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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Bruce Lee was really ahead of his time
  • 李小龙的确引领潮流
  • in terms of figuring out how to create unique iconic
  • 知道如何塑造独特个人特色的
  • emblems or things that would be uniquely Bruce Lee.
  • 或者李小龙专属标志或什么的
  • What he did was, he chose as his signature weapon, the one, the nunchaku.
  • 他这样做了 他选择了代表的武器 双节棍
  • The signature you see is that you see... that weapon, you think Bruce Lee.
  • 只要看到... 这武器 就会想到李小龙
  • The kungfu Bruce Lee demonstrated on-screen was all about realism,
  • 李小龙在荧幕上展示的功夫都追求真实
  • much like his own creation known as Jeet Kune Do.
  • 就像他自己开创的截拳道一样
  • It was a revolutionary approach to fighting
  • 这项革命性的格斗术
  • that would change the world of martial arts forever.
  • 永远地改变了武术界
  • Bruce Lee not only introduced the world to martial arts,
  • 李小龙不仅将武术推向世界
  • he also reinvented it, creating his own, called Jeet Kune Do,
  • 他还加以改进创新 自创了截拳道
  • being practiced here in Hong Kong.
  • 在香港有很多人练习截拳道
  • It's the forerunner of the mixed martial arts scene in UFC.
  • 它是UFC(美国举办的综合格斗赛事)中混合格斗的先驱
  • Its key principles: simplicity, economy, and being as direct as possible.
  • 其重要原则为 简单 实用 尽可能的直截了当
  • Jeet Kune Do is called the way of intercepting fist.
  • 截拳道 被称作截击拳头之道
  • Actually, Bruce Lee has a explain: his Jeet Kune Do as the art of fighting without fighting.
  • 事实上 李小龙这样解释道 截拳道是无格斗的格斗艺术
  • So that means if we don't allow our opponent to start the fight,
  • 也就是说如果对手连出手的机会都没有
  • then there will be no fighting,
  • 也就不必格斗了
  • and that is the highest technique and ultimate aim.
  • 这就是最高技术和最终目的
  • In a fight situation, Bruce Lee's ultimate aim was to take his opponent out
  • 在打斗中 李小龙的最终目的是在对手有机会攻击之前
  • before he had a chance to attack, using any means necessary.
  • 不管用什么方法击倒对手


Bruce Lee was really ahead of his time in terms of figuring out how to create unique iconic emblems or things that would be uniquely Bruce Lee.


What he did was, he chose as his signature weapon, the one, the nunchaku.The signature you see is that you see... that weapon, you think Bruce Lee.

他这样做了 他选择了代表的武器 双节棍,只要看到... 这武器 就会想到李小龙。

The kungfu Bruce Lee demonstrated on-screen was all about realism,much like his own creation known as Jeet Kune Do.


It was a revolutionary approach to fighting that would change the world of martial arts forever.


Bruce Lee not only introduced the world to martial arts,he also reinvented it, creating his own, called Jeet Kune Do,being practiced here in Hong Kong.

李小龙不仅将武术推向世界,他还加以改进创新 自创了截拳道,在香港有很多人练习截拳道。

It's the forerunner of the mixed martial arts scene in UFC.Its key principles: simplicity, economy, and being as direct as possible.Jeet Kune Do is called the way of intercepting fist.

它是UFC(美国举办的综合格斗赛事)中混合格斗的先驱,其重要原则为 简单 实用 尽可能的直截了当,截拳道 被称作截击拳头之道。

Actually, Bruce Lee has a explain: his Jeet Kune Do as the art of fighting without fighting.So that means if we don't allow our opponent to start the fight,then there will be no fighting,and that is the highest technique and ultimate aim.

事实上 李小龙这样解释道 截拳道是无格斗的格斗艺术,也就是说如果对手连出手的机会都没有,也就不必格斗了,这就是最高技术和最终目的。

In a fight situation, Bruce Lee's ultimate aim was to take his opponent out before he had a chance to attack, using any means necessary.

在打斗中 李小龙的最终目的是在对手有机会攻击之前,不管用什么方法击倒对手。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
technique [tek'ni:k]


n. 技术,技巧,技能

revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri]


adj. 革命的
n. 革命者

ultimate ['ʌltimit]


n. 终极,根本,精华
adj. 终极的,根本

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

opponent [ə'pəunənt]


n. 对手,敌手,反对者
adj. 敌对的,反

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

simplicity [sim'plisiti]


n. 单纯,简朴

martial ['mɑ:ʃəl]


adj. 军事的,战争的





