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编辑:Andersen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • There's something wrong here, Gared muttered.
  • 这儿不太对劲。盖瑞喃喃地说。
  • The young knight gave him a disdainful smile. Is there?
  • 年轻骑士对他轻蔑地一笑。是吗?
  • Can't you feel it? Gared asked. Listen to the darkness.
  • 你难道没感觉?盖瑞质问,仔细听听暗处的声音。
  • Will could feel it. Four years in the Night's Watch, and he had never been so afraid. What was it?
  • 威尔也感觉到了。在守夜人服役这四年来,他从未如此恐惧。究竟是什么东西在作怪?
  • Wind. Trees rustling. A wolf. Which sound is it that unmans you so, Gared?
  • 风声,树叶沙沙响,还有狼嚎。盖瑞,是哪一种把你吓破胆啦?
  • When Gared did not answer, Royce slid gracefully from his saddle.
  • 罗伊斯见盖瑞没接腔,便优雅地翻身下马。
  • He tied the destrier securely to a low-hanging limb, well away from the other horses,
  • 他把战马牢牢地绑在一根低垂的枝干上,跟其他两匹离得远远的,
  • and drew his longsword from its sheath. Jewels glittered in its hilt, and the moonlight ran down the shining steel.
  • 然后抽出长剑。这是把城里打造的好剑,剑柄镶着珠宝,熠熠发亮,月光在明晃晃的钢剑身上反射出璀璨光芒,
  • It was a splendid weapon, castle-forged, and new-made from the look of it. Will doubted it had ever been swung in anger.
  • 无疑是新打造的。威尔很怀疑它有没有沾过血。
  • The trees press close here, Will warned. That sword will tangle you up, m'lord. Better a knife.
  • 大人,这儿树长得很密,威尔警告,可能会缠住您的剑,还是用短刀罢。
  • If I need instruction, I will ask for it, the young lord said. Gared, stay here. Guard the horses.
  • 我需要指导的时候自然会开口。年轻贵族道,盖瑞,你守在这里,看好马匹。
  • Gared dismounted. We need a fire. I'll see to it.
  • 盖瑞下马。我来生个火。
  • How big a fool are you, old man? If there are enemies in this wood, a fire is the last thing we want.
  • 老头子,愚蠢也有个限度。若这林子里有敌人,我们难道要生火引他们过来么?
  • There's some enemies a fire will keep away, Gared said. Bears and direwolves and and other things
  • 有些东西就只怕火,盖瑞道,比如熊、冰原狼、还有……还有好些东西。
  • Ser Waymar's mouth became a hard line. No fire.
  • 威玛爵士紧抿嘴唇。我说不准就是不准。
  • Gared's hood shadowed his face, but Will could see the hard glitter in his eyes as he stared at the knight.
  • 盖瑞的斗篷遮住了他的脸,但威尔还是看得到他瞪骑士时的眼神。
  • For a moment he was afraid the older man would go for his sword.
  • 他一度害怕这老头会冲动地拔剑动粗。
  • It was a short, ugly thing, its grip discolored by sweat,
  • 老头的剑虽然又短又丑,剑柄早被汗渍浸得没了颜色,
  • its edge nicked from hard use, but Will would not have given an iron bob for the lordling's life if Gared pulled it from its scabbard.
  • 剑刃也因长期使用而布满缺口,但若盖瑞真的拔剑,威尔知道那贵族公子哥儿必死无疑。


Theres something wrong here,” Gared muttered.


The young knight gave him a disdainful smile. “Is there?”


Cant you feel it?” Gared asked. “Listen to the darkness.”


Will could feel it. Four years in the Nights Watch, and he had never been so afraid. What was it?


Wind. Trees rustling. A wolf. Which sound is it that unmans you so, Gared?” When Gared did not answer, Royce slid gracefully from his saddle. He tied the destrier securely to a low-hanging limb, well away from the other horses, and drew his longsword from its sheath. Jewels glittered in its hilt, and the moonlight ran down the shining steel. It was a splendid weapon, castle-forged, and new-made from the look of it. Will doubted it had ever been swung in anger.


The trees press close here,” Will warned. “That sword will tangle you up, mlord. Better a knife.”


If I need instruction, I will ask for it,” the young lord said. “Gared, stay here. Guard the horses.”


Gared dismounted. “We need a fire. Ill see to it.”


How big a fool are you, old man? If there are enemies in this wood, a fire is the last thing we want.”


Theres some enemies a fire will keep away,” Gared said. “Bears and direwolves and and other things


Ser Waymars mouth became a hard line. “No fire.”


Gareds hood shadowed his face, but Will could see the hard glitter in his eyes as he stared at the knight. For a moment he was afraid the older man would go for his sword. It was a short, ugly thing, its grip discolored by sweat, its edge nicked from hard use, but Will would not have given an iron bob for the lordlings life if Gared pulled it from its scabbard.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
chaos ['keiɔs]


n. 混乱,无秩序,混沌

disdainful [dis'deinfəl]


adj. 鄙视的,不屑一顾的,轻蔑的

sneer [sniə]


n. 冷笑,嘲笑
v. 嘲笑,冷笑

sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗

limb [lim]


n. 枝干,树枝,肢体
vt. 切断(树枝,手

tangle ['tæŋgl]


n. 缠结,混乱,海澡类
v. 使缠结,纠纷

scabbard ['skæbəd]


n. (刀、剑)鞘,枪套 vt. 将 ... 插入鞘中

saddle ['sædl]


n. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具
vt. 装以马鞍,

instruction [in'strʌkʃən]


n. 说明,须知,指令,教学

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀





