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The mother of a 6-year-old _1_ in a Connecticut school shooting last year stepped in for President Obama during a weekly address. NPR's Alison Keyes reports she made a personal plea for lawmakers to address gun violence.
去年康涅狄格州校园枪击案一名六岁受害者的母亲代替奥巴马总统发表每周例行讲话 。据NPR新闻的艾莉森·凯斯报道,她请求议员解决枪支暴力问题 。
The anguish in the voice of Francine Wheele was tangible. "Our younger son Ben, age six, _2_ in his first grade classroom." She says since the 26 died at Sandy Hook Elementary school, thousands of other Americans died of gun violence. She pleads the Senate to take actions. "Please, help us do something, before our tragedy becomes your tragedy." In the Republican weekly address, Indianan Werry Jack _3_ the president's budget plan, calling its tax increase proposal a blank check for more spending and more debt. Alison Keyes, NPR News, Washington.
从弗朗辛·惠勒的声音中明显能感受到她的悲痛 。“我的小儿子本只有六岁,他在一年级的教室中被杀 。”她表示,自桑迪·胡克小学枪击案夺走26人的生命后,还有上千名美国人因枪支暴力死亡 。她请求参议院采取行动 。“请你们帮助我们,避免我们的悲剧发生在你们身上 。”在共和党每周例行讲话中,印第安纳州议员韦里·杰克指责了总统的预算方案,称方案中的增税提案是空头支票,会增加支出以及增加债务 。NPR新闻,艾莉森·凯斯华盛顿报道 。
Secretary of State John Kerry is in Beijing where he met with Chinese leaders. A major topic is the _4_ tensions on the Korean peninsula because of war threat by North Korea. The US wants China to pressure Pyongyang to scale back its rhetoric. After today's meetings, officials from both sides say they pledge to work closely to resolve the situation and they agree the Korean peninsula should _5_.
国务卿约翰·克里正在北京会见中国领导人 。由朝鲜战争威胁所造成的朝鲜半岛局势紧张是双方讨论的主要议题 。美国希望中国向平壤施压,使朝方停止威胁言论 。今天的会面结束之后,双方官员都表示他们愿意紧密合作解决问题,并一致同意朝鲜半岛无核化 。
1、step in : 介入;插手干预;作短时间的非正式访问
eg:At first, the project manager allowed everyone to speak their mind, but after seeing how the
direction was not productive, she stepped in and took control of the meeting.
整个会议 。
2、tangible:perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch(adj. 有形的;切实的;可触摸的)
: (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary valuen.有形资产
[ 比较级more tangible 最高级most tangible ]
eg:The experience is almost tangible.
这种体验几乎是有形的 。
eg:Next you determine the replacement costs of each tangible asset for a specified period of time(usually a year).
接下来您确定每种有形资产在特定时期内(通常为一年)的更换成本 。
3、blank check [金融] 空白支票;空头支票;自由处理权
eg:And after years of mixed results, we will not provide a blank check.
经过若干年的反复努力之后,我们不会提供空白支票 。
4、scale back:to reduce or make a reduction in the level of activity, extent, numbers, etc 相应缩减;
eg:Once the traffic died down, the application would scale back — all without any manual intervention.
一旦流量降低,应用程序将收缩回去 — 无需任何人工干预 。