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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit8:Trends in Economics(1)

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  • Unit 8. Trends in Economics.
  • 第8单元 经济趋势
  • Part 1. Warming up.
  • 第1部分 热身
  • A. Keywords. buy, meeting, trend, sell, release oil,
  • A关键词 买,会议,趋势,释放油
  • aid, common import tax, market drops, stock prices, interest rates.
  • 援助,共同进口税,市场下跌,股票价格,利率。
  • Vocabulary. aerospace, interest rate, loan, Rangoon, Burma,
  • 词汇 航空航天,利率,贷款,缅甸仰光,
  • the Gulf Cooperation Council, the New York Stock Exchange.
  • 海湾合作委员会,纽约证券交易所。
  • You are going to hear some simple news items which include numbers ranging from 0.25 to 37,000,000,000.
  • 你将听到一些简单的新闻,包括0.25到37,000,000,000的数字。
  • Listen carefully, write down the numbers rapidly.
  • 认真听,快速记下数字。
  • British Aerospace plans to buy the part of General electric Company of Britain that makes defence electronics.
  • 英国航空航天公司计划购买英国通用电气公司制造国防电子产品的部分。
  • The deal is worth 25 thousand million (25,000,000,000) dollars.
  • 这笔交易价值250亿美元(25,000,000,000美元)。
  • Canada will hold a meeting of American leaders in April to discuss trade and economic issues.
  • 加拿大将于4月与美国领导人举行会议,讨论贸易和经济问题。
  • Canada now has a trade surplus of 161 million (161,000,000) dollars a year with Central America.
  • 加拿大现在对中美洲的贸易顺差为每年1.61亿美元(1.61亿美元)。
  • Owners of MCI Communications have agreed to sell the company to the American Communications Company WorldCom.
  • MCI通信公司的所有者已经同意将公司出售给美国通信公司世界通信公司。
  • The price is 37 thousand million (37,000,000,000) dollars in stock.
  • 价格为 370 亿美元的股票。
  • WorldCom defeated a 28 thousand million dollar offer by GGE.
  • 世通拒绝了通用电气280亿美元的报价。
  • MCI also refused the British Company Telecom's offer to unite the two companies by an agreement worth about 24 thousand million (24,000,000,000) dollars.
  • MCI还拒绝了英国电信公司提出的以240亿美元(约240亿美元)的价格将两家公司合并的提议。
  • President Clinton will release 30 million barrels of oil from the United States' emergency supply,
  • 克林顿总统将从美国的紧急供应中释放3000万桶石油,
  • The move is designed to ease heated oil shortage expected this year.
  • 此举旨在缓解今年预计会出现的热油短缺问题。
  • Rangoon, the United Nations and the World Bank have offered Burma one thousand million (1000,000,000) dollars in aid.
  • 仰光、联合国和世界银行向缅甸提供了10亿美元的援助。
  • An UN special diplomat made the offer to Burmese leaders last month.
  • 上个月,一名联合国特别外交官向缅甸领导人提出了这一建议。
  • Representatives of the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council have agreed to common import taxes.
  • 海湾合作委员会六个成员国的代表同意征收共同的进口税。
  • Official at the meeting in Riyad said representatives agreed to set the common tax on some goods at 5.5%.
  • 参加利雅得会议的官员表示,代表们同意对一些商品征收5.5%的共同税。
  • The tax on other goods will be 7.5%.
  • 为其他商品征收7.7%的税。
  • The New York Stock Exchange halted trading early after suffering one of the worst market drops in history.
  • 纽约证券交易所在经历了历史上最严重的市场下跌后提前停止交易。
  • Stock prices fell more than 550 points, that is a lose of more than 7%.
  • 股价下跌超过550点,跌幅超过7%。
  • United States' Central Bank officials are reducing interest rates for the third time this year.
  • 美国央行官员今年已经三次降低利率。
  • The bank officials cut by 0.25%, the rate the banks charge each other for short-turn loans, that rate now will be 4.75%.
  • 央行官员将银行间短期贷款的利率下调0.25%,现在的利率为4.75%。
  • The Central Bank made the same reduction in the rate it charges members banks for overnight loans, the rate now will be 4.5%.
  • 中央银行对其成员银行的隔夜贷款利率也进行了同样的下调,现在的利率为4.5%。
  • B. Keywords. protests, meeting, EU members, low prizes,
  • B 关键词 抗议、会议、欧盟成员、低奖金、
  • cut taxes, trade, peace and security, policies, inflation, Japanese ports. economy.
  • 削减税收、贸易、和平与安全、政策、通货膨胀、日本港口。经济。
  • Vocabulary. demonstrator, senate, inflation, Dutch, Manila, the Federal Reserve Board.
  • 词汇量。示威者,参议院,通货膨胀,荷兰,马尼拉,联邦储备委员会。
  • Now, listen to some simple news items, focus your attention on who, what, when, where, why and how in each lead and write down what you hear in the given spaces.
  • 现在,听一些简单的新闻,把注意力集中在每个引子中的人物、事件、时间、地点、原因和方式上,并在给定的空白处写下你听到的内容。
  • Angry demonstrators are increasing their protests against rising fuel prices.
  • 愤怒的示威者加大了抗议油价上涨的力度。
  • World oil prices have reached a ten year high of about 135 dollars a barrel.
  • 世界油价已经达到了十年内最高的价格,大约为每桶135美元。
  • China has opened a meeting of African nations, representatives of more than 40 African nations are attending the three-day meeting in Beijing.
  • 中国已召开非洲国家会议,40 多个非洲国家的代表将出席在北京举行的为期三天的会议。
  • Dutch Prime Minister says the Czech Republic could become a member of the European Union by early 2003.
  • 荷兰首相称捷克共和国可能在 2003 年初成为欧盟成员国。
  • The prime Minister told reporters that the final date would be decided by a conference of EU members.
  • 首相告诉记者,最终日期将由欧盟成员国会议决定。
  • Financial administrators and Central Bank governors of 7 leading industrial nations are meeting in Washington.
  • 7 个主要工业国的金融管理官员和中央银行行长正在华盛顿举行会议。
  • Officials from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United States are attending the meeting.
  • 来自英国、加拿大、法国、德国、日本和美国的官员出席了会议。
  • Iran and Saudi Arabia say they will try to reduce the amount of oil now on the world market in an attempt to increase the loan prices that are harming their economies.
  • 伊朗和沙特阿拉伯表示,它们将试图减少目前世界市场上的石油数量,以提高损害其经济的贷款价格。
  • Leaders of the Organization of Petrolem Exporting Countries have urged rich countries to lower oil prices by cutting taxes on oil products.
  • 石油输出国组织领导人敦促富裕国家通过削减石油产品税来降低石油价格。
  • Leaders of the ten-number Association of Southeastern Asian Nations have promised to speed efforts to increase trade and to bring peace and security to the area.
  • 东南亚国家联盟十国领导人承诺加快努力,增加贸易,为该地区带来和平与安全。
  • They made the statement at the end of their yearly meeting in the Manila.
  • 他们是在马尼拉年会结束时发表这一声明的。
  • The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board has told a senate committee that he will support policies that keeping inflation low.
  • 联邦储备委员会主席向参议院委员会表示,他将支持保持低通胀的政策。
  • The United States and Japan have signed an agreement that will open Japanese ports to foreign companies.
  • 美国和日本签订了一项协议,将增加日本对外国公司开放的港口。
  • And in Singapore, Prime Minister says his country's economy has increased almost 4% for the first half in 1998.
  • 新加坡总理说,1998 年上半年新加坡的经济增长了近 4%。
  • Experts say the country has became a leading manufactory and financial center.
  • 专家称该国已经成为一个领先的制造和金融中心。
  • C. Keywords. shares, trading, reduced, rate, loan, budget plan, limiting production,
  • C. 关键词:股票、交易、减持、利率、贷款、预算计划、限产、
  • index, rose, unemployment, owes, wholesale prices, increased.
  • 指数、上升、失业、欠款、批发价格、增加。
  • Vocabulary. prime rate, cabinet, budget, barrel, indicator, work force.
  • 词汇 最优惠利率、内阁、预算、桶、指标、劳动力。
  • You are going to hear some simple news items, which include numbers ranging from 0.1 to 27,000,000,000.
  • 您将听到一些简单的新闻,其中包括从 0.1 到 27,000,000,000 不等的数字。
  • Listen carefully, write down the numbers rapidly.
  • 仔细听,快速记下数字。
  • A record number of shares, almost 93 million were traded Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • 周二,纽约证券交易所的股票成交量达到创纪录的近 9,300 万股。
  • Trading was heavy again Friday on the New York Stock Exchange, about 97 million shares were traded, a number second only to the record 133 million shares traded Wednesday.
  • 周五,纽约证券交易所的交易量再次激增,共成交约 9700 万股,仅次于周三创纪录的 1.33 亿股。
  • Manufacturers' Hanover Trust Company of New York and the First National Bank of Chicago both reduce their prime rate 1.5% to 16%.
  • 纽约制造商汉诺威信托公司和芝加哥第一国民银行都将最优惠利率下调 1.5% 至 16%。
  • The World Bank has approved a 100 million dollar loan to the Ivory Coast.
  • 世界银行已批准向象牙海岸提供 1 亿美元的贷款。
  • Japan's cabinet has approved a proposed budget plan for next year, the 210 thousand million dollar budget will reduce total spending, military spending will be increased 5.1%.
  • 日本内阁已经批准了明年的预算计划提案,2.1 亿美元的预算将减少总支出,军费开支将增加 5.1%。
  • Oil ministers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries have agreed to continue limiting production to 17,500,000 barrels of oil a day.
  • 石油输出国组织的石油部长们同意继续将日产量限制在 1750 万桶石油。
  • The Commerce Department said its index of leading economic indicators rose 1.3% in July, the fourth mouth it has increased.
  • 美国商务部称,7 月份领先经济指标指数上升了 1.3%,这是该指数连续第四个月上升。
  • Unemployment in the United States rose last mouth to 9.5% of the American work force, the highest rate since World War Ⅱ.
  • 美国去年的失业率上升到占美国劳动力的 9.5%,这是自第二次世界大战以来的最高失业率。
  • The Labor Department said that unemployment rose in May by 0.1%.
  • 劳务部门表示五月份的失业率增加了0.1%。
  • It's said 10,500,000 Americans were out of work.
  • 表示有10,500,000美国人失业。
  • Poland owes foreign countries about 27 thousand million dollars.
  • 波兰欠外国约 270 亿美元。
  • A Labor Department reports the wholesale prices increased by 0.6% in August.
  • 劳工部报告称,8 月份批发价格上涨了 0.6%。


