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听经典欧美电影学英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第20期:飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a 1975 American drama film directed by Milos Forman.
  • 飞越疯人院是一部上映于1975年的美国情景电影,导演米洛斯 福曼。
  • It is based on the 1962 novel of the same name by Ken Kesey.
  • 电影是根据1962年肯·克西的同名小说改编而成。
  • The movie stars Jack Nicholson, who plays Randle,
  • 主演杰克·尼科尔森,他饰演兰德尔,
  • a prisoner who is transferred from prison to a mental institution for evaluation.
  • 他曾经是一名犯人,但被送进精神病院做检查。
  • Although he does not show any signs of mental illness,
  • 尽管他表面上没有显示出任何精神状况,
  • he hopes to avoid hard labour and serve the rest of his sentence in a more relaxed hospital environment.
  • 但是他希望躲避强制劳动,想在悠闲的医院度过余下的劳役时光。
  • However, he comes up against the super-tough nurse Mildred Ratched.
  • 但是,兰德尔反抗护士长拉契特的严格管制。
  • She humiliates patients and forces them into a mind-numbing,
  • 她羞辱病人,并对他们进行强制,
  • boring daily routine to keep the patients calm and quiet.
  • 并用无聊的日常活动让病人得以安静。
  • The movie is about the battle of wits between McMurphy and the nurse.
  • 电影讲述的是尼科尔森与护士长斗智斗勇的故事。
  • The film was only the second to win all five major Academy Awards
  • 这部电影是第二部获得五项奥斯卡奖项的电影,
  • (Best Picture, Actor in Lead Role, Actress in Lead Role, Director, and Screenplay).
  • (最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳导演、最佳剧本奖)。
  • It received generally positive reviews from critics.
  • 这部影片得到了影评人的好评。
  • One claimed that "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a film so good in so many of its parts
  • 有影评人说“飞越疯人院在许多方面的表现非常好,
  • that there's a temptation to forgive it when it goes wrong."
  • 即使出了错人们也会原谅它。”
  • The film is considered to be one of the greatest American films.
  • 人们认为这部电影是美国最伟大的电影之一。
  • In 1993, the United States Library of Congress said it was "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
  • 1993年,美国国会图书馆认为这部电影在文化、历史、美学方面的影响巨大“。
  • The film was shown in Swedish cinemas for nearly 11 years
  • 这部电影在瑞典上映了11年的时间,
  • between 1976 and 1987
  • 上映之间是1976-1987年,
  • which is a record.
  • 这也创下了一个记录。
  • When Milos Forman learned that,
  • 当导演米洛斯 福曼得知后,
  • he said, "I'm absolutely thrilled by that... It's wonderful."
  • 他说:“我太震惊了,这太好了”。

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a 1975 American drama film directed by Miloš Forman. It is based on the1962 novel of the same name by Ken Kesey. The movie stars Jack Nicholson, who plays Randle, a prisoner whois transferred from prison to a mental institution for evaluation. Although he does not show any signs of mental illness, he hopes to avoid hard labour and serve the rest of his sentence in a more relaxed hospital environment. However, he comes up against the super-tough nurse Mildred Ratched. She humiliates patientsand forces them into a mind-numbing, boring daily routine to keep the patients calm and quiet. The movie is about the battle of wits between McMurphy and the nurse.

飞越疯人院是一部上映于1975年的美国情景电影,导演米洛斯 福曼。电影是根据1962年肯·克西的同名小说改编而成。主演杰克·尼科尔森,他饰演兰德尔,他曾经是一名犯人,但被送进精神病院做检查。尽管他表面上没有显示出任何精神状况,但是他希望躲避强制劳动,想在悠闲的医院度过余下的劳役时光。但是,兰德尔反抗护士长拉契特的严格管制。她羞辱病人,并对他们进行强制,并用无聊的日常活动让病人得以安静。电影讲述的是尼科尔森与护士长斗智斗勇的故事。


The film was only the second to win all five major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Actor in Lead Role, Actress in Lead Role, Director, and Screenplay). It received generally positive reviews from critics. One claimed that "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a film so good in so many of its parts that there's a temptation to forgive it when it goes wrong." The film is considered to be one of the greatest American films. In 1993, the United States Library of Congress said it was "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The film was shown in Swedish cinemas for nearly 11 years – between 1976 and 1987 – which is a record. When Miloš Forman learned that, he said, "I'm absolutely thrilled by that... It's wonderful."

这部电影是第二部获得五项奥斯卡奖项的电影,(最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳导演、最佳剧本奖)。这部影片得到了影评人的好评。有影评人说“飞越疯人院在许多方面的表现非常好,即使出了错人们也会原谅它。”人们认为这部电影是美国最伟大的电影之一。1993年,美国国会图书馆认为这部电影在文化、历史、美学方面的影响巨大“。这部电影在瑞典上映了11年的时间,上映之间是1976-1987年,这也创下了一个记录。当导演米洛斯 福曼得知后,他说:“我太震惊了,这太好了”。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

relaxed [ri'lækst]


adj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(

prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

routine [ru:'ti:n]


n. 例行公事,常规,无聊
adj. 常规的,

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

aesthetically [i:s'θetikəli]


adv. 美学观点上地;审美地

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

evaluation [i.vælju'eiʃən]


n. 估价,评价

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会





