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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit6:The Glory of Sport(3)

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  • Part 3. Sports and Entertainment Choices
  • 第3部分 运动与娱乐选择
  • Keywords. Paralympics, sports competition, physical or mental limitations, disabilities, choices of entertainment,
  • 关键词 残运会,运动竞赛,身体或者脑力限制,残疾,娱乐选择。
  • Vocabulary. spinal cord, wheelchair, scuba diving, yoga, visual interpreter.
  • 词汇 脊髓、轮椅、潜水、瑜伽、视觉翻译。
  • A. Listen to the first part of a report about the sports and entertainment choices for disabled people.
  • A. 聆听关于残疾人体育和娱乐选择的报告的第一部分。
  • Write down in column A all the time expressions mentioned in the passage, then draw lines to match this time expressions with the facts and events in column B.
  • 在 A 栏中写下段落中提到的所有时间表达式,然后画线将这些时间表达式与 B 栏中的事实和事件匹配起来。
  • The Olympics and the Paralympics are separated movements.
  • 奥运会和残奥会是分开的赛事。
  • But they have always been held in the same year, and since 1988, they have also been held in the same city.
  • 但是这两种比赛一直在同一年举办,而且自从1988年之后,他们都在同一城市举办。
  • The International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympics Committee signed an agreement in 2001 to secure this connection.
  • 国际奥林匹克委员会和国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会于 2001 年签署了一项协议,以确保这一连接。
  • The Paralympics Games grew out of a sports competition held in 1948 in England.
  • 残奥会源于 1948 年在英国举行的一次体育比赛。
  • A doctor named Ludwig Guttmann organized it for men who suffered spinal cords injures in World War Ⅱ.
  • 一位名叫路德维希-古特曼的医生为在第二次世界大战中脊髓受伤的人组织了这一活动。
  • 4 years later, it became an international event as competitors from the Netherlands took apart.
  • 四年之后,随着来自荷兰的参赛选手的加入,这项比赛成为了一项国际赛事。
  • Then in 1960, the first Paralympics were held in Rome, 400 athletes from 23 countries competed.
  • 1960 年,第一届残奥会在罗马举行,来自 23 个国家的 400 名运动员参加了比赛。
  • By 2004, the Paralympics Games in Athens had almost 4,000 athletes from 136 countries.
  • 到 2004 年,雅典残奥会共有来自 136 个国家的近 4 000 名运动员参加。
  • B. listen to the whole report, and give brief answers to the questions you hear.
  • B. 听完整个报告,并简要回答您听到的问题。
  • The Olympics and Paralympics are separated movements.
  • 奥运会和残运会是分开的赛事。
  • But they have always been held in the same year, and since 1988, they have also been held in the same city.
  • 但是这两种比赛一直在同一年举办,而且自从1988年之后,他们都在同一城市举办。
  • The International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee signed an agreement in 2001 to secure this connection.
  • 国际奥林匹克委员会和国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会于 2001 年签署了一项协议,以确保这一连接。
  • The Paralympics Games grew out of a sports competition held in 1948 in England.
  • 残奥会源于 1948 年在英国举行的一次体育比赛。
  • A doctor named Ludwig Guttmann organized it for men who suffered spinal cords injures in World War Ⅱ.
  • 一位名叫路德维希-古特曼的医生为在第二次世界大战中脊髓受伤的人组织了这一活动。
  • 4 years later, it became an international event as competitors from the Netherlands took apart.
  • 四年之后,随着来自荷兰的参赛选手的加入,这项比赛成为了一项国际赛事。
  • Then in 1960, the first Paralympics were held in Rome, 400 athletes from 23 countries competed.
  • 1960 年,第一届残奥会在罗马举行,来自 23 个国家的 400 名运动员参加了比赛。
  • By 2004, the Paralympics Games in Athens had almost 4,000 athletes from 136 countries.
  • 到 2004 年,雅典残奥会共有来自 136 个国家的近 4 000 名运动员参加。
  • Athletes may have physical or mental limitations.
  • 运动员可能有身体或精神方面的限制。
  • They may be blind, or in wheelchair, yet sometimes they perform better than athletes without disabilities.
  • 他们可能是盲人,或者坐着轮椅,然而他们比没有残疾的运动员表现还要好。
  • Wheelchair tennis is a popular sport, so is basketball.
  • 轮椅乒乓球事一项受欢迎的运动,篮球也是如此。
  • In fact, there are more than 100 professional teams playing wheelchair basketball.
  • 事实上,有超过100支专业队伍打轮椅篮球。
  • Special wheelchair for athletes are lightweight and designed for quick moves.
  • 为运动员设计的特殊轮椅,更加轻便,并且移动更快。
