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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit11:Visions of the Future(1)

编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 11. Visions of the future.
  • 第11单元 未来的愿景
  • Part 1. Warming up.
  • 第1部分 热身
  • A. Keywords. businesses, office, transport, advertising.
  • 关键词 生意,办公室,交通,广告
  • Vocabulary. clerical worker, client.
  • 词汇:文员、客户。
  • Listen to some predictions some people have made about the business world in the next 20 years or so, add missing words to the following statements.
  • 听一听一些人对未来 20 年左右商业世界的预测,给下列语句添加缺失的词语。
  • What do you think might happen in the business world in the next 20 years or so?
  • 您认为未来 20 年左右的商业世界会发生什么?
  • Um...there will be no more telexes, businesses will only use fax and electronic mail.
  • 嗯......不会再有电传了,企业只能使用传真和电子邮件。
  • cleaning will be done by robots.
  • 嗯......办公室清洁将由机器人完成。
  • Well, there will be much more unemployment.、
  • 嗯,会有更多的失业。
  • I think people will have to retrained for new skills every ten years.
  • 我认为,人们每十年就必须接受一次新技能的再培训。
  • I think robots will replace production workers. Computers will replace clerical workers.
  • 我认为机器人将会取代生产工人,电脑将会取代文员。
  • People will buy their food from home.
  • 人们在家里就可以买到食物。
  • There will be less need for transport as people will work from home.
  • 因为人们都将居家办公,对交通的需求会减少。
  • Most consumer advertising will be delivered directly to the home.
  • 大多数消费者广告将直接送达家庭。
  • Well, business travel will be replaced by live video meetings, there won't be any need to go to see the clients any more.
  • 那么,商务旅行将被实时视频会议所取代,再也没有必要去见客户了。
  • B. Keywords. Mars, court, population, nuclear, brain, computers.
  • B关键词 火星、法庭、人口、核能、大脑、计算机。
  • Vocabulary. dome, tower block.
  • 词汇 穹顶、塔楼
  • Listen to some 13-year-old children talking about the way they think life will be like in the future.
  • 请听几位 13 岁的孩子讲述他们眼中的未来生活。
  • Add the missing words to the statements.
  • 将缺失的单词补充到语句中。
  • I think I'll probably be in a spaceship on my way to the planet Mars.
  • 我认为我可能会乘坐宇宙飞船飞往火星。
  • I may be in charge of a robot court, judging some robots.
  • 我可能会负责机器人法庭,审判一些机器人。
  • I think the population will have gone up so much, that everyone will be living in big plastic domes in the Sahara Desert, or also be living under the sea.
  • 我认为人口将大幅增长,每个人都将住在撒哈拉沙漠的塑料大穹顶里,或者住在海底。
  • Obviously nuclear war worries me, but I don't think that will happen.
  • 核战争显然会让我担心,但我认为这不会发生。
  • Because I don't think that any human being capable of actually pressing some button that release all the nuclear arms.
  • 因为我不认为任何人能够......能够真正按下某个按钮,释放所有的核武器。
  • Perhaps we'll be able to convert brain waves into radio waves, then change back to brain waves.
  • 也许我们能把脑电波转换成无线电波,然后再变回脑电波。
  • So you could actually have a conversation with someone without talking.
  • 这样,你就可以在不说话的情况下与人交谈了。
  • And there will be so many people, I think there may, unless they have another plant to go to.
  • 会有更多的人类,我觉得会,除非人类有其他星球可以生存。
  • There will be loads and loads of tower blocks for people to live in.
  • 将有大量的摩天大楼供人们居住。
  • It will probably be computers that are running country by then.
  • 到那时,管理国家的可能就是电脑了。
  • C. Keywords. The Earth, planet, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
  • C. 关键词 地球、行星、水星、金星、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星。
  • Vocabulary. diameter.
  • 词汇 直径
  • C1. you're going to hear a passage about the solar system.
  • C1.你将会听到一篇关于太阳系的文章。
  • Put the names of the plants of the solar system in the right places.
  • 蒋星星的名字填在太阳系正确的位置上。
  • The Earth is a planet just under 8,000 mile in diameter, moving around the sun at a distance of 93 million miles, and completing one circuit in 365.5 days.
  • 地球是一颗直径不到 8000 英里的行星,以 9300 万英里的距离围绕太阳运动,365.5 天完成一圈。
  • It is not the only planet, eight others are known, all with their own special points of interest.
  • 地球不是唯一的行星,目前已知的还有七个,每个都有自己的特色
  • Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than we're,
  • 水星和金星比我们的地球距离太阳更近。
  • Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are farther away.
  • 火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星距离较远。
  • Of course, the nearest to us are Mars, which may approach the Earth to within 35 million miles.
  • 当然,距离我们最近的是火星,大概距离地球3500万公里。
  • And Venus which has a minimum distance from us of only about 24 million miles.
  • 而金星与我们的最小距离只有大约 2400 万英里。
  • Mars and Venus are also the only two planets which do not appear to be overwhelmingly hostile.
  • 火星和金星也是仅有的两颗似乎没有压倒性敌意的行星。
  • However, they are much more remote than our one natural satellite, the Moon, which moves around the Earth at a mean distance of less than a quarter of a million miles.
  • 不过,它们比我们的一颗天然卫星--月球要遥远得多,月球绕地球运动的平均距离不到 25 万英里。
  • C2. Now listen again. Write down the numbers which correspond to the information given to you.
  • C2. 现在再听一遍。写下与所给信息相对应的数字。


