They simply did whatever was at hand in whatever form it present itself to put food on the table and if they had a family, to support their families
他们不过是按照其所呈现的形式做些手头的事情 把食品放在桌子上 如果他们有家庭的话 那就是供养家人
You have a choice
The only bit of personal advice I have is this:
Try to do something that'll make you happy
And most people are happiest doing what they are best at You have been given that gift
大多数人在做他们最擅长的事情的时候最快乐 你们已经有了这份才能
That is the ultimate gift Howard has given you
You are going out to a world that is the most interdependent world in history
You can see it
Not just in trade, but travel, in increasing diversity
不光是贸易方面 还有旅行 日益增进的多样性
Look how diverse America is
Pretty soon, there will be no majority race
过不了多久 就不会有什么多数族群了
There is no majority race in California or Hawaii
And by 2050, there will be no majority in America
到2050年 整个美国都不会有多数族群
Will just be one big group of people that will have to think of something to hold ourselves together
只会有一大群人 我们将不得不想想怎样才能团结在一起
And it's very important
So the second thing I wanna say to you is this
The world has many challenges
You know them
There is too much inequality
It's manifested that for most college students in the fact that they haul out of college with too much debt and wonder if they're gonna be able to repay it
对于大多数大学生来说都是这样 他们离开大学的时候还欠着一屁股债 他们在想 他们在想自己能不能把钱还上
And it's manifested that for most people that don't have a college degree 'cause they've been working for 10 years without much of a pay raise
对那些没有大学文凭的人来说更是这样 他们含辛茹苦工作十年 工资却没见涨多少
And it's manifested that all over the world, by a global jobs crisis for young people when the Arab Spring occurred in Egypt
对全世界的遭遇全球就业危机的年轻人来说也是如此 当阿拉伯之春在埃及爆发的时候
And you saw all the incredibly articulate young people in Tahrir Square in Cairo.
你们可以看到开罗解放广场上 那些极其能言善辩的年轻人
One of the reason that I was there is that every year their university system turned out 400,000 college graduates,
我之所以要去那里的一个原因 是每年他们的高等学校都会打造出四十万毕业生
and their economy never produce anywhere near 400,000 jobs for college graduates.