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  • He was frustrated by the limits of traditional martial arts.
  • 他对传统武术的限制感到沮丧
  • So if you did karate, you didn't do any ground fighting, or you didn't do any throws.
  • 如果用的空手道 就不能用地躺拳或是摔法
  • If you did judo, you didn't do any punching or kicking.
  • 而用柔道的话 也别想着出拳或踢腿
  • You know, if you did kungfu, you had to stand a certain way and strike a certain way and do set combinations and moves,
  • 轮到功夫 还得站桩 固定方式或者组合拳进攻
  • and he thought all of that was just getting in the way and being impractical.
  • 但他认为所有这些都有害无益 没点实际效果
  • You have to be adaptable, because fighting can go anywhere.
  • 这就必须有很强的适应能力 任何地方都可能有格斗
  • Fighting wasn't contained by rules.
  • 格斗不受任何招式所限
  • If someone's gonna attack you, who knew what they'd do?
  • 如果别人袭击你 谁又知道他们会怎么做?
  • So you had to be ready for anything.
  • 你得多留几手准备
  • So that was... that was quite a revolutionary way of thinking.
  • 所以这... 确实是种革命性的思维方式
  • Since creating Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee's martial art has spread as far a field as Scotland.
  • 创建截拳道后 李小龙的搏击术从此广为流传 苏格兰也不例外
  • This is Glasgow, one of the violent cities in Europe.
  • 格拉斯哥 是欧洲暴力事件最频繁的城市之一
  • More people die of assaults here than almost any other European cities.
  • 无数人死于人身攻击 几乎比欧洲其他所有城市都多
  • Tommy Carruthers was a former club doorman who turned to Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do to protect himself from violent attack.
  • Tommy Carruthers曾是某俱乐部门卫 随后修习李小龙的截拳道以自卫
  • I would say the preferred weapon in Glasgow would be the knife.
  • 我得说 在格拉斯哥 最中意的武器是弹簧刀
  • There's more stabbings here than anything else.
  • 常有利器伤人事件
  • Tommy was trained by Bruce Lee's last private students and protégé, Ted Wong.
  • Tommy受训于李小龙最后一位私人弟子兼继任者 黄锦铭
  • Since taking up Jeet Kune Do, he's become one of the top practitioners and one of the few people in the world qualified to teach it.
  • 自从修习截拳道 他已然成为高手之一 还是世界上为数不多有资格教授截拳道的人
  • He uses his Jeet Kune Do to train people in self-defense so that they can use it if attacked on street.
  • 他教人们通过截拳道进行自卫 如果在街上遭遇袭击 可以寻求自保
  • We're really trying to take the stuff and apply it to real-life situations, 'cause the guys are here, really, to know how to fight.
  • 我们都在修习截拳道 并运用于实战 因为他们来这儿就是来学习格斗的
  • Tommy Carruthers reveals the key to Jeet Kune Do:
  • Tommy Carruthers揭示了截拳道的精髓
  • its simplicity and economy, making it useful in a real attack.
  • 即简单 简约 用于实战


He was frustrated by the limits of traditional martial arts.So if you did karate, you didn't do any ground fighting, or you didn't do any throws.If you did judo, you didn't do any punching or kicking.

他对传统武术的限制感到沮丧,如果用的空手道 就不能用地躺拳或是摔法,而用柔道的话 也别想着出拳或踢腿。

You know, if you did kungfu, you had to stand a certain way and strike a certain way and do set combinations and moves,and he thought all of that was just getting in the way and being impractical.

轮到功夫 还得站桩 固定方式或者组合拳进攻,但他认为所有这些都有害无益 没点实际效果。

You have to be adaptable, because fighting can go anywhere.Fighting wasn't contained by rules.If someone's gonna attack you, who knew what they'd do?So you had to be ready for anything.

这就必须有很强的适应能力 任何地方都可能有格斗,格斗不受任何招式所限,如果别人袭击你 谁又知道他们会怎么做?,你得多留几手准备。

So that was... that was quite a revolutionary way of thinking.Since creating Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee's martial art has spread as far a field as Scotland.

所以这... 确实是种革命性的思维方式。创建截拳道后 李小龙的搏击术从此广为流传 苏格兰也不例外

This is Glasgow, one of the violent cities in Europe.More people die of assaults here than almost any other European cities.Tommy Carruthers was a former club doorman who turned to Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do to protect himself from violent attack.

格拉斯哥 是欧洲暴力事件最频繁的城市之一,无数人死于人身攻击 几乎比欧洲其他所有城市都多。Tommy Carruthers曾是某俱乐部门卫 随后修习李小龙的截拳道以自卫。

I would say the preferred weapon in Glasgow would be the knife.There's more stabbings here than anything else.Tommy was trained by Bruce Lee's last private students and protégé, Ted Wong.Since taking up Jeet Kune Do, he's become one of the top practitioners and one of the few people in the world qualified to teach it.

我得说 在格拉斯哥 最中意的武器是弹簧刀,常有利器伤人事件,Tommy受训于李小龙最后一位私人弟子兼继任者 黄锦铭。自从修习截拳道 他已然成为高手之一 还是世界上为数不多有资格教授截拳道的人。

He uses his Jeet Kune Do to train people in self-defense so that they can use it if attacked on street.We're really trying to take the stuff and apply it to real-life situations, 'cause the guys are here, really, to know how to fight.Tommy Carruthers reveals the key to Jeet Kune Do:its simplicity and economy, making it useful in a real attack.

他教人们通过截拳道进行自卫 如果在街上遭遇袭击 可以寻求自保,我们都在修习截拳道 并运用于实战 因为他们来这儿就是来学习格斗的,Tommy Carruthers揭示了截拳道的精髓,即简单 简约 用于实战。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

martial ['mɑ:ʃəl]


adj. 军事的,战争的

adaptable [ə'dæptəbl]


adj. 能适应的,适应性强的,可改编的

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

simplicity [sim'plisiti]


n. 单纯,简朴

qualified ['kwɔlifaid]


adj. 有资格的,有限制的





