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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(4)

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  • Keywords. Asia's cities, gridlock, mass transit systems, car sales, problems.
  • 关键词 亚洲城市、交通堵塞、公共交通系统、汽车销售、问题。
  • Vocabulary. gridlock, lure, aggravate, snarl, implement.
  • 词汇 阻塞、引诱、激怒、咆哮、实施。
  • A. You're going to hear a report on experts discussing the traffic problems Asian's big cities face.
  • A. 您将听到专家讨论亚洲大城市面临的交通问题的报告。
  • Complete the exercises while listening to the first part of the report.
  • 边听报告第一部分边完成练习。
  • Asian cities boosted by economic prosperity, especially in China and India are facing increasing gridlock unless urgent measures to promote mass transit systems are promoted.
  • 经济繁荣带动的亚洲城市,尤其是中国和印度的城市,正面临着日益严重的交通堵塞问题,除非采取紧急措施促进大众交通系统的发展。
  • This was the warning Tuesday from transport analysts during a regional conference in Bangkok on sustainable transporation and air quality.
  • 这是周二在曼谷举行的可持续交通和空气质量地区会议上,交通分析师发出的警告。
  • More than 100 transport specialists from 10 countries at the the conference, say the solution lies in providing better public transporation system to lure car owners away from driving.
  • 来自 10 个国家的 100 多名交通专家在会上表示,解决之道在于提供更好的公共交通系统,吸引车主放弃驾车出行。
  • B. Now listen to the whole report, finish the exercises.
  • B. 现在听完整个报告,完成练习。
  • Asia cities, boosted by economic prosperity, especially in China and India, are facing increasing gridlock unless urgent measures to promote mass transit systems are promoted.
  • 受经济繁荣推动的亚洲城市,尤其是中国和印度的城市,正面临着日益严重的交通堵塞问题,除非采取紧急措施促进大众交通系统的发展。
  • This was the warning Tuesday from transport analysts during a regional conference in Bangkok on sustainable transportation and air quality.
  • 这是周二在曼谷举行的可持续交通和空气质量地区会议上,交通分析师发出的警告。
  • More than 100 transport specialists from 10 countries at the conference, say the solution lies in providing better public transportation systems to lure car owners away from driving.
  • 来自 10 个国家的 100 多名交通专家在会上表示,解决之道在于提供更好的公共交通系统,吸引车主不再开车。
  • Heather Allen, a manager with the International Association of Public Transport, says Asian cities need to stress transport systems over private car use.
  • 国际公共交通协会经理希瑟-艾伦表示,亚洲城市需要强调交通系统,而不是私家车的使用。
  • At the moment, I think anywhere in the world, the energy issue is very firmly on the table.
  • 目前,我认为在世界上的任何地方,能源问题都是非常重要的问题。
  • And the energy efficiency of public transport, our experience and our research shows that on average you can go twice as far using public transport as you can with a private individual car.
  • 我们的经验和研究表明,公共交通的能效是私家车的两倍。
  • Asia's love affair with the car appears very strong.
  • 亚洲对汽车的热爱似乎非常强烈。
  • In India, car sales in September were up almost 10%, while in China, vehicle sales were up 33% from a year ago to 354,000 units.
  • 印度九月份的汽车销量几乎上涨了10%,中国一年前的汽车销量则上涨了33%,售出了354,000台。
  • Both countries have booming economies and growing middle classes.
  • 这两个国家都拥有蓬勃发展的经济和不断壮大的中产阶级。
  • But experts say such growth aggravates the problems of increasingly crowded cities.
  • 但是专家称如此增长会加重城市拥挤。
  • Axel Friedrich from Germany's Federal Environment Agency says such growth cannot be sustained as traffic snarls increase in cities.
  • 德国联邦环境署的阿克塞尔-弗里德里希称,随着城市交通拥堵的加剧,这种增长是无法持续的。
  • Also he says, more private cars aggravate pollution problems and increase economic costs.
  • 他还谈到,私家车的数量越来越多会加重环境污染,增加经济开销。
  • Because workers and cargo get stuck on jammed roads.
  • 因为工人和货物会被堵在拥堵的道路上。
  • Transport analysts say that new systems such as underground railways are often too expensive and provide low returns to investors and governments.
  • 交通分析师称地铁之类的新的交通系统通常价格昂贵,并且给投资者和政府带不来多少回报。
  • The most efficient systems and fastest to implement are bus systems.
  • 公交系统是最高效,实施起来最快的交通系统。
  • But Mr Friedrich says governments often face local political and business interests when trying to put in place such efficient, low-cost transport systems.
  • 但弗里德里希先生说,政府在试图建立这种高效、低成本的运输系统时,往往会面临地方政治和商业利益的压力。


Part 4. Asia's cities face gridlock.

Keywords. Asia's cities, gridlock, mass transit systems, car sales, problems.

Vocabulary. gridlock, lure, aggravate, snarl, implement.

A. You're going to hear a report on experts discussing the traffic problems Asian's big cities face.

Complete the exercises while listening to the first part of the report.

Asian cities boosted by economic prosperity, especially in China and India are facing increasing gridlock unless urgent measures to promote mass transit systems are promoted.

This was the warning Tuesday from transport analysts during a regional conference in Bangkok on sustainable transporation and air quality.

More than 100 transport specialists from 10 countries at the the conference, say the solution lies in providing better public transporation system to lure car owners away from driving.

B. Now listen to the whole report, finish the exercises.

Asia cities, boosted by economic prosperity, especially in China and India, are facing increasing gridlock unless urgent measures to promote mass transit systems are promoted.

This was the warning Tuesday from transport analysts during a regional conference in Bangkok on sustainable transportation and air quality.

More than 100 transport specialists from 10 countries at the conference, say the solution lies in providing better public transportation systems to lure car owners away from driving.

Heather Allen, a manager with the International Association of Public Transport, says Asian cities need to stress transport systems over private car use.t

At the moment, I think anywhere in the world, the energy issue is very firmly on the table.

And the energy efficiency of public transport, our experience and our research shows that on average you can go twice as far using public transport as you can with a private individual car.

Asia's love affair with the car appears very strong.

In India, car sales in September were up almost 10%, while in China, vehicle sales were up 33% from a year ago to 354,000 units.

Both countries have booming economies and growing middle classes.

But experts say such growth aggravates the problems of increasingly crowded cities.

Axel Friedrich from Germany's Federal Environment Agency says such growth cannot be sustained as traffic snarls increase in cities.

Also he says, more private cars aggravate pollution problems and increase economic costs.

Because workers and cargo get stuck on jammed roads.

Transport analysts say that new systems such as underground railways are often too expensive and provide low returns to investors and governments.

The most efficient systems and fastest to implement are bus systems.

But Mr Friedrich says governments often face local political and business interests when trying to put in place such efficient, low-cost transport systems.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

transportation [.trænspə'teiʃən]


n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具

efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]


n. 效率,功率

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

vehicle ['vi:ikl]


n. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介





