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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(3)

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  • Keywords. UN Road Safety Week, road accidents, young people, cause of deaths, first step, preventable.
  • 关键词 联合国道路安全周、道路事故、年轻人、死亡原因、第一步、可预防的。
  • Vocabulary. bid, helmet, obstacle.
  • 词汇:投标、头盔、障碍。
  • A. You are going to hear a report on the UN road safety program.
  • A. 您将听到一份关于联合国道路安全计划的报告。
  • Listen carefully, write down the major points about the program.
  • 认真听,写下报告的要点。
  • United Nations is holding the world's first Road Safety Week this week in bid to raise safety awareness among road users and to reduce the number of road accidents.
  • 为了提高人们的道路安全意识,减少道路事故的数量,联合国将于本周举办世界上第一个道路安全周。
  • The week is aimed especially at young people.
  • 该活动主要面向的是年强人。
  • Latest figures from the World Health Organization showed that road accidents are now the biggest cause of death among the people aged between 10 and 24.
  • 世界卫生组织的最新数据显示,交通事故已成为 10 至 24 岁人群的最大死因。
  • Every year almost four hundred thousand young people die in road accidents.
  • 每年大约有400,000年轻人死于道路事故。
  • Although the type of road accident varies.
  • 尽管事故的种类不同。
  • In Africa, which has the highest proportion of deaths those killed are frequently children playing in the street because they have nowhere else to go.
  • 在死亡比例最高的非洲,被杀害的往往是在街上玩耍的儿童,因为他们无处可去。
  • In Asia, where two-wheeled transport is common, young people are more often involved in motorcycle accidents.
  • 在亚洲,两轮交通工具非常普遍,年轻人更经常卷入摩托车事故。
  • While in Europe and the United States, most victims are young and inexperienced car drivers.
  • 而在欧洲和美国,大多数受害者都是缺乏经验的年轻汽车司机。
  • Doctor Attian Krug at the World Health Organization says a first step to saving these lives would be to recognize that road deaths are preventable.
  • 世界卫生组织的 阿蒂安-克鲁格 医生说,拯救这些生命的第一步是认识到公路死亡是可以预防的。
  • Road traffic crashes can, to certain extent, to be predicted.
  • 道路交通事故在一定程度上是可以预测的。
  • We know that if a road is badly designed, if a car is badly maintained or if drivers or road users in general don't follow the rules, there is going to be crashes.
  • 我们知道,如果道路设计不当,如果汽车维护不当,或者如果司机或道路使用者普遍不遵守规则,就会发生车祸。
  • We know also that we can act on these different elements of the road safety system to prevent those crashes.
  • 我们还知道,我们可以对道路安全系统的这些不同要素采取行动,以防止这些撞车事故的发生。
  • UN Road Safety Week aims to encourage young people to take basic measures such as wearing seat belts and car helmets.
  • 联合国道路安全周旨在鼓励年轻人采取系安全带和戴头盔等基本措施。
  • but it also wants governments to focus more on road safety, too, by designing safer roads and building traffic-free play areas for children.
  • 但它也希望各国政府更加关注道路安全,设计更安全的道路,为儿童建造无交通阻塞的游乐区。
  • "It's a good investment", the UN says, "because road traffic accidents currently cost over 500 billion dollars a year."
  • 联合国说,"这是一项很好的投资","因为目前道路交通事故每年造成的损失超过 5000 亿美元"。
  • They are not just a waste of young lifes but an obstacle to development.
  • 这不仅浪费了年轻人的生命,而且阻碍了发展。
  • B. Listen again, focus on some specific details.
  • B 再听一次,关注一些细节。
  • Complete the exercise.
  • 完成练习。


Part 3. The UN Road Safety Week.

Keywords. UN Road Safety Week, road accidents, young people, cause of deaths, first step, preventable.

Vocabulary. bid, helmet, obstacle.

A. You are going to hear a report on the UN road safety program.

Listen carefully, write down the major points about the program.

United Nations is holding the world's first Road Safety Week this week in bid to raise safety awareness among road users and to reduce the number of road accidents.

The week is aimed especially at young people.

Latest figures from the World Health Organization showed that road accidents are now the biggest cause of death among the people aged between 10 and 24.

Every year almost four hundred thousand young people die in road accidents.

Although the type of road accident varies.

In Africa, which has the highest proportion of deaths those killed are frequently children playing in the street because they have nowhere else to go.

In Asia, where two-wheeled transport is common, young people are more often involved in motorcycle accidents.

While in Europe and the United States, most victims are young and inexperienced car drivers.

Doctor Attian Krug at the World Health Organization says a first step to saving these lives would be to recognize that road deaths are preventable.

Road traffic crashes can, to certain extent, to be predicted.

We know that if a road is badly designed, if a car is badly maintained or if drivers or road users in general don't follow the rules, there is going to be crashes.

We know also that we can act on these different elements of the road safety system to prevent those crashes.

UN Road Safety Week aims to encourage young people to take basic measures such as wearing seat belts and car helmets.

but it also wants governments to focus more on road safety, too, by designing safer roads and building traffic-free play areas for children.

"It's a good investment", the UN says, "because road traffic accidents currently cost over 500 billion dollars a year."

They are not just a waste of young lifes but an obstacle to development.

B. Listen again, focus on some specific details.

Complete the exercise.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
obstacle ['ɔbstəkl]


n. 障碍,绊脚石

preventable [pri'ventəbl, pri:-]


adj. 可预防的;可阻止的;可防止的

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

proportion [prə'pɔ:ʃən]


n. 比例,均衡,部份,(复)体积,规模

helmet ['helmit]


n. 头盔,遮阳帽,盔甲

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒





