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背诵为王第三册 Unit39:Anyone Can Sign a Ticket 每个人都可以开罚单

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  • 39 Anyone Can Sign a Ticket.
  • 39 每个人都可以开罚单
  • The police say hundreds of offenders have been caught by Mrs. Gordon, a citizen who writes down the license numbers of people who break the law in this way,
  • ”警方宣称,市民戈登女士已经抓获了数百个交通违章者,她把违章者的汽车牌照号记下来,
  • and sends them into the local police station." Anyone can sign a ticket," said a police office,
  • 再把它们交给当地警察局。“每个人都可以开罚单,” 一个警官说,
  • " and she's signed a lot." A driver was heading down Clifton Avenue this morning,
  • “她已经开了许多罚单。” 一天早晨,一个人驾车沿着克利夫顿大街行驶,
  • when she found herself stopped behind a school bus with its red lights flashing.
  • 她发现前面停着一辆闪着红灯的校车,
  • Instead of stopping, the driver started to overtake the bus.
  • 她没有停车,反而试图超过那辆校车。
  • But Mrs. Gordon was on the spot, and warned her not to do it.
  • 戈登女士正在现场,她警告那个人不要那样做,
  • However, the driver passed the bus anyway, and Mrs. Gordon took her number.
  • 但她仍旧驾车超过了校车。 戈登女士记下了她的牌照号码。
  • Another driver received a summons in the mail after a similar incident a few weeks ago.
  • 几星期前,另一个人也因为类似的事情而收到了传票。
  • When she entered the courtroom, she found Mrs. Gordon there, notebook in hand." They tell me I should be a policewoman,
  • 当她走进法庭时,发现戈登女士也在那里,手里拿着笔记本。 “他们说我应该去做警察,
  • but I don't want to be," says Mrs. Gordon." It's just that these people are breaking the law,
  • 但是我不想,” 戈登女士说。 “我那么做是因为这些人违反了法律,
  • and they shouldn't." Every weekday morning Mrs. Gordon stands in front of the main supermarket, notebook and pencil at the ready,
  • 而他们是不应该那么做的。” 每个工作日的早晨,戈登女士站在大超市前,准备好笔和笔记本,
  • waiting to catch people passing school buses illegally." Nobody else wants to be bothered," she says,
  • 等着抓那些非法超校车的人。“没有人愿意自找麻烦,”她说,
  • " but I won't just sit there twiddling my thumbs. I want to do something about it."
  • “但是我不想无聊地坐着拨弄拇指。我要对这种违法的事情采取行动。
  • She began her personal campaign a year ago when her 13-year old Jack started taking the school bus.
  • 一年前,当她十三岁的孩子吉克开始乘校车时,戈登女士就开始行动起来了。






Lesson39 "Anyone Can Sign a Ticket."

The police say hundreds of offenders have been caught by Mrs. Gordon, a citizen who 1 the license numbers of people who break the law in this way, and sends them into the local police station.

"Anyone can sign a ticket,"said a police office, "and she's signed a lot."

A driver was heading down Clifton Avenue this morning, when she found herself stopped behind a school bus with its red lights flashing. Instead of stopping, the driver started to overtake the bus. But Mrs. Gordon was 2 , and warned her not to do it. However, the driver passed the bus anyway, and Mrs. Gordon took her number.

Another driver received a summons in the mail after a similar incident 3 . When she entered the courtroom, she found Mrs. Gordon there, notebook in hand."They tell me I should be a policewoman, but I don't want to be," says Mrs. Gordon. "It's just that these people are breaking the law, and they shouldn't."

Every weekday morning Mrs. Gordon stands in front of the main supermarket, notebook and pencil at the ready, waiting to catch people passing school buses 4 . "Nobody else wants to be bothered,"she says, "but I won't just sit there twiddling my thumbs. I want to do something about it."She began her personal campaign a year ago when her 13-year-old Jack started taking the school bus.

But the job is getting harder. She used to give the police the license numbers and sign a complaint, but now they want more evidence before they will act. She must now give a description of the car and the driver, as well as appear in court personally. A lot of people know she's there, and 5 stopping, but she knows they wouldn't stop if she wasn't watching.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带

description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型

overtake [.əuvə'teik]


v. 赶上,突然来袭,压倒

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

license ['laisəns]


n. 执照,许可证,特许
vt. 允许,特许,

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向

courtroom ['kɔ:tru:m]


n. 法庭,审判室

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运