Unit 11. Visions of the future.

Part 1. Warming up.

A. Keywords. businesses, office, transport, advertising.

Vocabulary. clerical worker, client.

Listen to some predictions some people have made about the business world in the next 20 years or so, add missing words to the following statements.

What do you think might happen in the business world in the next 20 years or so?

Um...there will be no more telexes, businesses will only use fax and electronic mail. cleaning will be done by robots.

Well, there will be much more unemployment.

I think people will have to retrained for new skills every ten years.

I think robots will replace production workers. Computers will replace clerical workers.

People will buy their food from home.

There will be less need for transport as people will work from home.

Most consumer advertising will be delivered directly to the home.

Well, business travel will be replaced by live video meetings, there won't be any need to go to see the clients any more.

B. Keywords. Mars, court, population, nuclear, brain, computers.

Vocabulary. dome, tower block.

Listen to some 13-year-old children talking about the way they think life will be like in the future.

Add the missing words to the statements.

I think I'll probably be in a spaceship on my way to the planet Mars.

I may be in charge of a robot court, judging some robots.

I think the population will have gone up so much, that everyone will be living in big plastic domes in the Sahara Desert, or also be living under the sea.

Obviously nuclear war worries me, but I don't think that will happen.

Because I don't think that any human being capable of actually pressing some button that release all the nuclear arms.

Perhaps we'll be able to convert brain waves into radio waves, then change back to brain waves.

So you could actually have a conversation with someone without talking.

And there will be so many people, I think there may, unless they have another plant to go to.

There will be loads and loads of tower blocks for people to live in.

It will probably be computers that are running country by then.

C. Keywords. The Earth, planet, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Vocabulary. diameter.

C1. you're going to hear a passage about the solar system.

Put the names of the plants of the solar system in the right places.

The Earth is a planet just under 8,000 mile in diameter, moving around the sun at a distance of 93 million miles, and completing one circuit in 365.5 days.

It is not the only planet, eight others are known, all with their own special points of interest.

Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than we're,

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are farther away.

Of course, the nearest to us are Mars, which may approach the Earth to within 35 million miles.

And Venus which has a minimum distance from us of only about 24 million miles.

Mars and Venus are also the only two planets which do not appear to be overwhelmingly hostile.

However, they are much more remote than our one natural satellite, the Moon, which moves around the Earth at a mean distance of less than a quarter of a million miles.

C2. Now listen again. Write down the numbers which correspond to the information given to you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
diameter [dai'æmitə]


n. 直径

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

pressing [presiŋ]


adj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处





