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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit11:Visions of the Future(4)

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  • Part 4. Language Study and language appreciation.
  • 第4部分 语言学习与鉴赏
  • Listen to the following statements, pay special attention to the parts in bold type, learn to appreciate and use the language.
  • 听以下语句,特别注意粗体字部分,学会欣赏和使用语言。
  • 1. to brave... to
  • 1. 勇敢地......去
  • At the clock struck midnight, thousands of people braved rain showers to attend midnight celebrations, fireworks and concerts.
  • 午夜钟声敲响时,成千上万的人们冒着阵雨参加午夜庆祝活动、焰火晚会和音乐会。
  • 2. at the stroke of...
  • 2. 在......的时候
  • In Australia, a firework display lit up the sky over Sydney's famous harbor at the stroke of midnight.
  • 在澳大利亚,午夜时分,一场烟花表演照亮了悉尼著名海港的天空。
  • 3. be domesticated by...
  • 3. 被......驯化
  • Pigs were first domesticated by man about 9,000 years ago and are still a very common farm animal in many parts of the world.
  • 猪在大约 9000 年前首次被人类驯化,现在仍然是世界上许多地方非常常见的农场动物。
  • 4. be nominated for...
  • 4. 被提名为...
  • The firm won a Oscar and was nominated for six more.
  • 该公司曾获得一项奥斯卡奖和六项提名。
  • 5. to stage a race on...
  • 5. 在......上举行比赛
  • A farmer, Rob Shepherd, has been raising money for charity by staging pig races on his farm.
  • 农场主罗布-谢泼德通过在自家农场举办赛猪活动为慈善事业筹集资金。
  • 6. to make one's way from... to...
  • 6. 从......到......
  • The procession made its way from Chinatown to Trafalgar Square, the very heart of London.
  • 游行队伍从唐人街一直行进到伦敦市中心的特拉法加广场。
  • 7. to run a special...season.
  • 7. 举办特别......季节。
  • This year's celebrations include more than 100 events, from lion dancing to elephant chess, whilst London's museums, art galleries and theaters are running a special Chinese-themed seasons.
  • 今年的庆祝活动包括 100 多项活动,从舞狮到象棋,而伦敦的博物馆、艺术馆和剧院也将举办以中国为主题的特别演出季。
  • 8. be exemplified by...
  • 8. 通过......
  • 20 sites on 6 continents will observe a tradition best exemplified by the lowering of the lighting time ball in New York city.
  • 六大洲的 20 个地点将纪念这一传统,纽约市降低照明时间球就是最好的例证。
  • 9. to drop by gravity.
  • 9. 因重力而下降。
  • The first time balls about 1.5 meters in diameter were made of wood and leather, and hoisted manually by rope to drop by gravity.
  • 第一次用木头和皮革制成直径约 1.5 米的球,用绳子人工吊起,在重力作用下落下。
  • 10. be signified by...
  • 10. 以......为标志
  • The beginning of the New Year is signified by the chiming of Big Ben, the famous London clock, at midnight, which is also shown on TV for those who are staying in.
  • 午夜时分,伦敦著名的大本钟鸣响,标志着新年的开始。
  • 11. to stick to/ be related to.
  • 11. 坚持/相关。
  • Unfortunately, it's not always easy to stick to your resolutions, especially if they are related to saving money.
  • 不幸的是,要坚持自己的决心并不总是那么容易,尤其是当这些决心与省钱有关时。


Part 4. Language Study and language appreciation.

Listen to the following statements, pay special attention to the parts in bold type, learn to appreciate and use the language.

1. to brave... to

At the clock struck midnight, thousands of people braved rain showers to attend midnight celebrations, fireworks and concerts.

2. at the stroke of...

In Australia, a firework display lit up the sky over Sydney's famous harbor at the stroke of midnight.

3. be domesticated by...

Pigs were first domesticated by man about 9,000 years ago and are still a very common farm animal in many parts of the world.

4. be nominated for...

The firm won a Oscar and was nominated for six more.

5. to stage a race on...

A farmer, Rob Shepherd, has been raising money for charity by staging pig races on his farm.

6. to make one's way from... to...

The procession made its way from Chinatown to Trafalgar Square, the very heart of London.

7. to run a special...season.

This year's celebrations include more than 100 events, from lion dancing to elephant chess, whilst London's museums, art galleries and theaters are running a special Chinese-themed seasons.

8. be exemplified by...

20 sites on 6 continents will observe a tradition best exemplified by the lowering of the lighting time ball in New York city.

9. to drop by gravity.

The first time balls about 1.5 meters in diameter were made of wood and leather, and hoisted manually by rope to drop by gravity.

10. be signified by...

The beginning of the New Year is signified by the chiming of Big Ben, the famous London clock, at midnight, which is also shown on TV for those who are staying in.

11. to stick to/ be related to.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to stick to your resolutions, especially if they are related to saving money.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,

harbor ['hɑ:bə]


n. 海港,避难所
vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏<

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚

diameter [dai'æmitə]


n. 直径

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

procession [prə'seʃən]


n. 队伍,行列
v. 列队行进

appreciation [ə.pri:ʃi'eiʃən]


n. 欣赏,感激,鉴识,评价,增值

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

gravity ['græviti]


n. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意





