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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit6:The Glory of Sport(1)

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  • Unit 6. For the Glory of Sport.
  • 第6单元 为了体育的荣誉
  • Part 1. Warming up.
  • 第1部分 热身
  • A. Keywords. the "firsts", Olympic.
  • A.关键词 奥林匹克运动会“之最”。
  • Vocabulary. hemisphere, Melbourne, Munich.
  • 词汇 西半球,墨尔本,慕尼黑。
  • You are going to hear some "firsts" in Olympic history.
  • 你将听到奥运会史上一些“之最”。
  • In column A, you have some years and places names in which the Olympic games were held.
  • 在A栏,你会听到一些奥运会举办的时间和地点。
  • In column B are some of the key words of the "firsts".
  • 在第B栏是一些“之最”的关键词。
  • Supply the missing years or place names, then match column A with column B.
  • 完善缺失的年份或者地点名称,然后将A栏与B栏连接起来。
  • Women competed in Olympic events for the first time in Paris in 1900.
  • 1990年,女性在巴黎第一次参加了奥运会。
  • In 1924, the first winter Olympic games were held in Chamonix.
  • 1924年,第一届冬季奥林匹克运动会在夏蒙尼举行。
  • In 1932, the first Olympic village was built to accommodate athletes in Los Angles.
  • 1932年,第一个奥运村在洛杉矶建成,用来为运动员提供食宿。
  • In 1936 in Berlin, TV cameras broadcast Olympic events for the first time.
  • 1936年德国,奥运会赛事第一次电视广播。
  • The 1956 Olympics in Melbourne were the first Olympic games to be held in southern hemisphere.
  • 1956年的墨尔本奥运会是第一届在南半球举办的奥运会。
  • Tokyo hosted the first Asian Olympics in 1964.
  • 东京于1964年举办了第一届亚洲奥运会。
  • In 1972 for the first time, over 1 billion TV viewers watched the Munich Olympic opening ceremony.
  • 1972年,第一次有超过10亿电视观众观看了慕尼黑奥运会开幕式。
  • B. Keywords. the most popular sport, different meanings, measure, the number of people.
  • B关键词 最受欢迎的运动,不同的意义,方法,人数
  • Vocabulary. measure.
  • 词汇,方法
  • Do you have any idea what is the most popular sport in the United States?
  • 你知道美国最受欢迎的运动是什么吗?
  • Listen to the following material and try to find the answer.
  • 听以下材料,找出答案。
  • Fill in the chart below with the missing information.
  • 完成下面表格中缺失的信息。
  • What is the most popular sport in the United States?
  • 美国最受欢迎的运动是什么?
  • That may be an impossible question to answer.
  • 这似乎是一个很难答的问题。
  • There are different meanings of the words "most popular".
  • “最受欢迎”有很多不同的意思。
  • One way to measure the popularity of a sport is by the number of people who pay to watch it played by professional teams.
  • 判断一项运动的受欢迎情况的方法之一就是计算付费看职业赛的人数。
  • Experts say the most popular American sport by that measure is baseball.
  • 据统计,专家表示最受欢迎的美国运动是棒球。
  • Each professional baseball team plays 162 games every season.
  • 每个职业棒球队每个赛季要打162场比赛。
  • Or the popularity of a sport can be measured by the number of people who watch games on television or listen on the radio.
  • 或者一项运动的受欢迎程度可以通过在电视上观看比赛或收听广播的人数来衡量。
  • Then the answer might be American football.
  • 那答案就是美式足球。
  • And the popularity of a sport could be measured by the number of people who play the sport instead of just watch it.
  • 一项运动的受欢迎程度可以通过参与这项运动而不仅仅是观看的人数来衡量。
  • The answer in this case is the game people in the United States call soccer.
  • 在这种情况下,答案是美国人称之为足球的游戏。
  • It says more than 18 million people play soccer in the United States.
  • 有超过180万的美国人玩足球。
  • C. Keywords. bend, up, down, raise, pull, push, stretch, warmed up.
  • C. 关键词。弯曲,向上,向下,抬起,拉,推,伸展,热身。
  • Vocabulary. elbow, squeeze, fist, hip, rotate, clasp.
  • 词汇手肘,挤压,拳头,髋部,旋转,扣紧。
  • You are going to hear the teacher of an exercise class giving instructions to participants while they do the warm-up exercises.
  • 你将听到运动课的老师在参与者做热身运动时给他们指导。
  • Each step of the exercises is illustrated below.
  • 锻炼的每一个步骤如下。
  • Listen carefully and arrange the pictures in chronological order.
  • 仔细听并按时间顺序排列图片。
  • Right, everybody. Stand up straight.
  • 好的,全体同学,起立。
  • Now bend forward and down to touch your toes.
  • 现在弯腰去触摸你的脚趾。
  • And up, and down, and up.
  • 上,下,上。
  • Arms by your sides, raise you right knee as high as you can.
  • 双臂放在身体两侧,尽可能抬高右膝。
  • Hold your legs with both hands, and pull your knee back against your body.
  • 双手托住双腿,膝盖向后靠在身体上。
  • Keep you back straight.
  • 保持背部挺直。
  • Now lower your leg and do the same with your left knee.
  • 现在放下你的腿,左膝做同样的动作。
  • Up, pull towards you, and down.
  • 向上,拉伸,然后向下。
  • Move your feet further apart.
  • 将你的两脚分开。
  • Bend your elbows, and raise your arms to shoulder level.
  • 弯曲肘部,手臂与肩齐平。
  • Squeeze your fists tightly in front of your chest.
  • 紧握双拳,放于胸前。
  • Now push your elbows back, keep your hand up, and relax.
  • 现在收回你的手肘,举起双手,放松。
  • Feet together, and put your hands on your hips.
  • 双脚并拢,双手叉腰。
  • Now bend your knees and stretch your arms out in front of you.
  • 现在弯曲你的膝盖,在你面前伸展你的手臂。
  • Hold that position. Now up.
  • 保持这个动作,向上。
  • Stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms up.
  • 双臂向两侧伸展至肩高,掌心向上。
  • Rotate your arms in small circles, that's right. and now the other way.
  • 旋转你的手臂在小圈,这是正确的。现在换一种方式。
  • Now stand with your hands clasped behind your neck, and your legs apart,
  • 现在站起来,双手交叉放在脖子后面,双腿分开,
  • Bend over to the left slowly, but as far as you can.
  • 慢慢地向左边弯下腰,但要尽量向左弯。
  • And slowly up. And down to the right. And up.
  • 慢慢地上升。再往下到右边。向上。
  • OK, if we are all warmed up now, Let's begin.
  • 好的,热身结束,让我们开始吧。