Unit 8. Trends in Economics.

Part 1. Warming up.

A. Keywords. buy, meeting, trend, sell, release oil,aid, common import tax, market drops, stock prices, interest rates.

Vocabulary. aerospace, interest rate, loan, Rangoon, Burma,

the Gulf Cooperation Council, the New York Stock Exchange.

You are going to hear some simple news items which include numbers ranging from 0.25 to 37,000,000,000.

Listen carefully, write down the numbers rapidly.

British Aerospace plans to buy the part of General electric Company of Britain that makes defence electronics.

The deal is worth 25 thousand million (25,000,000,000) dollars.

Canada will hold a meeting of American leaders in April to discuss trade and economic issues.

Canada now has a trade surplus of 161 million (161,000,000) dollars a year with Central America.

Owners of MCI Communications have agreed to sell the company to the American Communications Company WorldCom.

The price is 37 thousand million (37,000,000,000) dollars in stock.

WorldCom defeated a 28 thousand million dollar offer by GGE.

MCI also refused the British Company Telecom's offer to unite the two companies by an agreement worth about 24 thousand million (24,000,000,000) dollars.

President Clinton will release 30 million barrels of oil from the United States' emergency supply,

The move is designed to ease heated oil shortage expected this year.

Rangoon, the United Nations and the World Bank have offered Burma one thousand million (1000,000,000) dollars in aid.

An UN special diplomat made the offer to Burmese leaders last month.

