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背诵为王第三册 Unit38:A Stop Sign停车标志

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  • 38 A Stop Sign.
  • 38停车标志
  • Sam was a farmer.
  • 萨姆是个农夫。
  • He was born on his farm and had lived on it all his life.
  • 他出生在他的这个农场,一辈子都没离开过。
  • He had married his neighbour's daughter, and they grew fruit and vegetables.
  • 他娶了邻居的女儿,两人种植水果和蔬菜。
  • Sam got up at five o'clock every morning to gather them and take a load off to the market in his truck.
  • 萨姆每天五点起床,采摘蔬果,然后装一卡车送到市场上去。
  • There were very few vehicles on the country roads at that time of the morning and Sam knew how to get to the market very well.
  • 清晨的那个时候,村里的路上没有多少车,而且萨姆对去市场的路很熟悉。
  • So as he was going along, he was always thinking about everything except his driving.
  • 因此在去市场的路上,他总是在想除开车以外的事情。
  • One morning he was thinking about what crops to plant for the next year's harvest,and whether to try something else.
  • 一天早晨,他正在想下年种什么庄稼能丰收,是否试着种些其他作物。
  • After a few kilometres, Sam came to an intersection with a stop sign.
  • 开车走了几公里后,萨姆来到一个有停车标志的十字路口。
  • He always crossed the road without stopping because there was never any traffic on it at that time of the morning.
  • 因为早晨的那个时间从来没有其他车辆经过这里,他总是不停车就闯过去。
  • But this morning a young policeman whom he had never seen before signalled to him to stop a hundred meters beyond the crossroads.
  • 但今天早晨,通过十字路口几百米后,一个从未见过的年轻警察向他示意停车。
  • The policeman said to him," didn't you know that there was a sign telling you to stop at the crossroads before going over the main road?"
  • 警察问他:“你不知道那个指示牌是说,驶入大路前要在十字路口停车吗?”
  • " Oh, yes," answered Sam," I knew that there was a sign at that point, because I go to market along this road every morning.
  • “噢,知道,”萨姆回答,“我知道那儿有个指示牌,因为我天天早晨走这条路到市场,
  • But what I didn't know was that you were here."
  • 但我不知道的是你在这儿呀。”






Lesson38 A Stop Sign
Sam was a farmer. He was born on his farm and had lived on it 1 . He had married his neighbour's daughter, and they grew fruit and vegetables.
Sam got up at five o'clock every morning to gather them and 2 to the market in his truck.
There were very few vehicles on the country roads at that time of the morning and Sam knew how to get to the market very well. So as he was going along, he was always thinking about everything except his driving.
One morning he was thinking about what crops to plant for the next year's harvest, and whether to try something else. After a few kilometres, Sam came to an 3 a stop sign. He always crossed the road without stopping because there was never any traffic on it at that time of the morning.
But this morning a young policeman whom he had never seen before signalled to him to stop a hundred meters beyond the crossroads.
The policeman said to him, "Didn't you know that there was a sign telling you to stop at the crossroads before 4 the main road?"
"Oh, yes," answered Sam, "I knew that there was a sign 5 , because I go to market along this road every morning.
But what I didn't know was that you were here."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<

gather ['gæðə]


v. 聚集,聚拢,集合
n. 集合,聚集





