as you are
他们没有被赋予那种能力 不像你们
Just about a year before, you remember that another young man try to blow off a car bomb in Time Square in New York
你们应该还记得大概一年前 有个小伙子试图在纽约时报广场引爆汽车炸弹
He and his wife got college degrees in America
He had a job and a home and a home mortgage and then like a lot Americans, he lost it
他有工作 还贷款买了房子 但跟很多美国人一样 他搞砸了
Most of us who are raised to face failure in the face and fix ourselves up, go back to work and make some good happen
我们大部分人都被教育 要敢于直面失败 重整旗鼓 重新努力 重回正轨
And I hope you would do that
But somehow he thought this isolated him from the rest of the world the only way his life could matter is that he took away the lives of people he didn't even know
但不知为何 他觉得失败让他与世界隔绝 唯一能实现他生命价值的方式 就是夺取陌生人的生命
So the first decision we have to make, before we can get all the policies and all the things that would change the world for the better, is to share the future.
所以我们要做的第一个决定 在我们制定出所有可能将世界 变得更好的政策和其他事情之前 就是我们需要共享未来
To try to create a world of shared prosperity, where there's shared responsibility, where everybody can be a part of a community as long as they believe in certain values,
要努力创造一个共享繁荣 共担责任的世界 在那里每个人都能成为社会的一份子 只要他们共持一定的价值观
including equal treatment and the absence of violence and the opportunity to begin again.
包括一视同仁和杜绝暴力 还有重新开始的机会

重点单词   查看全部解释    
instability [.instə'biliti]


n. 不安定,不稳定(性)

inequality [.ini'kwɔliti]


n. 不平等,不平均,差异,多变性,不等式

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

isolated ['aisəleitid]


adj. 分离的,孤立的

prosperity [prɔs'periti]


n. 繁荣,兴旺

mortgage ['mɔ:gidʒ]


n. 按揭,抵押贷款
vt. 抵押

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落