Unit 6. For the Glory of Sport.

Part 1. Warming up.

A. Keywords. the "firsts", Olympic.

Vocabulary. hemisphere, Melbourne, Munich.

You are going to hear some "firsts" in Olympic history.

In column A, you have some years and places names in which the Olympic games were held.

In column B are some of the key words of the "firsts".

Supply the missing years or place names, then match column A with column B.

Women competed in Olympic events for the first time in Paris in 1900.

In 1924, the first winter Olympic games were held in Chamonix.

In 1932, the first Olympic village was built to accommodate athletes in Los Angles.

In 1936 in Berlin, TV cameras broadcast Olympic events for the first time.

The 1956 Olympics in Melbourne were the first Olympic games to be held in southern hemisphere.

Tokyo hosted the first Asian Olympics in 1964.

In 1972 for the first time, over 1 billion TV viewers watched the Munich Olympic opening ceremony.

B. Keywords. the most popular sport, different meanings, measure, the number of people.

Vocabulary. measure.

Do you have any idea what is the most popular sport in the United States?

Listen to the following material and try to find the answer.

Fill in the chart below with the missing information.

What is the most popular sport in the United States?

That may be an impossible question to answer.

There are different meanings of the words "most popular".

One way to measure the popularity of a sport is by the number of people who pay to watch it played by professional teams.

Experts say the most popular American sport by that measure is baseball.

Each professional baseball team plays 162 games every season.

Or the popularity of a sport can be measured by the number of people who watch games on television or listen on the radio.

Then the answer might be American football.

And the popularity of a sport could be measured by the number of people who play the sport instead of just watch it.

The answer in this case is the game people in the United States call soccer.

It says more than 18 million people play soccer in the United States.

C. Keywords. bend, up, down, raise, pull, push, stretch, warmed up.

Vocabulary. elbow, squeeze, fist, hip, rotate, clasp.

You are going to hear the teacher of an exercise class giving instructions to participants while they do the warm-up exercises.

Each step of the exercises is illustrated below.

Listen carefully and arrange the pictures in chronological order.

Right, everybody. Stand up straight.

Now bend forward and down to touch your toes.

And up, and down, and up.

Arms by your sides, raise you right knee as high as you can.

Hold your legs with both hands, and pull your knee back against your body.

Keep you back straight.

Now lower your leg and do the same with your left knee.

Up, pull towards you, and down.

Move your feet further apart.

Bend your elbows, and raise your arms to shoulder level.

Squeeze your fists tightly in front of your chest.

Now push your elbows back, keep your hand up, and relax.

Feet together, and put your hands on your hips.

Now bend your knees and stretch your arms out in front of you.

Hold that position. Now up.

Stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms up.

Rotate your arms in small circles, that's right. and now the other way.

Now stand with your hands clasped behind your neck, and your legs apart,

Bend over to the left slowly, but as far as you can.

And slowly up. And down to the right. And up.

OK, if we are all warmed up now, Let's begin.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的

arrange [ə'reindʒ]


vt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲)

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

measured ['meʒəd]


adj. 量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有韵律的 动词me

accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit]


vi. 使自己适应
vt. 使一致,和解;提供

rotate [rəu'teit]


v. (使)旋转,轮流
adj. 车轮状的

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人





