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编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But even working out exactly what an adult Trex would have looked like only gives you a snapshot of a moment in time.
  • 但是即使我们弄清了成年龙到底长什么样,也只是那个时刻的快照。
  • To really understand this animal, we need to know how it changed over the course of its entire life.
  • 要想真正了解恐龙,我们需要知道它一生是如何变化的。
  • And that's why Luis's team are attempting the first ever reconstruction of a baby Trex.
  • 这也是路易斯团队想要开创先例,重建宝贝龙的完整骨骼的原因。
  • There are some small, very tiny segments of the baby.
  • 这些都是宝贝龙骨骼中一些小的,非常微小的部分。
  • But some of them are so small that we can't match anything up. Nothing like this has ever been found before.
  • 有些地方太细小以致于我们不知道怎么组合起来。这些都是过去未曾见过的骨块。
  • It's much harder to recreate a baby than an adult.
  • 重建宝贝龙比重建成年龙更难。
  • Only a few tiny fragments of a skeleton have ever been found.
  • 只有少数的骨架碎片是出现过的。
  • Paul's colleague Tommy is trying to piece together the remains from a little more than dinosaur dust.
  • 保罗的同事汤米试图拼凑剩下的几乎已是尘埃的细小碎片。
  • There's not a lot of pieces and it's only for the skull.
  • 剩下的头骨的部分,没有多少碎片。
  • See, I mean I've got several little pieces put together.
  • 看,我的意思是有若干个极小骨骼组合到一起。
  • Its bones had similar colour. Their texture on the surface was pretty close.
  • 那里的骨骼有相同的颜色,表面的纹理也接近。
  • And a lot of times I would look at the edge of the bone. You see, this one has a little white and a little black.
  • 很多时候我都会观察骨骼的边缘。你看,这块上有点白色和黑色的部分。
  • A lot of times I was just trying to piece to see if they'd fit.
  • 很多时候我试着把它们拼到一起看是否匹配。
  • A lot of people find it boring. But I don't know. It calms me.
  • 多数人会认为这样的工作很无趣。但是我不这么认为,工作时我会很平静。
  • Although useful for scientists, these fossil remains are far too limited to bring a baby Trex to life for an audience.
  • 尽管对科学家有用,这些化石还是难以让观众明白宝贝龙的构造。
  • And that's why the entire baby skeleton will be a model, its bones made not from fossils,
  • 这就是为什么整个宝贝龙的骨骼是一个模型,它的骨骼不是来自骨骼,
  • but from foam and resin. This is where the artists come in.
  • 而是来自泡沫和树脂。这些是艺术家加进去的。
  • They will produce creatures from their imaginations but they have to be guided
  • 他们会通过想象创造生物,但是必须遵循
  • by the science which provides them with a range of possibilities.
  • 为他们提供多种可能性的科学。
  • Ultimately the animal that they draw or sculpt will be a blend of science and art.
  • 最终他们描绘或者雕刻的恐龙是科学和艺术的结合品。
  • The baby Trex will be sculpted by Doil, one of Louis's artists.
  • 宝贝龙是由路易斯团队的艺术家,多尔创作出来的。
  • When you're doing something that's brand new that there is no precedent for,
  • 当你正在做的事情是全新的,没有先例的,
  • it can be a little nerveracking and it can be a lot fun. For my baby Trex,
  • 那么它可能会有点伤脑筋,但是会有很多乐趣。
  • there is no reference for that. So there's a lot of interpretation there.
  • 对于我的宝贝龙,因为没有参考,所以作品里很多解释。


But even working out exactly what an adult Trex would have looked like only gives you a snapshot of a moment in time.

To really understand this animal, we need to know how it changed over the course of its entire life.
And that's why Luis's team are attempting the first ever reconstruction of a baby Trex.
There are some small, very tiny segments of the baby. But some of them are so small that we can't match anything up.
Nothing like this has ever been found before.
It's much harder to recreate a baby than an adult. Only a few tiny fragments of a skeleton have ever been found.
Paul's colleague Tommy is trying to piece together the remains from a little more than dinosaur dust.
There's not a lot of pieces and it's only for the skull.
See, I mean I've got several little pieces put together. Its bones had similar colour.
Their texture on the surface was pretty close. And a lot of times I would look at the edge of the bone.
You see, this one has a little white and a little black. A lot of times I was just trying to piece to see if they'd fit.
A lot of people find it boring. But I don't know. It calms me.
Although useful for scientists, these fossil remains are far too limited to bring a baby Trex to life for an audience.
And that's why the entire baby skeleton will be a model, its bones made not from fossils, but from foam and resin.
This is where the artists come in. They will produce creatures from their imaginations but they have to be guided by the science which provides them with a range of possibilities.
Ultimately the animal that they draw or sculpt will be a blend of science and art.
The baby Trex will be sculpted by Doil, one of Louis's artists.
When you're doing something that's brand new that there is no precedent for, it can be a little nerveracking and it can be a lot fun.
For my baby Trex, there is no reference for that. So there's a lot of interpretation there.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

reconstruction [.ri:kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 复兴,改造,再建

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

blend [blend]


v. 混合
n. 混合物

texture ['tekstʃə]


n. (材料等的)结构,特点,表面,基本结构

skull [skʌl]


n. 头骨,骷髅头
vt. 击打头部

reference ['refrəns]


n. 参考,出处,参照
n. 推荐人,推荐函<

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

interpretation [in.tə:pri'teiʃən]


n. 解释,阐释,翻译,(艺术的)演绎

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<