  • For people who want to go really fast in their chairs, there's a Power Wheelchair Racing Association.
  • 对于那些想在轮椅上跑得飞快的人,有一个电动轮椅赛车协会。
  • In the state of Utah, there is a place called the National Ability Center.
  • 在犹他州,有一个叫做国家能力中心的地方。
  • It teaches all kinds of sports to people with all kinds of physical and mental disabilities.
  • 它向各种身体和精神残疾的人教授各种体育运动。
  • It even gives friends and family members a chance to try a sport as if they were disabled.
  • 它甚至还能让朋友和家人有机会像残疾人一样尝试运动。
  • A reporter from The Washington Post wanted to know what it would be like for a blind person to use a climbing wall.
  • 《华盛顿邮报》的一名记者想知道盲人使用攀岩墙会是什么感觉。
  • So protected by a safety line, the newspaper reporter closed his eyes and started to feel for places to put his hands and feet.
  • 就这样,在安全线的保护下,报社记者闭上眼睛,开始摸索手脚的位置。
  • Trainers on the ground urged him on: "Take your time", "You can do it".
  • 教练在地面上督促他“加快时间”,“你一定可以。”
  • Finally, he reached the top.
  • 最终,他登上了顶部。
  • At the National Ability Center, people can learn to ride horses and mountain bikes.
  • 在国家能力中心,人们可以学习骑马和骑山地自行车。
  • They can try winter mountain sports, and learn scuba diving and other water activities.
  • 他们可以尝试冬季山地运动,学习潜水和其他水上活动。
  • The center also prepares athletes for the Paralympics.
  • 该中心还为残奥会运动员进行训练。
  • For disabled people interested in yoga, there are special stretching exercises.
  • 对于喜欢瑜伽的残疾人,还有特殊的拉伸训练。
  • Matthew Sanford knows about these.
  • 马修-桑福德知道这些。
  • He has been in a wheelchair ever since a car accident when he lost the ability to move his legs.
  • 在一次车祸中,他的双腿失去了活动能力,从此便坐上了轮椅。
  • He was 13 years old at the time, that was almost 30 years ago.
  • 当时他 13 岁,那已经是近 30 年前的事了。
  • Matthew Sanford says he has had two lifes: one before he was 13, and the other after.
  • 马修-桑福德说他有两个人生:一个是 13 岁之前,另一个是 13 岁之后。
  • He had to learn to live with a new reality.
  • 他必须学会面对现实,适应新生活。
  • For many years, he was told to building up the strength in his arms and forget about his legs.
  • 很多年,他都被告知要加强胳膊的力量,忘记他的腿。
  • But he says yoga enable him to reconnect with the 13-year-old boy who loved his body.
  • 但是他说瑜伽让他与十三岁那个爱自己身体的男孩联系起来。
  • He says the exercises and special breathing of yoga let him connect his body and mind again.
  • 他表示锻炼和独特的呼吸方式让他的的身心再一次联系起来。
  • Now, Matthew Sanford teaches yoga at his studio in the State of Minnesota.
  • 现在,马修-桑福德在明尼苏达州的工作室教授瑜伽。
  • He also travels to talk to people about living with the disability.
  • 他也到处旅行告诉人们与残疾共处。
  • He says feeling connected to our body is a powerful part of living whether we have a disability \or not.
  • 他说,无论我们是否有残疾,感受与身体的联系都是生活的一个重要部分。
  • Today there are more and more choices and entertainment for people with disabilities.
  • 如今,残疾人有了越来越多的娱乐选择。
  • Theaters may offer wireless earphones to make the sound louder for people with limited hearing.
  • 电影院会提供无线耳机为听力有限的人增强声音。
  • Some provide a visual interpreter to describe a performance or a play for a person who with blind or has limited sight.
  • 有的为盲人或视力有限的人提供视觉翻译,描述演出或戏剧。
  • And some movie theaters offer a new device called MoPix for Motion Picture Access.
  • 一些电影院还提供一种名为 MoPix 的新设备,用于电影访问。
  • For a person unable to hear the movie, it shows the words the actors are saying.
  • 对于听不到电影的人来说,它可以显示演员说的话。
  • For a person unable to see the movie, it provides a spoken description of what is happening.
  • 对于无法观看电影的人来说,它提供了对正在发生的事情的口语描述。
  • Questions.
  • 问题
  • 1. What are the popular sports for athletes with mental or physical disabilities?
  • 1. 最受智力或者身体残疾的运动员喜爱的运动是什么?
  • 2. What does the National Ability Center do?
  • 2. 国家能力中心是做什么的?
  • 3. What does Matthew Sanford lose in a car accident?
  • 3. 马修-桑福德在车祸中失去了什么?
  • 4. According to Matthew Sanford, how did yoga help him?
  • 4.据马修-桑福德所言,瑜伽是如何帮助他的?
  • 5.What choices of entertainment are there in theaters for people with disabilities?
  • 5.影院有哪些适合残疾人的娱乐项目?