Representatives of the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council have agreed to common import taxes.

Official at the meeting in Riyad said representatives agreed to set the common tax on some goods at 5.5%.

The tax on other goods will be 7.5%.

The New York Stock Exchange halted trading early after suffering one of the worst market drops in history.

Stock prices fell more than 550 points, that is a lose of more than 7%.

United States' Central Bank officials are reducing interest rates for the third time this year.

The bank officials cut by 0.25%, the rate the banks charge each other for short-turn loans, that rate now will be 4.75%.

The Central Bank made the same reduction in the rate it charges members banks for overnight loans, the rate now will be 4.5%.

B. Keywords. protests, meeting, EU members, low prizes,cut taxes, trade, peace and security, policies, inflation, Japanese ports. economy.

Vocabulary. demonstrator, senate, inflation, Dutch, Manila, the Federal Reserve Board.

Now, listen to some simple news items, focus your attention on who, what, when, where, why and how in each lead and write down what you hear in the given spaces.

Angry demonstrators are increasing their protests against rising fuel prices.

World oil prices have reached a ten year high of about 135 dollars a barrel.

China has opened a meeting of African nations, representatives of more than 40 African nations are attending the three-day meeting in Beijing.

Dutch Prime Minister says the Czech Republic could become a member of the European Union by early 2003.

The prime Minister told reporters that the final date would be decided by a conference of EU members.

Financial administrators and Central Bank governors of 7 leading industrial nations are meeting in Washington.

Officials from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United States are attending the meeting.

Iran and Saudi Arabia say they will try to reduce the amount of oil now on the world market in an attempt to increase the loan prices that are harming their economies.

Leaders of the Organization of Petrolem Exporting Countries have urged rich countries to lower oil prices by cutting taxes on oil products.

Leaders of the ten-number Association of Southeastern Asian Nations have promised to speed efforts to increase trade and to bring peace and security to the area.

They made the statement at the end of their yearly meeting in the Manila.

The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board has told a senate committee that he will support policies that keeping inflation low.

The United States and Japan have signed an agreement that will open Japanese ports to foreign companies.

And in Singapore, Prime Minister says his country's economy has increased almost 4% for the first half in 1998.

Experts say the country has became a leading manufactory and financial center.

C. Keywords. shares, trading, reduced, rate, loan, budget plan, limiting production,index, rose, unemployment, owes, wholesale prices, increased.

Vocabulary. prime rate, cabinet, budget, barrel, indicator, work force.

You are going to hear some simple news items, which include numbers ranging from 0.1 to 27,000,000,000.

Listen carefully, write down the numbers rapidly.

A record number of shares, almost 93 million were traded Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange.

Trading was heavy again Friday on the New York Stock Exchange, about 97 million shares were traded, a number second only to the record 133 million shares traded Wednesday.

Manufacturers' Hanover Trust Company of New York and the First National Bank of Chicago both reduce their prime rate 1.5% to 16%.

The World Bank has approved a 100 million dollar loan to the Ivory Coast.

Japan's cabinet has approved a proposed budget plan for next year, the 210 thousand million dollar budget will reduce total spending, military spending will be increased 5.1%.

Oil ministers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries have agreed to continue limiting production to 17,500,000 barrels of oil a day.

The Commerce Department said its index of leading economic indicators rose 1.3% in July, the fourth mouth it has increased.

Unemployment in the United States rose last mouth to 9.5% of the American work force, the highest rate since World War Ⅱ.

The Labor Department said that unemployment rose in May by 0.1%.e

It's said 10,500,000 Americans were out of work.

Poland owes foreign countries about 27 thousand million dollars.

A Labor Department reports the wholesale prices increased by 0.6% in August.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

commerce ['kɔmə:s]


n. 商业,贸易

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

loan [ləun]


n. 贷款,借出,债权人
v. 借,供应货款,

cooperation [kəu.ɔpə'reiʃən]


n. 合作,协作

inflation [in'fleiʃən]


n. 膨胀,通货膨胀

diplomat ['dipləmæt]


adj. 外交官,外交家 n. 外交家





