Let me say a few words about VeriFone's capabilities. They started by providing solutions in the physical world with equipment such as payment terminals. The company then moved to become an early adopter of client/server computing, developing its solution on HP 9000 servers. As the Internet has grown in robustness, VeriFone has duplicated its capabilities in the physical world with products for the "virtual" world. v.WALLET is a PC-based payment utility that is embedded in Netscape and Microsoft browsers to allow consumers to make payments using credit cards.v.POS which stands for Virtual Point Of Sale — is software that sits on the merchant's server and provides the tools for accepting secure Internet credit card transactions for a virtual store. These include real-time, on-line authorization, settlement, and other payment management functions. v.GATE is Internet gateway software that resides at the financial institution, where it manages transactions from multiple merchant Web servers. Finally, integrating these three worlds, we have created the Integrated Payment System, which is an open, client/server-based platform that enables the processing of all these forms of payment. So electronic commerce is coming of age, and it's happening quickly. With the combination of HP's and VeriFone's capabilities, we are driving this change.
现在我简单地谈一谈有关VeriFone的情况。他们起先提供诸如支付终端这样的解决方案。然后该公司转向提供客户机/服务器计算,在HP 9000服务器上开发其解决方案。随着互联网的迅速发展,VeriFone开始增强了其功能,研制“虚拟”世界的产品。v.WALLET (虚拟钱包)是基于PC机的支付器件,被嵌入Netscape和Microsoft 浏览器,使客户可使用信用卡进行支付。V.POS指虚拟收款机——是一种位于商户服务器的软件,专门用于确保虚拟商店的互联网信用卡交易安全。这包括实时、在线授权、结算以及其他支付管理功能。v.GATE (虚拟网关)是一种位于金融机构服务器上的互联网门户软件,用于管理来自多个商户网络服务器的交易。最后,将这三项合而为一,我们创建了综合支付系统,这是一个开放式的,基于客户机/ 服务器的平台,可处理所有这些形式的支付。所以,电子商务正在成熟,而且发展迅猛。惠普和VeriFone正在联手推动这一变革。