Part 3. Sports and Entertainment Choices

Keywords. Paralympics, sports competition, physical or mental limitations, disabilities, choices of entertainment,

Vocabulary. spinal cord, wheelchair, scuba diving, yoga, visual interpreter.

A. Listen to the first part of a report about the sports and entertainment choices for disabled people.

Write down in column A all the time expressions mentioned in the passage, then draw lines to match this time expressions with the facts and events in column B.

The Olympics and the Paralympics are separated movements.

But they have always been held in the same year, and since 1988, they have also been held in the same city.

The International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympics Committee signed an agreement in 2001 to secure this connection.

The Paralympics Games grew out of a sports competition held in 1948 in England.

A doctor named Ludwig Guttmann organized it for men who suffered spinal cords injures in World War Ⅱ.

4 years later, it became an international event as competitors from the Netherlands took apart.

Then in 1960, the first Paralympics were held in Rome, 400 athletes from 23 countries competed.

By 2004, the Paralympics Games in Athens had almost 4,000 athletes from 136 countries.

B. listen to the whole report, and give brief answers to the questions you hear.

The Olympics and Paralympics are separated movements.

But they have always been held in the same year, and since 1988, they have also been held in the same city.

The International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee signed an agreement in 2001 to secure this connection.

The Paralympics Games grew out of a sports competition held in 1948 in England.

A doctor named Ludwig Guttmann organized it for men who suffered spinal cords injures in World War Ⅱ.

4 years later, it became an international event as competitors from the Netherlands took apart.

Then in 1960, the first Paralympics were held in Rome, 400 athletes from 23 countries competed.

By 2004, the Paralympics Games in Athens had almost 4,000 athletes from 136 countries.

Athletes may have physical or mental limitations.

They may be blind, or in wheelchair, yet sometimes they perform better than athletes without disabilities.

Wheelchair tennis is a popular sport, so is basketball.

In fact, there are more than 100 professional teams playing wheelchair basketball.

Special wheelchair for athletes are lightweight and designed for quick moves.

For people who want to go really fast in their chairs, there's a Power Wheelchair Racing Association.

In the state of Utah, there is a place called the National Ability Center.

It teaches all kinds of sports to people with all kinds of physical and mental disabilities.

It even gives friends and family members a chance to try a sport as if they were disabled.

A reporter from The Washington Post wanted to know what it would be like for a blind person to use a climbing wall.

So protected by a safety line, the newspaper reporter closed his eyes and started to feel for places to put his hands and feet.

Trainers on the ground urged him on: "Take your time", "You can do it".

Finally, he reached the top.

At the National Ability Center, people can learn to ride horses and mountain bikes.

They can try winter mountain sports, and learn scuba diving and other water activities.

The center also prepares athletes for the Paralympics.

For disabled people interested in yoga, there are special stretching exercises.

Matthew Sanford knows about these.

He has been in a wheelchair ever since a car accident when he lost the ability to move his legs.

He was 13 years old at the time, that was almost 30 years ago.

Matthew Sanford says he has had two lifes: one before he was 13, and the other after.

He had to learn to live with a new reality

For many years, he was told to building up the strength in his arms and forget about his legs.

But he says yoga enable him to reconnect with the 13-year-old boy who loved his body.

He says the exercises and special breathing of yoga let him connect his body and mind again.

Now, Matthew Sanford teaches yoga at his studio in the State of Minnesota.

He also travels to talk to people about living with the disability.

He says feeling connected to our body is a powerful part of living whether we have a disability \or not.

Today there are more and more choices and entertainment for people with disabilities.

Theaters may offer wireless earphones to make the sound louder for people with limited hearing.

Some provide a visual interpreter to describe a performance or a play for a person who with blind or has limited sight.

And some movie theaters offer a new device called MoPix for Motion Picture Access.

For a person unable to hear the movie, it shows the words the actors are saying.

For a person unable to see the movie, it provides a spoken description of what is happening.


1. What are the popular sports for athletes with mental or physical disabilities?

2. What does the National Ability Center do?

3. What does Matthew Sanford lose in a car accident?

4. According to Matthew Sanford, how did yoga help him?

5.What choices of entertainment are there in theaters for people with disabilities?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

column ['kɔləm]


n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列

interpreter [in'tə:pritə]


n. 译员,口译者,解释程序

disability [disə'biliti]


n. 无力,无能,残疾

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本





