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编辑:Andersen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Ser Waymar shrugged. You ought dress more warmly, Gared.
  • 威玛爵士耸耸肩道:我说盖瑞,你该多穿两件衣服。
  • Gared glared at the lordling, the scars around his ear holes flushed red with anger where Maester Aemon had cut the ears away.
  • 盖瑞怒视着他的年轻长官,气得耳根发红。当年伊蒙学士把他坏死的耳朵割去,如今耳洞旁还留着伤疤。
  • We'll see how warm you can dress when the winter comes. He pulled up his hood and hunched over his garron, silent and sullen.
  • 等冬天真正来临时,看你能穿得多暖。他拉起兜帽,缩着身子骑上马,阴沉地不再吭声。
  • If Gared said it was the cold? Will began.
  • 既然盖瑞都说是天气的关系了……威尔正要开口。
  • Have you drawn any watches this past week, Will?
  • 威尔,上周你有没有站岗?
  • Yes, my lord. There never was a week when he did not draw a dozen bloody watches. What was the man driving at?
  • 有啊,大人。他哪星期没抽到站岗的签,这家伙究竟想说什么?
  • And how did you find the Wall?
  • 长城的情形如何?
  • Weeping, Will said, frowning. He saw it clear enough, now that the lordling had pointed it out.
  • 在‘哭泣’啊,威尔皱着眉头说。这下他明白了。
  • They couldn't have froze. Not if the Wall was weeping. It wasn't cold enough.
  • 所以他们不是冻死的,假如城墙会滴水,表示天气还不够冷。
  • Royce nodded. Bright lad. We've had a few light frosts this past week,
  • 罗伊斯点点头。聪明。过去这周结了点霜,
  • and a quick flurry of snow now and then, but surely no cold fierce enough to kill eight grown men.
  • 偶尔还下点雪,但绝对没有冷到冻死八个人的地步。
  • Men clad in fur and leather, let me remind you, with shelter near at hand, and the means of making fire.
  • 更何况他们穿着保暖的毛皮御寒,所处地形足以遮挡风雪,还有充足的生火材料。
  • The knight's smile was cocksure.
  • 骑士露出充满自信的笑容。
  • Will, lead us there. I would see these dead men for myself.
  • 威尔,带路罢,我要亲眼看看这些死人。
  • And then there was nothing to be done for it. The order had been given, and honor bound them to obey.
  • 事情至此,他们别无选择。既然命令已下,也只有照办的份儿。


Ser Waymar shrugged. “You ought dress more warmly, Gared.”


Gared glared at the lordling, the scars around his ear holes flushed red with anger where Maester Aemon had cut the ears away. “We’ll see how warm you can dress when the winter comes.” He pulled up his hood and hunched over his garron, silent and sullen.


“If Gared said it was the cold?” Will began.


“Have you drawn any watches this past week, Will?”


“Yes, my lord.” There never was a week when he did not draw a dozen bloody watches. What was the man driving at?


“And how did you find the Wall?”


“Weeping,” Will said, frowning. He saw it clear enough, now that the lordling had pointed it out. “They couldn’t have froze. Not if the Wall was weeping. It wasn’t cold enough.”


Royce nodded. “Bright lad. We’ve had a few light frosts this past week, and a quick flurry of snow now and then, but surely no cold fierce enough to kill eight grown men. Men clad in fur and leather, let me remind you, with shelter near at hand, and the means of making fire.” The knight’s smile was cocksure. “Will, lead us there. I would see these dead men for myself.”


And then there was nothing to be done for it. The order had been given, and honor bound them to obey.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli]


adv. 偶尔地

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

fur [fə:]


n. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品
vt. 用毛

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的

sullen ['sʌlən]


adj. 愠怒的,闷闷不乐的,阴沉的

shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,





